That's not what I get. From the way it's presented, Psionics exists - only the strength is randomised, and can fade without training.Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
Psionics are supposed to be something apart fromt he norm, sort of a random genetic 'accident' that eventually breeds true (the Zhos). Linking to an attributte can take that away.
I think there are some good point. The random roll could equate with Psionic Stamina.That said, linking to those attributtes give people who want to play a psion a way to develop thier character so they can get baetter at psionics.
As a middle ground, how about the average of WIS, CHA and a normal stat roll at time of test? I drop Int as it drives the skill points used to spend on it, so a high INT will make you better anyhow.
What do you think?
It occurs to me, however, that the averaging might do best to present the Zhodani, who have - after all - made a science of Psionics, so should reasonably be stronger on average. I could definitely see leaving PSI totally random for the rest of Humaniti, since they don't develop it at all, and don't even try to track it.