Rooster Cogburn
Fhloston's Paradise
Or what about a grav-vehicle "sail-barge" that slowly crosses a very scenic land (or other more "exotic/unusual") region. Similar in concept to an ocean cruise, but differing in environment.
I like this also!The comedian Tim Allen once suggested two theme parks for guys, or rather, two sides to the same theme park. A sandbox for rich kids.
One is Construction World-- you get to operate heavy equipment- bulldozers, cranes, graders, and so on-- to build roads and dams and buildings.
The other is Destruction World-- you get to emplace explosives or use bulldozers and wreck roads and dams and bridges and buildings, likely the ones the last batch of builders just put up last week. Option: using tanks or other heavy weapons works, too.
Switch the two halves back and forth as needed.
While you're at it, how about a demolition derby track, too?