New COTI email from Marc, received Nov 11:
"This is an update on my health status. I don’t generally post it on Facebook, but I wanted my friends to be aware.
A series of tests over the summer and fall told me that, although I had no symptoms, I needed to have heart surgery—quadruple bypass, as it turns out—which I had on November 3. It is now two weeks later and I am much better. Not yet 100%, but much better. I expect to continue to improve for the next several weeks.
I am not in pain, and I am supported by and surrounded by family and friends.
I don’t want to minimize the severity of this health crisis. Good doctors and good treatment have lengthened my life expectancy, and helped me dodge a genetic predisposition to dropping dead of a heart attack.
My phone and computer are filled with good wishes from many of you, and I want to say that I have read every single message. Your thoughts and prayers help my attitude and my outlook. I appreciate every single one of them. Thank you.
I also appreciate your patience.
If you expect an answer or a response from me, and you have not yet seen it, please re-email or e-message me. I am reading current communications, and so I will probably see it sooner than when I reach back over several weeks reviewing things.
I will be filling outstanding orders over the next week or so. If you think I am late shipping you an order (and I am late on several), email me and I’ll give you a response.
I still plan on shipping the 4518th LI and 154th BR Challenge Coins by about mid-month (15-20 Nov).
I still plan on sending out the Grognard ebook by end-of month.