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Puddle Jumper - Stargate


I'm playing an RPG using some traveller rules and ships. It's a "Stargate SG-13" set "today". We are using a puddle jumper a lot, and so far we are just using a crappy piece of cardboard.... which brings me to my question.
Has anyone ever drawn a "show accurate" deckplan for the Stargate Puddle Jumper? I would love to print it out to a 25mm scale and use it during the game.
Also... has anyone taken shots at designing other Stargate base ship deckplans?
I don't know about deckplans, but the stargate wiki has some cut away drawings like this



Thanks guys.
I had actually got the same cut-away view of the puddle jumper from SG-wiki myself.
But I knew if anyone anywhere in the big wide world had an actual deckplan of a puddle jumper, it would be here! :)
I'll just whip up something quick in autocad.
Thanks for you input. :)