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Rebellion and Dulinor

Adam Dray

Assume I have read everything from the official books, under every version of Traveller. Any attempt to tell me to read the wiki, MegaTraveller Rebellion, or a TNE book, or something like that will cause me to sigh in frustration and ignore you. 99% sure I've read it already.

What else -- from unofficial channels or newsletters or zines or whatever -- can you point me to for ideas or lore or little-known canon about Dulinor's rebellion, including the planning leading up to it (especially in Ilelish Sector and Verge Sector) or the events afterwards (especially in the Verge Combine). I'd love some insight into Dulinor's INI recruitment and that organization, for example.

As you recall, I'm running a game set in Verge Sector in 1116 or 1117.
You should really read...

Ha, I think you may have covered just about everthing.

If you look at all the personal web pages linked on the right side of my blog


... there may be something you haven't seen. I know there's at least one just for MegaTraveller - because I updated it when I found out the link was bad. It's also linked in my signature if you ever need to check stuff.
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That must be indeed one of the most intriguing pre-Rebellion stuff, and we only know from TNS that his admiral brother and the Ilelish regiment of the Honor Guard were a key part in it. THere's also that Rebellion sourcebook story about what Windhoek and Imprey did when Varian got killed - I'll never get convinced he decided to just send one lightly-armed man to kill two adult Imperial Princes and their bodyguard(s) since their death is an absolute necessity for his ascension to the throne.

There has to have been a lot of preparation : making sure the right officers and ships are in key places, preparing Ilelish worlds to support him no matter what, planning for failure or worst-case scenarios, switching the entire Imperial Guard's ammunition, perhaps currying pre-coup support with non-Ilelish dukes and archdukes "should something happen", making arrangements so that megacorporations assets could be used, prepping sympathetic Moot members...
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I think it came up in the Verge topic, but Dulinor must have been cementing loyalty throughout his Domain for years. That can look like all sorts of shenanigans, from quiet meetings and lavishly rewarding "smaller" loyalties to sending "questionable" types to unimportant postings, on suicide (life, career, etc) missions, or to "accidents".

In 1115 and early 1116 the Domain will see a bumper crop of cashiered Naval officers who have no idea why they are suddenly civilians. That is likely to continue afterwards, but the military personnel being purged after the war starts will probably know why they've been shown the airlock and are grateful there was actually air on the other side of it. Some won't have that luxury, so either mysterious deaths or padded casualty reports will become more common.

The Rebellion chews up ships at an appalling rate, and that can be used to remove those of uncertain loyalty. A Destroyer lost in a battle no one remembers fighting in a system that has no other wreckage...
I think it came up in the Verge topic, but Dulinor must have been cementing loyalty throughout his Domain for years.

It would stand to reason he started preparing his "coup" at least since he decided to talk Strephon into stepping down (if not before, as he would certainly have planned for a violent reaction of the Emperor to this, well, rather un-Archdukelike initiative)
Traveller's Digest 13 has an article "In Defense of Emperor Dulinor."

The 1248 books do a pretty good job of summarizing and fleshing out the Rebellion/Virus timeline. Not sure if they add additional details on Dulinor, but that's where I usually start when I'm researching those topics.

There are some fanzines that had what I think are at least semi-canonical details about the Rebellion. I can't put my hands on them but I'm thinking Tiffany Star?