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Port of Call: Regina


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
I've been thinking about writing a piece about Galaxiad-era Regina -- that is, the area around or of importance to Regina's starports, about eight-hundred years after the Third Imperium.

Let's say I'd at least have to find out what's changed from 1105. Eight centuries is a long time for a civilization to persist.

So a traveller would be interested to know...


* Who is the current Starport Warden on Regina?
* the starport authority and who works there
* bases and who's in charge of them
* who trades there
* what corporations serve the port (and what deals were made)
* lodging ("TAS" or equivalent)
* the hiring hall? (maybe not... maybe this is just a thing)
* nearby cities (why though? anything interesting about them, or are they boring?)
* Why is everyone jacked into their hand-held via their Wafer Jack and ignoring station boards, public announcements?
* How much advertisement is present in the concourse, trying to compete for the attention of the sophonts disembarking a given starship or spaceship?


* Regina's UWP and Trade Classifications
* the "old port". the "old port town". ruins, forgotten underground facilities, ancient data bases, long-term hazmat zones.
* Who won this year's championship in everyone's favorite sport in this day and age?
* What can be overheard from locals, Starport workers, Spacers and fellow Travellers inside the Starport?


* tech available
* what parts of Startown do you visit when you need XYZ?
* What sophonts are present?
* * Where can their enclaves and representative and information kiosk can be found in the new Starport?
* * What conditions does the average local race live in?
* * Is there peaceful coexistence or are species lines still drawn?
* * Has the ethnic of that race made peace with the integrated version that has been on this world for so long?
* * Has an individual race taken up certain niches in the local Market?


* How many hulls are familiar, how many unfamiliar, and how have ships changed?
* What's the Comms chatter like in this day and age?
* Are there non-evil (i.e. non-Vampire) AI ships?

[What happened to XYZ?]

News about the Spinward Marches [e.g. TNS and Virus] (and Charted Space in general) is suitable for a separate milieu intro article... which has been written and edited already. And there's some library data, as well.
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So a traveller would be interested to know some of that history

the "old port". the "old port town". ruins, forgotten underground facilities, ancient data bases, long-term hazmat zones.
What ever happened with "Virus"?

maybe that's why it's the "old port".

not to mention top secret defense facilities that "got lost". or perhaps a secret lab researching a "counter-virus" ....
Races in Regina ~1900

What races are present? Where can their enclaves and representative and information kiosk can be found in the new Starport? What conditions does the average local race live in? Is there peaceful coexistence or are species lines still drawn? Has the ethnic of that race made peace with the integrated version that has been on this world for so long? Has a in individual race taken up certain niches in the local Market?
For that matter, what are the Vargr doing after 800 years? Are they still a chaotic group of raiders, as would likely be the case? And of course, the Zhodani and Sword Worlds, along with the Darrian. What are they doing 800 years in the future? Presumably, the Darrians have recovered some of their Tech Level 16 technology at the very least, if not considerably past that. What has Grandfather been up too, as in 800 years, Tech Level 15 should be far in the past, and the likelihood of his pocket universe enclave being discovered becomes greater.

What Tech Level is Regina at now? After 800 years, one would assume that some technological progress would be made, or has is stagnated at Tech Level 15? If it has, why has that happened?
What Tech Level is Regina at now? After 800 years, one would assume that some technological progress would be made, or has is stagnated at Tech Level 15? If it has, why has that happened?

I believe the Galaxiad setting is about TL18/19, last I heard (though that might be a maximum, not an average).
I believe the Galaxiad setting is about TL18/19, last I heard (though that might be a maximum, not an average).

In LBB 2: Worlds and Adventures, on Page 15 under Technology Levels, Matter Transport becomes possible at Tech Level 16, and Anti-Matter as the Energy Source at Tech Level 17.

In Twilight's Peak, the Imperium should have acquired a working Ancient anti-matter battery, and with a little bit of intelligence, should also have acquired access to two Ancient Bases. Along with this, then Jump-6 ships should be about the Standard, presumably with more efficient Jump Drives using less hydrogen.

Therefore, "Beam me up" should be a standard command for star ships, and matter transmission the fastest way to get material from a planet's surface to orbit and vice versa.
Is there peaceful coexistence or are species lines still drawn? Has the ethnic of that race made peace with the integrated version that has been on this world for so long?

GREAT stuff. I imagine there's been enough time for a shuffling of roles and fortunes.
period appropriate slang and dialect terms, especially if these would have different connotations to later readers (for example, the use of "gay" to mean "happy"), or simply no longer in use ("As noisy as a pig eating half a cabbage", used by my grandmother, and fondly remembered by my mother).

An aside note explaining to readers that X or Y famous building is missing form the skyline because it wasn't yet built, or that Z building is still standing (often seen in the assassins creed games)
LOVE THAT. Thank you fly!!

welcome. frequently futures have no past but rather spring forth whole from the forehead of the author. if one includes the past then literally thousands of years of setting possibilities become available.

which may be why referees don't do that ....
Is the Starport traffic full of familiar hulls despite being TL 17 - 19? What's the Comms chatter like in this day and age? Has the Regency opened up to the awakened and given the final generation of Virus sophont rights as both intelligent species and as Travellers with extra-territoriality? Who is the current Starport Warden on Regina? What is the current news being projected in the main concourse holovisor? Who won this year's championship in everyone's favorite sport in this day and age? What can be overheard from locals, Starport workers, Spacers and fellow Travellers inside the Starport? Has Regina changed its Trade Classifications in this new age? Why is everyone jacked into their hand-held via their Wafer Jack and ignoring station boards, public announcements? How much advertisement is present in the concourse, trying to compete for the attention of the sophonts disembarking a given starship or spaceship?

Frustratingly, few primary sources remain from the Golden Age. What little comes down to us is a combination of short exposes of specific worlds, eyewitness reports, and quotes from well-known personalities such as Archdukes Norris, Dulinor, and Emperors Strephon and Lucan. At times these excerpts appear to contradict one another, and in strange ways. For example, the LLoyheoulloi recordings give one the impression that there was neither Rebellion nor Virus, whereas the Survival Margin media source is entirely devoted to recording the facts of that dreadful tragedy, so lost now in time to us.

Sources only get less reliable as the timeline advances, until the formation of the Republic of Regina.