Hi there all.
I seem to remember, back when the PDF previewwas relased, that someone had suggested the races listed in the Gateway Domain book should have standard d20 modifiers rather than rolling different numbers of dice to gain the attribute score.
EX: Str: +2, rather than Str:4d6; etc
I tried a couple searches but could not find the messages in this forum.
Could someone point me to the thread I'm looking for, or if the original author could repost his/her ideas (or message them to me privately), I'd appreciate it.
I seem to remember, back when the PDF previewwas relased, that someone had suggested the races listed in the Gateway Domain book should have standard d20 modifiers rather than rolling different numbers of dice to gain the attribute score.
EX: Str: +2, rather than Str:4d6; etc
I tried a couple searches but could not find the messages in this forum.
Could someone point me to the thread I'm looking for, or if the original author could repost his/her ideas (or message them to me privately), I'd appreciate it.