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Python Sector Generator Script


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
SecGen v0.2 Alpha
By Omer Golan-Joel

1. What is SecGen?
SecGen is a Python script generating a Classic Traveller sector (or subsector or
quadrant). The result is saved as a SEC file compatible with several
Traveller-related programs created in the past by other people.

2. Why did I write it?
Traveller world generation is very easy to automate, so it is both easy to
automate (saving a lot of time when building a Traveller setting) and a good
practice in programming. Given my limited free time, generating a Traveller
sector "by hand" takes about a month; with this simple script, the "raw" data
can be generated in seconds, ready to be modified to suit the setting's needs.

3. Installation
SecGen is a Python script and thus requires Python 2.6 to be installed on your
computer. You can get Python for free from its official site:

4. Usage

5. Configuration
At this stage, SecGen lacks a graphical user interface (GUI). However, it is
possible to modify its function using five text parameters in the sec_cfg.txt
configuration file. It can be modified by editing in any text editor. Each
option depends on the word or words in its row.

sec_cfg.txt has four rows:
1) The first row controls the amount of realism in the generated sector. If it is
set to "canon" (without the ""), then only canonical Traveller rules will be
used. If it is set to "real", a few rules will be modified (see below) to reduce
the amount of nonsensical results.

2) The second row controls the size of the space generated. "sector" generates a
sector (16 subsectors); "quadrant" generates a quadrant (4 subsectors);
"subsector" generates a single subsector.

3) The third row determines habitation. "inhabited" generates (mostly) populated
worlds (as per standard Traveller rukes); "empty" generates only non-inhabited

4) The fourth row determines the sector's name (appearing at the top of the SEC file)

5) The fifth row determines the output sector's filename.

6. Realism (rules modification)
Using the "real" configuration option, the following modifications will be applied:

-Atmospheres 1 or A+ can only exist on worlds of Size 3+.
-Atmospheres 2-5 can only exist on worlds of Size 4+.
-Atmospheres 6-9 can only exist on worlds of Size 5+.
-If the Population is zero, the Starport is set to X and the Government,
Law Level and Population Multiplier are set to 0; bases are never present with
such a low population.
- Barren worlds do not recieve the Lo and Ni trade codes.
- Worlds with Atmospheres 4, 7 and 9 must have at least TL5.
- Worlds with Atmospheres 3- must have at least TL7.
- Worlds with Atmospheres A or B must have at least TL8.
- Worlds with Atmosphere C must have at least TL9.
- Worlds with Atmospheres D+ must have at least TL7.
- Worlds with Starport A must have at least a Population of 5 and TL9.
- Worlds with Starport A must have at least a Population of 3 and TL7.
- Stars are generated using Constantine Thomas' rules. For detailed rules look here:

7. Rules Used
UWP generation uses Classic Traveller's Book 3 world generation. Trade codes are
based on the Classic Traveller Book 7 (Merchant Prince) rules. PBG codes are
based on Megatraveller's Referee's Book. Stars are generated according to Classic
Traveller's Book 6 (Scouts). The optional realism rules are my house-rules, with
the exception of the stellar generation rules, which were created by Constantine

8. Version History
v0.2 Alpha
- Added Constantine Thomas' stellar generation rules as part of the "realistic" option.
- Slight adjustments done to the Legal Stuff section.

v0.1 Alpha
- First Release - script only, no GUI.

9. Contacting Me
I can be reached at golan2072 AT gmail DOT com. Comments, suggestions and bug reports will
be welcome :)

10. Legal Stuff
The script itself is free to use, modify and distribute, as long as it is used for a
non-commercial (and free of charge) purpose. The realistic stellar generation rules
are copyrighted by Constantine Thomas. The Traveller rules used in it are copyrighted
by Far Future Enterprises (see below) and thus must be accompanied by the following notice:

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright
1977 - 2008 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future
Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it
contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of
permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial
use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises's copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere
on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights.
Cool. Can it be expanded into a Domain (4 sectors) builder or is that the Quadrant you mentioned?
Cool. Can it be expanded into a Domain (4 sectors) builder or is that the Quadrant you mentioned?

Just run it four times. Right?

Here's my suggested enhancement: have an option for the user to supply the random seed value.
Just FYI, on my Mac (OS X 10.9.2) double-clicking the file wants to launch Xcode (if you have it installed). You can run the script in a Terminal window by navigating to the directory where the script it saved and typing 'python secgen.py' without the single-quotes.
Updated your program to Alpha 0.3 and pushed to GitHub

Thanks for starting this program!

I did some changes and added Ix and Cx and other things and fixed the Hex number issues on the full sector run.

Anyway Hope this helps others.

I will be adding more to it as I get time.

Again thanks Omer!

