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Psionic Talents

I am still reading through my recently purchased T-20 book and I have a question for this esteemed group.

In the section on Psioncs, page 188 of the book says that "each talent must be selected as it if were a normal feat".

I am reading this correctly, that each different psionic talent, no matter which sphere, will cost a character one of their much needed class or level acquired feats?

I am guessing that the authors wished to limit the power of psionists. I have not seen the beta version of the Psionicist class from the Traveller's Aid yet, so I do not know how this class will acquire its feats for psionic talents, or get bonus feats for these talents.

As an alternative, I would think that it would make more sense to have each sphere of influence cost a feat, and then have the character spend skill points to acquire their talents.

What is the general concensus on the acquisition and use of psionics talents in T-20?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Fleet Admiral J. Quinn
Actually, you can't use class-granted feats to purchase them, only your general feats (unless you've already got all of your class feats). That is, of course, unless you allow a psionicist class in some form or another.

There's no general concensus on the acquisition and use of psionics talents in T20, save that many people don't like how the rules work currently.

I've posted an alternate set of psionics rules, as well as a psionicist core class (not the prestige class from Mind Over Matter) for those interested in other approaches that keeps a strong Traveller flavor.

Alternate Psionics approach inspired by MT:

Psionicist As A Core Class inspired by T4 and TNE:

Hope this helps,
Thanks for the quick reply.

I looked at the two examples you provided and they look promising.

I am seriously considering making the psionic spheres as feats and using your idea of the talents as purchased skills.

Originally posted by Admiral Q:
I have not seen the beta version of the Psionicist class from the Traveller's Aid yet, so I do not know how this class will acquire its feats for psionic talents, or get bonus feats for these talents.
The Psionicist class gets the spheres as class abilties, and the talents can be used whenever you have enough skill points in the skill of the talent (for example, you can use Assault when you have the Telepathy skill at 12). As a note, AFAIK non-psionicist-class charcters must pay a feat for each talent.

Originally posted by Admiral Q:
As an alternative, I would think that it would make more sense to have each sphere of influence cost a feat, and then have the character spend skill points to acquire their talents.
That could work. Pay a FEat for Telepathy, for example, then increase the skill as normal (cross-class of course, unless you use the Hobby Feat - whch is a god-send for this purpose), plus maybe a few skill points cost to buy the abilties once you get to a high enough rank to use it. Just like CT, pretty much. Interesting.
