Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
Also...Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
On another topic, after reading both this thread and the other one, I realized how many chargen 'tweaks' you employ. Because of that, I'm no longer 'amazed' at the 'odd' PCs you've generated. Weird chargens produce weird characters.
I needed some NPCs for the uber-62-year-old's ship. I had the same player who created the uber-62-year-old over tonight to roll up these NPCs.
Here's what we ended up with (using the rules I outlined above).
(4 Terms: 2 Terms Merchant; 2 Terms Bureacrat)
Age: 36
UPP: 6A5E46
We figure this guy worked for a shipping line before taking a job dirtside working for another shipping company as a salesman selling the company's freight services. He met the uber-62-year-old in this last capacity, trying to solict the tramp freighter captain to use his company's services.
(5 Terms: All 5 Terms as a merchant)
Age: 38
Vacc Suit-1
What's interesting is that this guy made "Captain" via the CT promotion rolls on the exact same year (we rolled which year) that the uber-62-year-old bought the tramp freighter (we rolled that too). For it to be the exact same year, just using a random die roll, was pretty incredible in itself.
Given that, we're saying that this guy is his partner and owns 15% of the ship (the other 85% is owned by the uber-62-year-old).
This last character we rolled up tonight, using my CT tweaked rules, is a good example of what will typically happen if you try to go a lot of terms and risk the aging table. You'll get some skills, but you won't have any stats.
I mentioned that the same player who rolled up the uber-62-year-old also rolled up these three NPC's. He thought he might be able to duplicate what he had done the other night.
He was wrong.
(8 Terms; 1 attempt as a Scout (no skills); 1 attempt as a Merchant (no skills); 7 Terms as a Bureaucrat.)
Age: 50
UPP: 324A76
This dude rolled a 2 on his DEX from the get-go. He never improved. He rolled enlistment into the Scouts, but failed survival that first term (so he got no skills). Instead of going the standard 2 years, I let my player roll 1-4 years.
This poor bastard went three years for nothing--no skills.
Then, he made enlistment (at +2 difficulty to enlist) in the Merchants, then again failed his survival. So, now, the character is 24 years old, and he hasn't got a single skill. He's still got DEX-2 too.
He finally made (at +3) enlistment as a Bureaucrat, and he got some skills under his belt during that 7 terms. But, the aging rolls ate his lunch.
Luckily, all 5 of the DEX aging checks were passed! But, most of the STR and END rolls were failed!
Here's what we came up for this guy: He was born with some debilitationg disease--he walks in a shuffle with a crooked spine. His mobility is very limited, and one of his shoes has a four inch sole on it.
He had no money (this poor guy couldn't even roll well on the muster tables: a 1 or 2 on the Bureacrat muster tables gives you nothing, and he rolled a 1 or 2 all three times he rolled on the muster table!). He needed a ride to another world.
The uber-62-year-old wanted to help him, but he also had a business to run (his ship). He told the crip that he'd let him ride for free only if the crip went low passage.
Well, we figure that the uber-62-year-old, with his Medical skill, was the one who pulled the crip out of the low berth. And, we also figure that this was one of those times, on the aging table, that the crip lost -1 STR and -1 END.
There were complications bringing this guy out of the bert.
The uber-62-year-old wished he had never let this dude aboard. But, he did, and now the crip was even more handicapped.
So, the uber-62-year-old felt sorry for him. He felt responsible.
And, he gave him a job....a job that, to everyone's surprise, the crip was quite good at (Carousing-5!).
So, now, the crip (the hunchback of the Free Trader ADROIT PURSUIT!) is out steward.
And, eventhough a weak character (as soon as he gets into a fight, he's dead), he's got quite a backstory!
We're going to role-play the hell out of this one.
Many small and crippled people dream of walking upright and straight, being the bad-ass when they need to. We figure this guy spends all of his time studying kung-fu or some martial art (maybe even Vargr infighting!). So, he can't move very well, and if you punch him, you'll knock him out...but if he ever hits you, he knows how to do some damage! (Brawling-6!)
This system is really putting a lot of "character" into the characters.
I'm diggin' it.