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Possible Supplement Ideas for T20

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
The Zoological Survey
Basically a Creature/Monster manual for T20 describing and detailing beasts found around and near the Imperium.


I would be much more likely to buy this book if it also contained the needed information for various minor and major races that might be needed. ALiens are more interesting and useful than animals.

Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
<<<Aliens are more interesting and useful than animals.>>>

How about a combination of the two - The Xenological Survey - both sophonts and non-intelligent, but interesting lifeforms. Two moons with one comet. : ^ )

Dr. Skull,

I always thought those two should have their own book one day. : ^ ) I thought of another cool one - Gizmos & Gadgets. Unique items from across the Imperium and Beyond. Could possibly include Ancient artifacts. Almost an Arms & Equipment book. A mix of Emperor's Arsenal and Central Supply Catalog, I guess. But more of unique items than standard items.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ScoutCadet469:
Dr. Skull,

I always thought those two should have their own book one day. : ^ ) I thought of another cool one - Gizmos & Gadgets. Unique items from across the Imperium and Beyond. Could possibly include Ancient artifacts. Almost an Arms & Equipment book. A mix of Emperor's Arsenal and Central Supply Catalog, I guess. But more of unique items than standard items.



And then every frickin' munchkin will have the zapatron raygun, zapatron sword, and zapatron armor; probably also have the zapatron communicator to call down their zapatron starship. They'll claim "it's in the rules, dood; why can't I have it?".


*sigh* and it will sell like hotcakes.
(especially if you put an "Enterprise"-like spaceship on the cover.

[This message has been edited by Gaming Glen (edited 21 August 2001).]
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gaming Glen:
And then every frickin' munchkin will have the zapatron raygun, zapatron sword, and zapatron armor; probably also have the zapatron communicator to call down their zapatron starship. They'll claim "it's in the rules, dood; why can't I have it?".


[This message has been edited by Gaming Glen (edited 21 August 2001).]

And if they enjoy themselves in the process why should you or I care?

Actually, the ideas I had were more along the lines of:

The Rare and Beautiful Dust Rose of Algine
A Hot-Blooded Vegan Life Cloak
Galaxy Glue - it'll stick to anything
The rumored Ancient Star Tranceiver (that would be an unreliable zapatron communicator, for those keeping track)
Elasti-Skin - the ultimate disguise
A Hiver Universal Tool
An Emergency Bubble Life Jacket
Psi-Q - the Psionic Trainer
Tolari mask - bonds to skin, for life
The Groper - a space superstition
A Cornicopia Tree
An Ugarian Healing Cocoon

And add about 50 or 100 more rare and unique ideas from across the Galaxy. If the GM is good enough, it won't be a problem. Or how about a Travel Guide to the Imperium with the Seven Wonders of the Galaxy, etc...



<<<And then every frickin' munchkin will have the zapatron raygun, zapatron sword, and zapatron armor; probably also have the zapatron communicator to call down their zapatron starship.>>>
I agree with the post calling for publication of an adventure. I would find this helpful for two reasons. First, I'm in the target market that Chaosium identified for their products; older gamers who can only find time to play once per month and who don't really have lots of time to develop their own adventures. Second, I would really like a good example of how to create a good Traveller adventure.

When I ran the game many moons ago, all of the adventures seemed to fail in one of two ways: The players decide the best way to make lots of money is to hijack the ship, if we are playing a commercial campaign. For the military style campaign, the highest ranking player orders everyone around and the game degenerates into a Paranoia game ("the computer is your friend sitting right next to you").
Regarding deck plans, I may be howling in the dark about this, BUT: Consider, seriously, 15mm plans! Consider that scale for figures, too, but that's another topic... As for the plans, that scale makes them MUCH more manageable as inserts to books and in some cases (remember the old FASA deck plans? Or Azshanti High Lightning?) they are the only practical way to do 'em!

- Bill Rutherford