When did pyrokinesis show up in Traveller rules?
Although psionic activity generally lends itself to classification, some individuals defy this very classification. Individuals with special talent are capable of some activity which is not described here; this talent is dispensed by the referee after deliberation. The special talent may include abilities not covered by this section, or may be a random assignment of otherwise unreceived abilities. Special talents should be made psychologically dependent on a focus, in the form of some artifact or charm, which must remain in the possession of the character.
The special talent may include abilities not covered by this section or may be a random assignment of otherwise unreceived abilities. Some suggestions for special psionic abilities include: ability to spontaneously start fires (pyrotech), the ability to teleport others instead of one’s self, the ability to perform an assault on inanimate objects, the ability to telepathically communicate with computers or robots, the ability to induce visions or hallucinations in others (either audio, visual, or combined), the ability to use awareness to affect others (to either increase or decrease characteristics), and the ability to use awareness to influence Dexterity or Intelligence.
Traveller: The New Era renamed "Special" to "Arcana" and gave a few examples of powers. Pyrokinesis wasn't specifically mentioned, but like CT would still of been possible at the DMs discretion.
No concrete rules of its use, but it seem MegaTraveller was the first to specifically mention pryokinesis. It was at least theoretically possible in Classic Traveller, and as far as I know Mongoose Traveller is the only edition where its actually included in the rules.
I recall TNE having pyrokinesis, though I can't remember if it's a telekinesis or an Arcana.
I got out my set of the 1st Edition Dungeon & Dragon books to start getting for my game design and development class, starting July 1.
Eldritch Wizardry, Supplement III, has a pretty good section on Psionics, with a lot of possible ideas. Those of you who can get access to a copy might want to take at look at those.
Also, although I have gone through the books a lot (bought them as original copies, still in ivory box with reference sheets back in 1979), I just noticed that on page 22 of Book 2, MONSTERS & TREASURES, the rules allow for "Robots, Golems, Androids". Not sure that I want to encounter a magic-using robot. However, it does mean that if you want to throw your players a curve and toss them into a D & D universe, that robots and androids can work.
Side Note: I will be periodically kicking myself for not having Gary and Dave autograph the books for me. I saw them enough.
Wizards is once more making PDF's available of the older materials. I don't know if Original Ed is available again yet, but it's on the schedule.
When did pyrokinesis show up in Traveller rules?
When did pyrokinesis show up in Traveller rules?