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Possible RPGA Living Traveller Campaign

Sounds great, if Canada does not get stuck again with some lousy piece of real estate.

Canada ought to get Regina, if the Living Campaign takes place in the Marches.

Prometheus if it is in Rim.

But the best location would be Foreven it to take place then we could develop all that everyone seems to want Traveller to be about.
Dear Citizens

In response to some of the comments and questions raised here, I do not know how a Living campaign has hurt a game. In a home gaming situation, players are always free to interpret a game system as they please. A living campaign is intended to promote gaming between game clubs and conventions. This requires some standard rules and character generation system.

As for dividing the empire into regions as was done in Living Greyhawk; at this time I was planning to start the campaign in the Imperial portions of the Gateway Domain. As the campaign grows and I find people willing to take on the work load, the numerous client states in the Gateway Domain may be allocated to gaming communities as approved regions. I feel this is the best way to expand the game. I also have no objections to forming a region from online gamers. The D20 Traveller Living campaign will be a member run game, as such the rules will set by those running the campaign not WOTC. I hope to get sound advise from Hunter and Marc. I am very happy to listen to new ideas and proposals, but warning I work during the day and teach courses at night so my first question will be "who will take on the work load". I will do the paper work for the RPGA, but campaign expansion will require member participation. It is my believe that we have the opportunity to mold this campaign in a way that is opened and takes advantage of new technology.

PS for those not involved in the Living Greyhawk campaign: I am radicle that proposed that game clubs should be allowed to run local campaigns, using a set of approved guidelines and limitations, with in the larger Living Greyhawk. Of course I was told this would not be allowed.

Status of the Campaign:

I have two names under consideration Living Gateway and Living Imperium

There is a rough outline for the campaign organization and initial plot lines. This document is under review by D20 design staff and the RPGA. I hope to hear back from both parties soon.

I have a volunteer to write the character generation rules. The gentlemen has been email today with my comments and hopefully I will get permission to send him a copy of the rules.

Five of the starting scenarios are being written as we speak. I play-tested one over labor day and will try out the second one soon. Please realize that at this time these scenarios can not be finalized because the rules are still in flux.

I am still looking for volunteers and ideas. Any citizen that would like to send me a proposal for an online extension of the Living Campaign is welcome. There already online play of the Living City campaign so the precedent has been set.

Richard Delorme
I again appologize for the problem with my email. My internet provider blames the phone company. Ha!
I guess what I am saying is that there are other examples of interactive, community-based worlds that work much better than the official line of "Living" campaigns, for geographically-disbursed gamers who want to play on the Internet a la GRIP.

For both the FTF gamers and the online crew, the real issue is the question of limiting it to just RPGA members, and of course the official Living system, which I find limiting as well as stifling.

Those are my opinions, but the issues behind them are real enough...

[This message has been edited by Emiricol (edited 15 September 2001).]