Terra is taken in the 990's... it's still occupied by the Imperial Marines in 1105.
And it took nearly 8 months and many troops and losses (both, space and dirtside) to take it, something impossible in FFW, where once you have orbital superiority you can bomb the whole force and reduce it to nothing (or remants at least) in 4-5 turns (weeks), without any danger to your space forces (unless space forces show up), to then assault it and take the planet in 1-2 weeks.
As told in another thread, years ago I tryed to organize a multiple blind FFW. To overcome this "inaccuracy" with OTU history, I planed to use several zones in each planet, depending on size (modified by hidrography) and population, each zone having its own troops and had to be taken, with movement allowed between zones (I'm afraid I've lost the exact formulas and rules).
The planets also had their own space attack power to attack ships in orbit (and so supporting the landed troops). IIRC they had a space combat factor equivalent to (POP-5)^2 x (TL-11) to be used in the bombardement table.
So, Rhylanor (pop 9, TL 15) would have about 64 space factors to attack enemy fleets in orbit each turn. You could not attack it without expecting losses in your space forces.
As a comparison, see that Earth woud have (at me moment of Imperial assault, in 1002) 75 factors (pop 10, TL 14). In IE it had a total of 121 factors in its PD units, that are halved when firing ships in orbit, but used fully (if at range) against bombing units. Not too far from those numbers...