Chatl Class Ship has an issue with the High Guard Stats:
It states it has a Jump-5, Manuever 3 capability, but it only has a Model 3 Fib computer.
When I try using the High Guard Shipyard to build the stats on the ship (which is how I found the error), I find that I can't build the ship per the specs given.
In short, if I try to give it 5 parsecs worth of fuel, with a Jump-5 drive, the ship goes into negative available internal space (ie it is too much stuff for the 150 dtons of hull). Something is odd about this. Perhaps the ship was originally created using the Book 2 guidelines, and can't be built using HIGH GUARD?
I can make the stats for a Jump-5, Manuever-3, Powerplant-5 ship work if I use 181 dtons of hull, otherwise, I can at best, fit in a Jump-4 rating for the ship. After looking more closely at the Book 2 Rules, I find that it would be hard to get a Jump-5 ship using those rules, since there are no rules for figuring out what kind of jump you get for a 150 dton hull utilizing the rules as written. If you assume a 150 dton hull counts as a 200 dton hull for purposes of the drive letters and all, then one would need a Drive E jump engine to attain a Jump-5 capability. Also, the moment I add in those two lasers for the turret, the agility of the ship drops well below Agility 2 as listed.
I can however, make a Jump-4, Manuever 3, Powerplant 5 ship that will fit into a 150 dton hull at TL 14. The agility remains at 1 once you factor in the two laser turrets.