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Resource Units formula: Labor question

Am I reading the rules for Resource Units correctly?
RU = RES * LAB * INF * EFF, and Labor = Pop -1 so that a world with 9 Billion population has the same multiplier as a world with 1 Billion? [= *8 for both]

T 5.10 not sure if this is the correct thread:confused::confused:
Alternative Formulas

Thanks AD,

I applied the formula to the Glimmerdrift data from the Traveller Map. Of 350 worlds, 248 were negative, indicating (I think) that they need to be supported, but this isn't the Imperium, so I would expect more worlds to be self sufficient. Actually worlds everywhere should be productive, thrive or die.

Alternate Formula 1: RU = Res * Lab * (Inf + Eff), replacing 0 with 1. Efficiency becomes a boon/bane to the Infrastucture, not the entire economy. Using this formula, 124 have negative RUs. It also levels out the higher and lower numbers.

Does anyone else have an alternate RU formula, using the exisiting data? I'm not looking to roll more dice...