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Return of 'Caption for the Motivational Aslan' I

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
It's been a while, so I think it's time to Caption another Motivational Aslan Poster.

What caption would you put on this pic?

"Money this and money that... It gives me a headache when she goes on about it."
Wait, you're telling me you agreed to do this job for money not land, and you're telling me its not enough money to even buy any land?
Children, how did you get a grav tank through the wardrobe?

No Susan, we cannot simply "Nuke it from orbit"

Why didn't I ask this "Dave Lister" what Fiji was LIKE before I bought his farm?

No Hkeilu, when I said we were having the K'kree envoy at the consular dinner this is NOT what I meant!
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"If I don't look at the K'kree, I won't want to eat the K'kree...."
"If I don't look at the K'kree, I won't want to eat the K'kree...."
"If I don't look at the K'kree, I won't want to eat the K'kree...."
"maybe..one quick peek..."
Oh for... *sigh*. No, I don't look like one of those "Aslan" aliens from your game. The book even said that they were only "vaguely" leonine.