Spinward Flow
SOC-14 5K
Quite the LUXURY cruise liner!If having real cow gets you pluses in high passage rolls, might be worth the trouble.

We apologize for the inconvenience of making people "think beyond just the numbers" of starship construction and routine operations ...One other thing this topic has got me thinking about- unrestricted waste dump, particularly sewage.

This is one of those topics that CT doesn't really address all that well. There is no guidance for Referees regarding the availability of life support system recharges. There's a baseline price (Cr2000 per person, per 2 weeks) that gets charged by starports, just like with unrefined and refined fuels ... but there's no guidance on what to do if a destination world either doesn't have life support services for sale (probably the case at type E and X starports) or if the demand for life support commodities is so high as to enforce astronomical prices (asteroid belt mainworld, poor and/or non-agricultural trade code, etc.).If you are at a D, E, or X starport whatever life support buys are local ersatz arrangements, possibly exorbitant or troublesome, or not available at any price. The experienced trader will likely bank a couple tons of life support in the hold ala Beltstrike to tide over such backwater stops.
My notion is that if you're cruising around in "well settled territory" it's very nearly a non-issue ... but if you're operating out on the fringes of civilization, the logistics of life support supplies COULD become an issue for you and your crew if you're accustomed to living "hand to mouth" on continuous 2 week rollovers on recharges of life support consumables every single time with no reserves in the event of a mishap.
CT Beltstrike addresses this issue (partially) by specifying that consumable life support reserves cost Cr150,000 per ton and supply 150 person/weeks per ton, which requires cargo hold capacity to store. That's enough for 50 weeks for 3 people per 1 ton, which amounts to a "1 year supply" for 3 people in between annual overhaul maintenance cycles (because 50+2=52*7=364 days). Note that this price is EXACTLY the same price as paying for the Cr2000 per 2 weeks life support cost for 3 people every 2 weeks, with the only difference being the cargo hold capacity requirement added on top. I think of this "consumables reserve" Beltstrike way of doing things on an extended endurance basis as being Environmental Control Type IV ... the last stop before getting into the regenerative Type V-a through V-e options.
So if you REALLY WANTED TO ... you could design starships where the stateroom requirements were functionally 13 tons per 3 people, instead of just the usual 12 tons per 3 people, in order to account for the 3 staterooms plus extra 1 ton of life support consumables needed per year to provide life support to those 3 people ... whether they be crew or passengers. That would certainly be the CHEAPEST option as far as construction is concerned, since you would basically only need to replenish your life support reserves once a year while the ship is undergoing annual overhaul maintenance at a type A or B starport, which will almost certainly have life support reserves available for sale at a reasonable rate.
Hence my notion that one of the options could be to dump your unwanted waste overboard on a trajectory that will intercept a planetary atmosphere where it will friction burn up on entry.The poor or no facility nature of the starport doesn’t mean the locals don’t mind you dropping sewage at the pad. It may be boondocks to your crew, but it’s their home, paltry as the one poni star village may be.
There are almost certainly going to be rules and regulations (not to mention, best practices) governing this sort of thing.Might even be able to sell the sewage as fertilizer to some organics/chemical poor communities, but definitely case by case. If not, I would expect an agreed upon dumping ground is in order.
That is a safe assumption.So that may mean there are extensive health regulations about where and when such voiding takes place with planetary law taking effect in the absence of formal extrality.
I figure that a lot of this is covered by the Berthing Fees at starports, so it's only a problem when dealing with type E and X starports (most of the time), along with some classes of spaceports.