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Psionic Class and Feats

All, One player in a campaign I'm starting took Psi Training the start of his prior history so I seem to have inherited a Psion...

He wound up with Telepathy. Pg 189 notes that *ALL* psionicists trained in telepathy are taught to use Shield. This reads an awful lot like "If you have an affinity for Telepathy you WILL spend a Feat buying Shield."

The point is that the player doesn't *want* to spend Feats on Telepathy talents - and generally, one isn't required to spend feats acquiring talents they don't want. Except for Shield. The description reads an awful lot as if one MUST take Shield if one is a telepath. Or is Shield free (e.g., if they're ALL taught to use Shield, is it sort of academy-issue?) and if so, why, and where does it say so?

In this instance I'm less interested in how the Shield talent *should* (were all things written properly) be acquired, as I am with how the rules are trying to *say* it should be acquired...
