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CT Only: [Revised] Type T class Patrol Cruiser evolution into the future ...

Spinward Flow

SOC-14 1K
Type T Patrol Cruiser (LBB2.81, p20 original with CT Errata, p8 update incorporated)
Ship Type: LT (Corvette, Troop)
TL=10 (LBB2.81 design with standard drives)

Tonnage (custom hull): 400 tons (MCr40)
Streamlining: includes fuel scoops (MCr4) (LBB2.81, p15)

Jump-F (code: 3, 35 tons, MCr60, TL=10, Naval)
Maneuver-H (code: 4, 15 tons, MCr32, TL=10)
Power Plant-H (code: 4, 25 tons, MCr64, TL=10)
Total Drives: 35+15+25 = 75 tons (LBB2.81, p22)

Fuel: 160 tons = 120+40 tons (LBB2.81, p14-15, 23)
  • Jump Fuel = (Tonnage/100) * (Parsecs*10)
    • 120 tons = 3 parsecs range @ 400 tons displacement
  • Power Plant and Reactionless Maneuver Fuel = (10Pn*0.25*weeks)
    • 40 tons = 4 weeks @ 4G M-Drive reactionless maneuver within 1000 diameters of gravity wells for 400 tons displacement
  • HEPlaR Reaction Maneuver consumption rate = (Tonnage/100) * (G*0.05*days)
    • 0.2 tons consumption per G per day beyond 1000 diameters of gravity wells (CT Beltstrike, p5, 11)

Hardpoints: 4 (MCr0.4) (LBB2.81, p15 and p23)
Triple Turrets: 4 (MCr4) (LBB2.81, p23)
Triple Turret: Pulse Laser, Pulse Laser, Pulse Laser (1 ton, MCr1.5) (LBB2.81, p23)
Triple Turret: Pulse Laser, Pulse Laser, Pulse Laser (1 ton, MCr1.5) (LBB2.81, p23)
Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25) (LBB2.81, p23)
Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25) (LBB2.81, p23)

Bridge (20 tons, MCr2, Paramilitary Sensor Suite)
Computer: 3 (Code: 3, 3 tons, MCr18, TL=9) (LBB2.81, p22)
Skills required: 10 crew + 8 ship's troops = 18 total (29,700+2900=Cr32,600 per 4 weeks salaries)
  1. Pilot-1 = Cr6000
  2. Navigator-1 = Cr5000
  3. Engineering-1 (chief) = (4000*1.1) = Cr4400
  4. Engineering-1 = Cr4000
  5. Engineering-1 = Cr4000
  6. Medic-2 = (2000*1.1) = Cr2200
  7. Gunnery-1 (chief) = (1000*1.1) = Cr1100
  8. Gunnery-1 = Cr1000
  9. Gunnery-1 = Cr1000
  10. Gunnery-1 = Cr1000
Crew staterooms: 6 single occupancy, 2 double occupancy (32 tons, MCr4)
Ship's Troops Staterooms: 4 double occupancy (16 tons, MCr2)
  • Fire Team 1 Leader: Corporal (E3) = Cr450
    • Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
    • Private (E1) = Cr300
    • Private (E1) = Cr300
  • Fire Team 2 Leader: Corporal (E3) = Cr450
    • Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
    • Private (E1) = Cr300
    • Private (E1) = Cr300
Low Berths: 4 (2 tons, MCr0.2)
  • 1x Ship's Boat (30 tons, MCr16) (LBB2.81, p18 and LBB S7, p39-40)
  • 1x G-Carrier (8 tons, MCr1) (LBB3.81, p23)
Cargo Bay: 50 tons

Total Cost: MCr238.1 (+16+1) = MCr255.1 (single production), MCr214.39 (+14.4+0.8) = MCr229.59 (10% discount volume production)

Patrol Corvette           T-4134442-000000-20002-0   MCr215.19     400 tons
        batteries bearing                  2   2      Book 2 Design. TL=10.
                batteries                  2   2         Crew=10. Troops=8.
Passengers=0. Low=4. Cargo=50. Fuel=160. EP=16. Agility=2. G-Carrier. PL.

Ship's Boat              QB-0206601-000000-00000-0   MCr14.4        30 tons
no weapons                                                    Crew=1. TL=9.
Passengers=7. Staterooms=0. Low=0 Cargo=10.1. Fuel=2.4. EP=1.8. Agility=6.

CT Errata, p8 specifies the corrected cost is MCr229.59 after 10% discount, so discount is being applied to Ship's Boat and G-Carrier as part of total volume production pricing.
Patrol Corvette
Ship Type: LT (Corvette, Troop)
TL=10 (LBB5.80 design fitted with LBB2.81 standard drives)

Tonnage (custom hull): 400 tons
Configuration: 1 (Needle/Wedge, streamlined, MCr48) (LBB5.80, p21-23)
Armor: 0

Jump-F (code: 3, 35 tons, MCr60, TL=10, Civilian, Capacitor storage: 6 tons = 216 EP maximum)
Maneuver-H (code: 4, 15 tons, MCr32, TL=10)
Power Plant-H (code: 4, 25 tons, MCr64, TL=10, EP: 16, Surplus EP: +2 @ Agility 2, Emergency Agility: 4)
Total Drives: 35+15+25 = 75 tons (LBB2.81, p22) (+7 tons LSP Armored Fighter A drives = 82 tons combined)

Fuel: 160 tons = 120+40 tons (LBB2.81, p14-15, 23)
  • Jump Fuel = (Tonnage/100) * (Parsecs*10)
    • 120 tons = 3 parsecs range @ 400 tons displacement
  • Power Plant and Reactionless Maneuver Fuel = (10Pn*0.25*weeks)
    • 40 tons = 4 weeks @ 4G M-Drive reactionless maneuver within 1000 diameters of gravity wells for 400 tons displacement
  • HEPlaR Reaction Maneuver consumption rate = (Tonnage/100) * (G*0.05*days)
    • 0.2 tons consumption per G per day beyond 1000 diameters of gravity wells (CT Beltstrike, p5 and p11)
Fuel Scoops (MCr0.4) (LBB5.80, p27)
Fuel Purification Plant: 200 ton capacity (8 tons, MCr0.036) (LBB5.80, p27, 36)
L-Hyd drop tank fittings (MCr0.01) (LBB A5, p14)

Hardpoints: 4 (MCr0.4) (LBB2.81, p15 and p23)
Dual Turrets: 2 (MCr1) (LBB2.81, p23)
Triple Turrets: 2 (MCr2) (LBB2.81, p23)
  • Dual Turret: Plasma Gun, Plasma Gun (2 tons, MCr3, EP: 2) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • Dual Turret: Plasma Gun, Plasma Gun (2 tons, MCr3, EP: 2) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25, EP: 0) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25, EP: 0) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • 1x Plasma Gun (code: 2)
  • 1x Missile (code: 3)
Bridge (20 tons, MCr2, Paramilitary Sensor Suite)
Computer: 4fib (Code: D, 8 tons, MCr45, TL=10, EP: 2)
Crew position skills required: 8 crew = Cr33,275 per 4 weeks salaries (LBB2.81, p11)
  1. Pilot-1 = Cr6000
  2. Navigator-1 = Cr5000
  3. Engineering-2/Engineering-2 (chief) = (((4000*1.1)+(4000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr7260
  4. Engineering-1 = Cr4000
  5. Medic-2 = (2000*1.1) = Cr2200
  6. Gunnery-2/Gunnery-2 (1 plasma battery, 1 missile battery) (chief) = (((1000*1.1)+(1000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr1815
    1. Ship's Boat-1 = Cr6000
    2. Gunnery-1 (1 missile battery) = Cr1000
Crew staterooms: 8 single occupancy (32 tons, MCr4)

Internal Hangar Bay: 50 tons capacity Ordinary Launch Facilities (50 tons, MCr0.1) (LBB5.80, p32)
  1. Modular Cutter Module: Standard Cargo Module (30 tons, MCr2, TL=10)
    • Security positions: 9 ship's troops = Cr3500 per 4 weeks salaries (LBB4, p19)
      1. Squad Leader: Sergeant (E5) = Cr550
        1. Fire Team 1 Leader: Corporal (E3) = Cr450
          1. Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
          2. Private (E1) = Cr300
          3. Private (E1) = Cr300
        2. Fire Team 2 Leader: Lance Sergeant (E4) = Cr500
          1. Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
          2. Private (E1) = Cr300
          3. Private (E1) = Cr300
    • Ship's troops staterooms: 1 single occupancy (squad leader), 4 double occupancy (20 tons, MCr2.5)
    • Low Berths: 4 (2 tons, MCr0.2)
    • G-Carrier: 1 (8 tons, MCr1) (LBB3.81, p23)
  2. LSP Armored Fighter A (20 tons)
External Dock/Board/Tow: 600 tons capacity Dispersed Structure Launch Facilities (0 tons, MCr1.2, ship becomes unstreamlined while in use) (LBB5.80, p32)
Cargo Bay: 41 tons

Total Cost: MCr270.646 (+5.7 +32.25) = MCr308.596 (single production), MCr216.5168 (+4.56 +25.8) = MCr246.8768 (80% discount volume production)

Patrol Corvette          LT-41344D2-000000-02003-0   MCr216.5168       400 tons
        batteries bearing                   1  1                         TL=10.
                batteries                   1  1                        Crew=8.
Passengers=0. Low=0. Cargo=41. Hangar=50. Fuel=160. EP=16. Agility=2.
Modular Cutter Module in hangar bay: Low=4. Troops=9. G-Carrier. (MCr4.56 each)
Jump-2, Maneuver-2 @ up to 600 tons total (+200 tons external)
Jump-1, Maneuver-2 @ up to 800 tons total (+400 tons external)
Jump-1, Maneuver-1 @ up to 1000 tons total (+600 tons external)

LSP Armored Fighter A    FA-0206621-700000-00002-0   MCr25.8            20 tons
        batteries bearing                      1                 TL=10. Bridge.
                batteries                      1                   Crew=1 or 2.
Passengers=0 or 1. Staterooms=0. Low=0. Cargo=0. Fuel=1.2. EP=1.2. Agility=6.
Maneuver-5 @ up to 24 tons total (+4 tons external)
Maneuver-4 @ up to 30 tons total (+10 tons external)
Maneuver-3 @ up to 42 tons total (+22 tons external)
Maneuver-2 @ up to 68 tons total (+48 tons external)
Maneuver-1 @ up to 170 tons total (+150 tons external)
Response Corvette
Ship Type: LT (Corvette, Troop)
TL=11 (LBB5.80 design fitted with LBB2.81 standard drives)

Tonnage (custom hull): 400 tons
Configuration: 1 (Needle/Wedge, streamlined, MCr48) (LBB5.80, p21-23)
Armor: 0

Jump-F (code: 3, 35 tons, MCr60, TL=10, Civilian, Capacitor storage: 6 tons = 216 EP maximum)
Maneuver-K (code: 5, 19 tons, MCr40, TL=11)
Power Plant-K (code: 5, 31 tons, MCr80, TL=11, EP: 20, Surplus EP: +1 @ Agility 3, Emergency Agility: 5)
Total Drives: 35+19+31 = 85 tons (LBB2.81, p22) (+7 tons LSP Armored Fighter A drives = 92 tons combined)

Fuel: 170 tons = 120+50 tons (LBB2.81, p14-15, 23)
  • Jump Fuel = (Tonnage/100) * (Parsecs*10)
    • 120 tons = 3 parsecs range @ 400 tons displacement
  • Power Plant and Reactionless Maneuver Fuel = (10Pn*0.25*weeks)
    • 50 tons = 4 weeks @ 4G M-Drive reactionless maneuver within 1000 diameters of gravity wells for 400 tons displacement
  • HEPlaR Reaction Maneuver consumption rate = (Tonnage/100) * (G*0.05*days)
    • 0.2 tons consumption per G per day beyond 1000 diameters of gravity wells (CT Beltstrike, p5 and p11)
Fuel Scoops (MCr0.4) (LBB5.80, p27)
Fuel Purification Plant: 200 ton capacity (7 tons, MCr0.034) (LBB5.80, p27, 36)
L-Hyd drop tank fittings (MCr0.01) (LBB A5, p14)

Hardpoints: 4 (MCr0.4) (LBB2.81, p15 and p23)
Dual Turrets: 2 (MCr1) (LBB2.81, p23)
Triple Turrets: 2 (MCr2) (LBB2.81, p23)
  • Dual Turret: Plasma Gun, Plasma Gun (2 tons, MCr3, EP: 2) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • Dual Turret: Plasma Gun, Plasma Gun (2 tons, MCr3, EP: 2) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25, EP: 0) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25, EP: 0) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • 1x Plasma Gun (code: 3)
  • 1x Missile (code: 3)
Bridge (20 tons, MCr2, Paramilitary Sensor Suite)
Computer: 5fib (Code: E, 10 tons, MCr68, TL=11, EP: 3)
Crew position skills required: 8 crew = Cr33,275 per 4 weeks salaries (LBB2.81, p11)
  1. Pilot-1 = Cr6000
  2. Navigator-1 = Cr5000
  3. Engineering-2/Engineering-2 (chief) = (((4000*1.1)+(4000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr7260
  4. Engineering-1 = Cr4000
  5. Medic-2 = (2000*1.1) = Cr2200
  6. Gunnery-2/Gunnery-2 (1 plasma battery, 1 missile battery) (chief) = (((1000*1.1)+(1000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr1815
    1. Ship's Boat-1 = Cr6000
    2. Gunnery-1 (1 missile battery) = Cr1000
Crew staterooms: 8 single occupancy (32 tons, MCr4)

Internal Hangar Bay: 50 tons capacity Ordinary Launch Facilities (50 tons, MCr0.1) (LBB5.80, p32)
  1. Modular Cutter Module: Standard Cargo Module (30 tons, MCr2, TL=11)
    • Security positions: 9 ship's troops = Cr3500 per 4 weeks salaries (LBB4, p19)
      1. Squad Leader: Sergeant (E5) = Cr550
        1. Fire Team 1 Leader: Corporal (E3) = Cr450
          1. Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
          2. Private (E1) = Cr300
          3. Private (E1) = Cr300
        2. Fire Team 2 Leader: Lance Sergeant (E4) = Cr500
          1. Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
          2. Private (E1) = Cr300
          3. Private (E1) = Cr300
    • Ship's troops staterooms: 1 single occupancy (squad leader), 4 double occupancy (20 tons, MCr2.5)
    • Low Berths: 4 (2 tons, MCr0.2)
    • G-Carrier: 1 (8 tons, MCr1) (LBB3.81, p23)
  2. LSP Armored Fighter A (20 tons)
External Dock/Board/Tow: 1600 tons capacity Dispersed Structure Launch Facilities (0 tons, MCr3.2, ship becomes unstreamlined while in use) (LBB5.80, p32)
Cargo Bay: 20 tons

Total Cost: MCr319.644 (+5.7 +32.25) = MCr357.594 (single production), MCr255.7152 (+4.56 +25.8) = MCr286.0752 (80% discount volume production)

Response Corvette        LT-41355E2-000000-03003-0   MCr255.7152       400 tons
        batteries bearing                   1  1                         TL=11.
                batteries                   1  1                        Crew=8.
Passengers=0. Low=0. Cargo=20. Hangar=50. Fuel=170. EP=20. Agility=3.
Modular Cutter Module in hangar bay: Low=4. Troops=9. G-Carrier. (MCr4.56 each)
Jump-2, Maneuver-3 @ up to 600 tons total (+200 tons external)
Jump-1, Maneuver-2 @ up to 1000 tons total (+600 tons external)
Jump-0, Maneuver-1 @ up to 2000 tons total (+1600 tons external)

LSP Armored Fighter A    FA-0206621-700000-00002-0   MCr25.8            20 tons
        batteries bearing                      1                 TL=10. Bridge.
                batteries                      1                   Crew=1 or 2.
Passengers=0 or 1. Staterooms=0. Low=0. Cargo=0. Fuel=1.2. EP=1.2. Agility=6.
Maneuver-5 @ up to 24 tons total (+4 tons external)
Maneuver-4 @ up to 30 tons total (+10 tons external)
Maneuver-3 @ up to 42 tons total (+22 tons external)
Maneuver-2 @ up to 68 tons total (+48 tons external)
Maneuver-1 @ up to 170 tons total (+150 tons external)
Pursuit Corvette
Ship Type: LT (Corvette, Troop)
TL=12 (LBB5.80 design fitted with LBB2.81 standard drives)

Tonnage (custom hull): 400 tons
Configuration: 1 (Needle/Wedge, streamlined, MCr48) (LBB5.80, p21-23)
Armor: 0

Jump-F (code: 3, 35 tons, MCr60, TL=10, Civilian, Capacitor storage: 6 tons = 216 EP maximum)
Maneuver-M (code: 6, 23 tons, MCr48, TL=12)
Power Plant-M (code: 6, 37 tons, MCr96, TL=12, EP: 24, Surplus EP: +0 @ Agility 4, Emergency Agility: 6)
Total Drives: 35+19+31 = 95 tons (LBB2.81, p22) (+7 tons LSP Armored Fighter C drives = 102 tons combined)

Fuel: 180 tons = 120+60 tons (LBB2.81, p14-15, 23)
  • Jump Fuel = (Tonnage/100) * (Parsecs*10)
    • 120 tons = 3 parsecs range @ 400 tons displacement
  • Power Plant and Reactionless Maneuver Fuel = (10Pn*0.25*weeks)
    • 60 tons = 4 weeks @ 4G M-Drive reactionless maneuver within 1000 diameters of gravity wells for 400 tons displacement
  • HEPlaR Reaction Maneuver consumption rate = (Tonnage/100) * (G*0.05*days)
    • 0.2 tons consumption per G per day beyond 1000 diameters of gravity wells (CT Beltstrike, p5 and p11)
Fuel Scoops (MCr0.4) (LBB5.80, p27)
Fuel Purification Plant: 200 ton capacity (6 tons, MCr0.032) (LBB5.80, p27, 36)
L-Hyd drop tank fittings (MCr0.01) (LBB A5, p14)

Hardpoints: 4 (MCr0.4) (LBB2.81, p15 and p23)
Dual Turrets: 1 (MCr0.5) (LBB2.81, p23)
Triple Turrets: 1 (MCr1) (LBB2.81, p23)
  • Dual Turret (mixed): Pulse Laser, Fusion Gun (2 tons, MCr2.5, EP: 3) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25, EP: 0) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • 1x Pulse Laser (code: 1)
  • 1x Fusion Gun (code: 4)
  • 1x Missile (code: 2)
Bridge (20 tons, MCr2, Paramilitary Sensor Suite)
Computer: 6fib (Code: F, 14 tons, MCr83, TL=12, EP: 5)
Crew position skills required: 8 crew = Cr33,275 per 4 weeks salaries (LBB2.81, p11)
  1. Pilot-1 = Cr6000
  2. Navigator-1 = Cr5000
  3. Engineering-2/Engineering-2 (chief) = (((4000*1.1)+(4000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr7260
  4. Engineering-1 = Cr4000
  5. Medic-2 = (2000*1.1) = Cr2200
  6. Gunnery-2/Gunnery-2 (1 mixed turret, 1 missile battery) (chief) = (((1000*1.1)+(1000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr1815
    1. Ship's Boat-1 = Cr6000
    2. Gunnery-1 (1 missile battery) = Cr1000
Crew staterooms: 8 single occupancy (32 tons, MCr4)

Internal Hangar Bay: 50 tons capacity Ordinary Launch Facilities (50 tons, MCr0.1) (LBB5.80, p32)
  1. Modular Cutter Module: Standard Cargo Module (30 tons, MCr2, TL=12)
    • Security positions: 9 ship's troops = Cr3500 per 4 weeks salaries (LBB4, p19)
      1. Squad Leader: Sergeant (E5) = Cr550
        1. Fire Team 1 Leader: Corporal (E3) = Cr450
          1. Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
          2. Private (E1) = Cr300
          3. Private (E1) = Cr300
        2. Fire Team 2 Leader: Lance Sergeant (E4) = Cr500
          1. Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
          2. Private (E1) = Cr300
          3. Private (E1) = Cr300
    • Ship's troops staterooms: 1 single occupancy (squad leader), 4 double occupancy (20 tons, MCr2.5)
    • Low Berths: 4 (2 tons, MCr0.2)
    • G-Carrier: 1 (8 tons, MCr1) (LBB3.81, p23)
  2. LSP Armored Fighter C (20 tons)
External Dock/Board/Tow: 1600 tons capacity Dispersed Structure Launch Facilities (0 tons, MCr3.2, ship becomes unstreamlined while in use) (LBB5.80, p32)
Cargo Bay: 0 tons

Total Cost: MCr351.392 (+5.7 +30.07) = MCr387.162 (single production), MCr281.1136 (+4.56 +24.056) = MCr309.7296 (80% discount volume production)

Pursuit Corvette         LT-41366F2-000000-14002-0   MCr281.1136       400 tons
        batteries bearing                  11  1                         TL=12.
                batteries                  11  1                        Crew=8.
Passengers=0. Low=0. Cargo=0. Hangar=50. Fuel=180. EP=24. Agility=4. PL.
Modular Cutter Module in hangar bay: Low=4. Troops=9. G-Carrier. (MCr4.56 each)
Jump-2, Maneuver-4 @ up to 600 tons total (+200 tons external)
Jump-1, Maneuver-3 @ up to 800 tons total (+400 tons external)
Jump-1, Maneuver-2 @ up to 1000 tons total (+600 tons external)
Jump-0, Maneuver-1 @ up to 2000 tons total (+1600 tons external)

LSP Armored Fighter C    FA-0206621-600000-00002-0   MCr24.056          20 tons
        batteries bearing                      1                 TL=12. Bridge.
                batteries                      1                   Crew=1 or 2.
Passengers=0 or 1. Staterooms=1. Low=0. Cargo=0. Fuel=1.2. EP=1.2. Agility=6.
Maneuver-5 @ up to 24 tons total (+4 tons external)
Maneuver-4 @ up to 30 tons total (+10 tons external)
Maneuver-3 @ up to 42 tons total (+22 tons external)
Maneuver-2 @ up to 68 tons total (+48 tons external)
Maneuver-1 @ up to 170 tons total (+150 tons external)
Pursuit Corvette
Ship Type: LT (Corvette, Troop)
TL=13 (LBB5.80 design fitted with LBB2.81 standard drives)

Tonnage (custom hull): 400 tons
Configuration: 1 (Needle/Wedge, streamlined, MCr48) (LBB5.80, p21-23)
Armor: 0

Jump-F (code: 3, 35 tons, MCr60, TL=10, Civilian, Capacitor storage: 6 tons = 216 EP maximum)
Maneuver-M (code: 6, 23 tons, MCr48, TL=12)
Power Plant-M (code: 6, 37 tons, MCr96, TL=12, EP: 24, Surplus EP: +0 @ Agility 4, Emergency Agility: 6)
Total Drives: 35+19+31 = 95 tons (LBB2.81, p22) (+5.8 tons LSP Armored Fighter D drives = 100.8 tons combined)

Fuel: 180 tons = 120+60 tons (LBB2.81, p14-15, 23)
  • Jump Fuel = (Tonnage/100) * (Parsecs*10)
    • 120 tons = 3 parsecs range @ 400 tons displacement
  • Power Plant and Reactionless Maneuver Fuel = (10Pn*0.25*weeks)
    • 60 tons = 4 weeks @ 4G M-Drive reactionless maneuver within 1000 diameters of gravity wells for 400 tons displacement
  • HEPlaR Reaction Maneuver consumption rate = (Tonnage/100) * (G*0.05*days)
    • 0.2 tons consumption per G per day beyond 1000 diameters of gravity wells (CT Beltstrike, p5 and p11)
Fuel Scoops (MCr0.4) (LBB5.80, p27)
Fuel Purification Plant: 200 ton capacity (5 tons, MCr0.03) (LBB5.80, p27, 36)
L-Hyd drop tank fittings (MCr0.01) (LBB A5, p14)

Hardpoints: 4 (MCr0.4) (LBB2.81, p15 and p23)
Dual Turrets: 1 (MCr0.5) (LBB2.81, p23)
Triple Turrets: 2 (MCr2) (LBB2.81, p23)
  • Dual Turret (mixed): Pulse Laser, Fusion Gun (2 tons, MCr2.5, EP: 3) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25, EP: 0) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25, EP: 0) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • 1x Pulse Laser (code: 2)
  • 1x Fusion Gun (code: 4)
  • 1x Missile (code: 4)
Bridge (20 tons, MCr2, Paramilitary Sensor Suite)
Computer: 6fib (Code: F, 14 tons, MCr83, TL=12, EP: 5)
Crew position skills required: 8 crew = Cr33,275 per 4 weeks salaries (LBB2.81, p11)
  1. Pilot-1 = Cr6000
  2. Navigator-1 = Cr5000
  3. Engineering-2/Engineering-2 (chief) = (((4000*1.1)+(4000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr7260
  4. Engineering-1 = Cr4000
  5. Medic-2 = (2000*1.1) = Cr2200
  6. Gunnery-2/Gunnery-2 (1 mixed turret, 1 missile battery) (chief) = (((1000*1.1)+(1000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr1815
    1. Ship's Boat-1 = Cr6000
    2. Gunnery-1 (1 missile battery) = Cr1000
Crew staterooms: 8 single occupancy (32 tons, MCr4)

Internal Hangar Bay: 50 tons capacity Ordinary Launch Facilities (50 tons, MCr0.1) (LBB5.80, p32)
  1. Modular Cutter Module: Standard Cargo Module (30 tons, MCr2, TL=13)
    • Security positions: 9 ship's troops = Cr3500 per 4 weeks salaries (LBB4, p19)
      1. Squad Leader: Sergeant (E5) = Cr550
        1. Fire Team 1 Leader: Corporal (E3) = Cr450
          1. Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
          2. Private (E1) = Cr300
          3. Private (E1) = Cr300
        2. Fire Team 2 Leader: Lance Sergeant (E4) = Cr500
          1. Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
          2. Private (E1) = Cr300
          3. Private (E1) = Cr300
    • Ship's troops staterooms: 1 single occupancy (squad leader), 4 double occupancy (20 tons, MCr2.5)
    • Low Berths: 4 (2 tons, MCr0.2)
    • G-Carrier: 1 (8 tons, MCr1) (LBB3.81, p23)
  2. LSP Armored Fighter D (20 tons)
External Dock/Board/Tow: 1600 tons capacity Dispersed Structure Launch Facilities (0 tons, MCr3.2, ship becomes unstreamlined while in use) (LBB5.80, p32)
Cargo Bay: 0 tons

Total Cost: MCr354.64 (+5.7 +28.75) = MCr389.09 (single production), MCr283.712 (+4.56 +23) = MCr311.272 (80% discount volume production)

Pursuit Corvette         LT-41366F2-000000-24004-0   MCr283.712        400 tons
        batteries bearing                  11  1                         TL=13.
                batteries                  11  1                        Crew=8.
Passengers=0. Low=0. Cargo=0. Hangar=50. Fuel=180. EP=24. Agility=4. PL.
Modular Cutter Module in hangar bay: Low=4. Troops=9. G-Carrier. (MCr4.56 each)
Jump-2, Maneuver-4 @ up to 600 tons total (+200 tons external)
Jump-1, Maneuver-3 @ up to 800 tons total (+400 tons external)
Jump-1, Maneuver-2 @ up to 1000 tons total (+600 tons external)
Jump-0, Maneuver-1 @ up to 2000 tons total (+1600 tons external)

LSP Armored Fighter D    FA-0206621-900000-00003-0   MCr23             20 tons
        batteries bearing                      1                 TL=13. Bridge.
                batteries                      1                   Crew=1 or 2.
Passengers=0 or 1. Staterooms=1. Low=0. Cargo=0. Fuel=1.2. EP=1.2. Agility=6.
Maneuver-5 @ up to 24 tons total (+4 tons external)
Maneuver-4 @ up to 30 tons total (+10 tons external)
Maneuver-3 @ up to 42 tons total (+22 tons external)
Maneuver-2 @ up to 68 tons total (+48 tons external)
Maneuver-1 @ up to 170 tons total (+150 tons external)
Pursuit Corvette
Ship Type: LT (Corvette, Troop)
TL=14 (LBB5.80 design fitted with LBB2.81 standard drives)

Tonnage (custom hull): 400 tons
Configuration: 1 (Needle/Wedge, streamlined, MCr48) (LBB5.80, p21-23)
Armor: 0

Jump-F (code: 3, 35 tons, MCr60, TL=10, Civilian, Capacitor storage: 6 tons = 216 EP maximum)
Maneuver-M (code: 6, 23 tons, MCr48, TL=12)
Power Plant-M (code: 6, 37 tons, MCr96, TL=12, EP: 24, Surplus EP: +0 @ Agility 4, Emergency Agility: 6)
Total Drives: 35+19+31 = 95 tons (LBB2.81, p22) (+5.8 tons LSP Armored Fighter E drives = 100.8 tons combined)

Fuel: 180 tons = 120+60 tons (LBB2.81, p14-15, 23)
  • Jump Fuel = (Tonnage/100) * (Parsecs*10)
    • 120 tons = 3 parsecs range @ 400 tons displacement
  • Power Plant and Reactionless Maneuver Fuel = (10Pn*0.25*weeks)
    • 60 tons = 4 weeks @ 4G M-Drive reactionless maneuver within 1000 diameters of gravity wells for 400 tons displacement
  • HEPlaR Reaction Maneuver consumption rate = (Tonnage/100) * (G*0.05*days)
    • 0.2 tons consumption per G per day beyond 1000 diameters of gravity wells (CT Beltstrike, p5 and p11)
Fuel Scoops (MCr0.4) (LBB5.80, p27)
Fuel Purification Plant: 200 ton capacity (4 tons, MCr0.028) (LBB5.80, p27, 36)
L-Hyd drop tank fittings (MCr0.01) (LBB A5, p14)

Hardpoints: 4 (MCr0.4) (LBB2.81, p15 and p23)
Dual Turrets: 1 (MCr0.5) (LBB2.81, p23)
Triple Turrets: 2 (MCr2) (LBB2.81, p23)
  • Dual Turret (mixed): Pulse Laser, Fusion Gun (2 tons, MCr2.5, EP: 3) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25, EP: 0) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25, EP: 0) (LBB5.80, p25)
  • 1x Pulse Laser (code: 2)
  • 1x Fusion Gun (code: 5)
  • 1x Missile (code: 4)
Bridge (20 tons, MCr2, Paramilitary Sensor Suite)
Computer: 6fib (Code: F, 14 tons, MCr83, TL=12, EP: 5)
Crew position skills required: 8 crew = Cr33,275 per 4 weeks salaries (LBB2.81, p11)
  1. Pilot-1 = Cr6000
  2. Navigator-1 = Cr5000
  3. Engineering-2/Engineering-2 (chief) = (((4000*1.1)+(4000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr7260
  4. Engineering-1 = Cr4000
  5. Medic-2 = (2000*1.1) = Cr2200
  6. Gunnery-2/Gunnery-2 (1 mixed turret, 1 missile battery) (chief) = (((1000*1.1)+(1000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr1815
    1. Ship's Boat-1 = Cr6000
    2. Gunnery-1 (1 missile battery) = Cr1000
Crew staterooms: 8 single occupancy (32 tons, MCr4)

Internal Hangar Bay: 50 tons capacity Ordinary Launch Facilities (50 tons, MCr0.1) (LBB5.80, p32)
  1. Modular Cutter Module: Standard Cargo Module (30 tons, MCr2, TL=14)
    • Security positions: 9 ship's troops = Cr3500 per 4 weeks salaries (LBB4, p19)
      1. Squad Leader: Sergeant (E5) = Cr550
        1. Fire Team 1 Leader: Corporal (E3) = Cr450
          1. Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
          2. Private (E1) = Cr300
          3. Private (E1) = Cr300
        2. Fire Team 2 Leader: Lance Sergeant (E4) = Cr500
          1. Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
          2. Private (E1) = Cr300
          3. Private (E1) = Cr300
    • Ship's troops staterooms: 1 single occupancy (squad leader), 4 double occupancy (20 tons, MCr2.5)
    • Low Berths: 4 (2 tons, MCr0.2)
    • G-Carrier: 1 (8 tons, MCr1) (LBB3.81, p23)
  2. LSP Armored Fighter E (20 tons)
External Dock/Board/Tow: 1600 tons capacity Dispersed Structure Launch Facilities (0 tons, MCr3.2, ship becomes unstreamlined while in use) (LBB5.80, p32)
Cargo Bay: 1 ton

Total Cost: MCr354.638 (+5.7 +29.05) = MCr389.388 (single production), MCr283.712 (+4.56 +23.24) = MCr311.512 (80% discount volume production)

Pursuit Corvette         LT-41366F2-000000-25004-0   MCr283.712        400 tons
        batteries bearing                  11  1                         TL=14.
                batteries                  11  1                        Crew=8.
Passengers=0. Low=0. Cargo=1. Hangar=50. Fuel=180. EP=24. Agility=4. PL.
Modular Cutter Module in hangar bay: Low=4. Troops=9. G-Carrier. (MCr4.56 each)
Jump-2, Maneuver-4 @ up to 600 tons total (+200 tons external)
Jump-1, Maneuver-3 @ up to 800 tons total (+400 tons external)
Jump-1, Maneuver-2 @ up to 1000 tons total (+600 tons external)
Jump-0, Maneuver-1 @ up to 2000 tons total (+1600 tons external)

LSP Armored Fighter E    FA-0206621-E00000-00003-0   MCr23.24          20 tons
        batteries bearing                      1                 TL=14. Bridge.
                batteries                      1                   Crew=1 or 2.
Passengers=0 or 1. Staterooms=1. Low=0. Cargo=0. Fuel=1.2. EP=1.2. Agility=6.
Maneuver-5 @ up to 24 tons total (+4 tons external)
Maneuver-4 @ up to 30 tons total (+10 tons external)
Maneuver-3 @ up to 42 tons total (+22 tons external)
Maneuver-2 @ up to 68 tons total (+48 tons external)
Maneuver-1 @ up to 170 tons total (+150 tons external)
Thanks for putting together a nice lineage of "standard" ships built on a common hull. They all look the same on the outside, some just have more energetic EM profiles than the others. Thanks for doing TL 10-12, TL15 everything is boring,

Two questions, were energy points (EP) ever in LBB2, or did you just use the LBB5 formula?
If a mixed turret is used in LBB 5 combat, can only one of the weapons fire per round? i.e. you've got a pulse laser and a plasma gun, can they both fire? Could they both fire in LBB2 combat?
Two questions, were energy points (EP) ever in LBB2, or did you just use the LBB5 formula?
EP is purely a LBB5.80 consideration.
LBB2.77 and LBB2.81 never bothered with any kind of power management. Of course, when your power plants top out at code: 6, it's kind of hard to get "extra" power plant into the mix to afford a power budget of maneuver drive AND weapons, screens and computer.

EP is one of the primary reasons why raw LBB2.81 designs tend to fail quite hard once you account for EP and Agility. There just aren't enough EP to go around when you're limited to Power Plant-6 maximum and can't go any higher. Going from "don't bother" to not having anywhere near enough EP to power everything is something of a shock when transitioning from one system to the other.

Having 6 pulse lasers on a 400 ton Patrol Cruiser is no big deal under LBB2.81.
Under LBB5.80, that's a -2 Agility minimum, leaving only 2 EP remaining to power the computer with ... which then dictates use of a model/4 (which is fortunately a TL=10 possibility). But then if you want to upgrade the computer at TL=11+, you have less of an EP budget to allocate towards energy weapons if you don't want to lose even more agility.

Since I wanted to be able to upgrade the computer with advancing tech levels (so as to "keep pace" with the technology), the only time when there would be 6 EP available for weapons would be at TL=10. By TL=11 there would be only 5 EP available, at which point 6 lasers no longer made sense.

So my solution was to skip ahead to seeing what the higher computer models later on left remaining in the EP budget and then working backwards into the earlier tech levels so as to maintain as much continuity later. I didn't want the mix of EP consuming weapons to be constantly changing all the time every tech level (lasers @ TL=10, plasma guns @ TL=11, fusion guns @ TL=12+). From a logistics and training standpoint that didn't make much sense. Better to just have a "unified" upgrade path rather than going Total Munchkin™ at every step along the tech tree.
If a mixed turret is used in LBB 5 combat, can only one of the weapons fire per round? i.e. you've got a pulse laser and a plasma gun, can they both fire? Could they both fire in LBB2 combat?
Both weapons count as being individual (1) weapon batteries ... and all batteries can be fired during a combat round, so both can fire.

Additionally, mixed turrets are the ONE condition under which a single Gunner position (not crew member, position, since 1 crew member can fill 2 positions if they have enough skill) can fire multiple batteries. So in the case of the classic sand/laser/missile (mixed) triple turret, all three weapons are considered individual batteries, but only a single Gunner position is required in order to fulfill the crew requirement(s) for that turret. So in mixed triple turrets like that, 1 Gunner can fire 3 batteries.

The same condition applies for a dual turret of 2 Fusion Guns (with no more elsewhere in the build).
The CT Errata makes clear that if you don't have enough weapons of a type to reach the next code (say, a dual turret with 2x Fusion Guns in it) then that is a mixed turret (available only at 10- turrets) that only needs 1 crew position for it to be manned. Essentially, you wind up with 2 batteries in the same turret and the Gunner basically gets to shoot twice (once for each battery).
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The same condition applies for a dual turret of 2 Fusion Guns (with no more elsewhere in the build).
The CT Errata makes clear that if you don't have enough weapons of a type to reach the next code (say, a dual turret with 2x Fusion Guns in it) then that is a mixed turret (available only at 10- turrets) that only needs 1 crew position for it to be manned. Essentially, you wind up with 2 batteries in the same turret and the Gunner basically gets to shoot twice (once for each battery).
No, all the errata has to say about batteries is:
CONSOLIDATED CT ERRATA, v0.05 (11/15/10), p14:
All weapons in a mixed turret must be organized as single weapon batteries, even if a mixed turret has more than one of the same weapon in it, and weapons in a mixed turret cannot be organized into batteries with weapons from other turrets (including other identical mixed turrets).
Which is just a clarification of what HG says.

Note that a turret must contain several weapon types to be mixed, and weapons fired individually:
HG'80, p29:
On ships 1000 tons and under, mixed turrets (weapons of different types in the same turret) are allowed; in such cases, each weapon is a battery.

Otherwise the general rule apply:
HG'80, p29:
A battery may be as few as one turret, or as many as ten, but all batteries of the same type of weapon must have the same weapon code (USP factor).

So, a dual fusion turret is a single battery of the same factor as a single fusion turret.

Note that a ship can presumably be bigger than 1000 Dt can still have mixed turrets, but must then use HG crewing rules with one gunner per battery and one PO per weapon type.
HG'80, p30:
On ships with more than ten turrets, weapons may not be mixed within a turret.
HG'80, p29:
On ships 1000 tons and under, mixed turrets (weapons of different types in the same turret) are allowed; in such cases, each weapon is a battery.
Note that they are explicitly allowed for small ship, and only banned if you have more than ten turrets.

In theory a large ship with only a token MLS turret would need a gunnery section of 7: one gunner for each battery [3], one PO for each weapon type [3], and one officer to command them [1].

The same turret on a small ship would only need one gunner, as per LBB2.
I like how we can read the exact same thing and come to opposite conclusions.
CONSOLIDATED CT ERRATA, v0.05 (11/15/10), p14:
All weapons in a mixed turret must be organized as single weapon batteries, even if a mixed turret has more than one of the same weapon in it, and weapons in a mixed turret cannot be organized into batteries with weapons from other turrets (including other identical mixed turrets).
If a turret has more than one of the same weapon in it as a mixed turret then ALL copies of that weapon are combined into a single battery, regardless of the quantity of weapons of that type within the turret.

In a mixed turret each weapon in the turret is its own battery.

So in case like a Sandcaster/Beam Laser/Missile mixed turret, we both agree that there are 3 batteries.
  • 1x Sandcaster (code: 1 without +DM)
  • 1x Beam Laser (code: 1 without +DM)
  • 1x Missile (code: 1 without +DM)
However ... if we change that to a Sandcaster/Beam Laser/Beam Laser mixed turret (which is obviously still a mixed turret), we no longer agree.
You contend that there are only 2 batteries present.
  • 1x Sandcaster (code: 1 without +DM)
  • 1x Beam Laser (code: 2 without +DM)
While I contend that there are (still) 3 batteries present.
  • 1x Sandcaster (code: 1 without +DM)
  • 2x Beam Laser (code: 1 without +DM)
Because (and I quote, and note the bolded emphasis for clarity of interpretation) ...
All weapons in a mixed turret must be organized as single weapon batteries, even if a mixed turret has more than one of the same weapon in it ...
Note carefully that the wording does not say a single battery for each weapon TYPE in a mixed turret.
It says that each and every SINGLE WEAPON in a mixed turret is its own battery.
Even if multiple weapons of the same type are in a mixed turret, those weapons cannot be combined into 1 battery of 2 weapons.
The Rule As Written (RAW) explicitly forbids weapon quantities of 2+ per battery in a mixed turret (quote: "more than one of the same").
There are no multiple weapon batteries allowed within a mixed turret.
Single weapon batteries ONLY are all that is allowed within a mixed turret.
So, a dual fusion turret is a single battery of the same factor as a single fusion turret.
Pardon my skepticism of the validity or merit of the your argument based on a proper reading of the RAW. :cautious:
See above for why I assert that position with strong conviction and evidence on my side.

Note that a ship can presumably be bigger than 1000 Dt can still have mixed turrets
Note that they are explicitly allowed for small ship, and only banned if you have more than ten turrets.
True. (y)
The limit on mixed turrets is the ship can have no more than 10 turrets.
11+ turrets = no mixed turrets
10- turrets = mixed turrets available
I like how we can read the exact same thing and come to opposite conclusions.
Yes, it is, isn't it?

If a turret has more than one of the same weapon in it as a mixed turret then ALL copies of that weapon are combined into a single battery, regardless of the quantity of weapons of that type within the turret.
No, I did not say any such thing.

I said that a turret with two fusion guns is not a mixed turret (a turret with several weapon types). As it is a regular turret it must be grouped into a single battery.

To quote:
CONSOLIDATED CT ERRATA, v0.05 (11/15/10), p14:
All weapons in a mixed turret must be organized as single weapon batteries, even if a mixed turret has more than one of the same weapon in it ...
or as HG puts it:
HG'80, p29
On ships 1000 tons and under, mixed turrets (weapons of different types in the same turret) are allowed; in such cases, each weapon is a battery.
Even when I hand you the answer on a silver platter, you still refuse to accept what is laid in front of you and clearly spelled out.
So be it.

It's the same thing as the debate over crew requirements all over again.
1 crew member can fill 2 positions, but you refuse to accept that 1 crew member can fill 2 positions within the same department ... despite there being no prohibition against it, provided they have sufficient skill to meet the requirements for both positions.

There's just no convincing some people.
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On the crewing, IMO has to be a captain for that large of a crew, damn the RAW.
A crew of 6 requires a captain eh?
Although, to be fair, it's a crew of 6+2 (the +2 being the fighter crew).

Ordinarily you would expect the Pilot to be the captain/commander of a starship, as an extension of their pilot duties (because, Pilot In Command principle) ... however, I can envision that on these Corvettes that might not necessarily always be the case for every crew.

Specifically I'm thinking that the Navigator position aboard these Corvettes would be more consequential than normal, since the Corvette would have a Fighter to coordinate maneuvers and tactics with. The Pilot isn't necessarily going to have the "big picture" perspective needed for that kind of "fly the ship AND flight ops the fighter" kind of workload ... however, the Navigator (who is responsible for interpreting long range sensors) WOULD have that larger picture and when not busy plotting jump coordinates for astrogation would have the necessary training and workload capacity to manage flight ops for the fighter in coordination with the ship.

So basically, the Navigator (of all people) could in some cases be the captain/commander, issuing orders to the Pilots (both ship and fighter), detailing maneuvers and course headings that the Pilots then execute. Sometimes it will be the Corvette Pilot who is the captain/commander who issues the orders that the Navigator relays commands to the Fighter Pilot to coordinate their maneuvers and tactics.

In other words, there is a little bit of flexibility as to who is captain and who is executive officer.
Sometimes the pilot is the captain and the navigator is the executive officer (which works since they're both bridge officers).
Sometimes the navigator is the captain and the pilot is the executive officer (which works since they're both bridge officers).

Different ships may have different command arrangements on the bridge due to local laws, local customs, rank and skill of the respective personnel, orders from headquarters and so on. Point being that there are two bridge positions that are perfectly capable (each in their own way) of filling the role of captain who gives the orders that the rest of the crew of 5+2 are then obliged to follow, chain of command style. I didn't want to clutter up the skills required listing with the explanation for all of that though on the write ups for the individual ships. However, the fundamental idea is that there is some flexibility with respect to who the captain role could be assigned to, depending on circumstances.

Ye ken hoo i'tis ... ;)

If you're referring to the ship's troops ... the squad is led by a Sergeant (E5) on all the Corvettes.
The ship's troops answer to the captain and executive officer of the ship (either pilot+navigator or navigator+pilot) through their squad leader while attached to the Corvette as onboard security.

Hope that makes sense and answers your question.
Yacht Corvette
Ship Type: YT (Yacht, Transport)
TL=10 (LBB5.80 design fitted with LBB2.81 standard drives and off the shelf standard weapons)

Tonnage (custom hull): 400 tons
Configuration: 1 (Needle/Wedge, streamlined, MCr48) (LBB5.80, p21-23)
Armor: 0

Jump-F (code: 3, 35 tons, MCr60, TL=10, Civilian, Capacitor storage: 6 tons = 216 EP maximum)
Maneuver-H (code: 4, 15 tons, MCr32, TL=10)
Power Plant-H (code: 4, 25 tons, MCr64, TL=10, EP: 16, Surplus EP: +0 @ Agility 2, Emergency Agility: 4)
Total Drives: 35+15+25 = 75 tons (LBB2.81, p22) (+7 tons LSP Armored Fighter A drives = 82 tons combined)

Fuel: 160 tons = 120+40 tons (LBB2.81, p14-15, 23)
  • Jump Fuel = (Tonnage/100) * (Parsecs*10)
    • 120 tons = 3 parsecs range @ 400 tons displacement
  • Power Plant and Reactionless Maneuver Fuel = (10Pn*0.25*weeks)
    • 40 tons = 4 weeks @ 4G M-Drive reactionless maneuver within 1000 diameters of gravity wells for 400 tons displacement
  • HEPlaR Reaction Maneuver consumption rate = (Tonnage/100) * (G*0.05*days)
    • 0.2 tons consumption per G per day beyond 1000 diameters of gravity wells (CT Beltstrike, p5 and p11)
Fuel Scoops (MCr0.4) (LBB5.80, p27)
Fuel Purification Plant: 200 ton capacity (8 tons, MCr0.036) (LBB5.80, p27, 36)
L-Hyd drop tank fittings (MCr0.01) (LBB A5, p14)

Hardpoints: 4 (MCr0.4) (LBB2.81, p15 and p23)
Triple Turrets: 4 (MCr4) (LBB2.81, p23)
  • Triple Turret: Pulse Laser, Pulse Laser, Pulse Laser (1 ton MCr1.5, EP: 3)
  • Triple Turret: Pulse Laser, Pulse Laser, Pulse Laser (1 ton MCr1.5, EP: 3)
  • Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25, EP: 0)
  • Triple Turret: Missile, Missile, Missile (1 ton, MCr2.25, EP: 0)
Batteries (LBB5.80, p25)
  • 2x Pulse Laser (code: 2)
  • 1x Missile (code: 3)
Bridge (20 tons, MCr2, Paramilitary Sensor Suite, detachable)
Computer: 4fib (Code: D, 8 tons, MCr45, TL=10, EP: 2)
Crew position skills required: 9 crew = Cr37,225 per 4 weeks salaries (LBB2.81, p11)
  1. Pilot-1 = Cr6000
  2. Ship's Boat-1 = Cr6000
  3. Navigator-1 = Cr5000
  4. Engineering-2/Engineering-2 (chief) = ((4000*1.1)+(4000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr7260
  5. Engineering-1 = Cr4000
  6. Steward-1 = (3000*1.1) = Cr3300
  7. Medic-2 = (2000*1.1) = Cr2200
  8. Gunnery-2/Gunnery-2 (chief) = ((1000*1.1)+(1000*1.1))*0.75*1.1 = Cr1815
  9. Gunnery-2/Gunnery-2 = ((1000*1.1)+(1000*1.1))*0.75 = Cr1650
Crew staterooms: 9 single occupancy (36 tons, MCr4.5)
High passenger staterooms: 1 double stateroom suite (yacht owner), 6 single occupancy (32 tons, MCr4)

Ordinary Launch Facilities Internal Hangar Bay: 50 tons capacity (50 tons, MCr0.1) (LBB5.80, p32)
  1. Modular Cutter Module: Standard Cargo Module (30 tons, MCr2, TL=10)
    • Security positions: 9 ship's troops = Cr3500 per 4 weeks salaries (LBB4, p19)
      1. Squad Leader: Sergeant (E5) = Cr550
        1. Fire Team 1 Leader: Corporal (E3) = Cr450
          1. Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
          2. Private (E1) = Cr300
          3. Private (E1) = Cr300
        2. Fire Team 2 Leader: Lance Sergeant (E4) = Cr500
          1. Lance Corporal (E2) = Cr400
          2. Private (E1) = Cr300
          3. Private (E1) = Cr300
    • Ship's troops staterooms: 1 single occupancy (squad leader), 4 double occupancy (20 tons, MCr2.5)
    • Low Berths: 4 (2 tons, MCr0.2)
    • G-Carrier: 1 (8 tons, MCr1) (LBB3.81, p23)
  2. LSP Armored Fighter A (20 tons, Paramilitary Sensor Suite)
Dispersed Structure Launch Facilities External Dock/Board/Tow: 600 tons capacity (0 tons, MCr1.2, ship becomes unstreamlined while in use) (LBB5.80, p32)

Life support reserves: 300 person/weeks (2 tons, MCr0.3) (CT Beltstrike, p3)
Cargo Bay: 5 tons (Mail Vault)
Waste Space: 0 tons

Total Cost: MCr273.446 (+5.7 +32.25) = MCr311.396 (single production), MCr218.7568 (+4.56 +25.8) = MCr249.1168 (80% discount volume production), additional Modular Cutter Modules may be purchased separately

Yacht Corvette             YT-41344D1-000000-20003-0   MCr218.7568      400 tons
          batteries bearing                  2   1                        TL=10.
                  batteries                  2   1                       Crew=9.
Passengers=7. Low=0. Cargo=5. Hangar=50. Fuel=160. EP=16. Agility=2. PL. FPP.
Modular Cutter Module in hangar bay: Low=4. Troops=9. G-Carrier. (MCr4.56 each)
Jump-2, Maneuver-2 @ up to 600 tons total (+200 tons external)
Jump-1, Maneuver-2 @ up to 800 tons total (+400 tons external)
Jump-1, Maneuver-1 @ up to 1000 tons total (+600 tons external)

LSP Armored Fighter A    FA-0206621-700000-00002-0   MCr25.8            20 tons
        batteries bearing                      1                 TL=10. Bridge.
                batteries                      1                        Crew=1.
Passengers=1. Staterooms=0. Low=0. Cargo=0. Fuel=1.2. EP=1.2. Agility=6.
Maneuver-5 @ up to 24 tons total (+4 tons external)
Maneuver-4 @ up to 30 tons total (+10 tons external)
Maneuver-3 @ up to 42 tons total (+22 tons external)
Maneuver-2 @ up to 68 tons total (+48 tons external)
Maneuver-1 @ up to 170 tons total (+150 tons external)

Single production
  • Total Cost (Yacht Corvette + Security Module + LSP Armored Fighter A): MCr273.446 + 5.7 + 32.25 = MCr311.396
  • 20% Down Payment: MCr54.6892 + 1.14 + 6.45 = MCr62.2792
  • Architect Fees: MCr2.426766 + 0.449703 = MCr2.917363
  • Construction Time: 64 weeks (Clipper), 24 weeks (Armored Fighter) (LBB A5, p33)
  • Annual Overhaul: Cr273,446 + 5700 + 32,250 = Cr311,396 (LBB2.81, p8)
Volume production (80% single production cost)
  • Total Cost (Yacht Corvette + Security Module + LSP Armored Fighter A): MCr218.7568 + 4.56 + 25.8 = MCr249.1168
  • 20% Down Payment: MCr43.75136 + 0.912 + 5.16 = MCr49.82336
  • Construction Time: 52 weeks (Clipper), 20 weeks (Armored Fighter) (LBB A5, p33)
  • Annual Overhaul: Cr218,757 + 4,560 + 25,800 = Cr249,117 (LBB2.81, p8)

Recurring costs:
  • Crew Life Support: Cr18,000 per 2 weeks
  • Ship's Troops Life Support Support: Cr18,000 per 2 weeks
  • Passenger Life Support: Cr2000 per high/middle passenger per 2 weeks, Cr100 per low passenger per 2 weeks
  • Crew Salaries: Cr37,225 + 3500 = Cr40,725 per 4 weeks (LBB2.81, p11, p16)
  • Surface to Orbit Shuttle Costs: Cr10 per cargo ton, Cr20 to 120 per passenger (LBB2.81, p9)
  • Fuel: Cr500 per ton (refined), Cr100 per ton (unrefined), Cr0 (skimmed) (LBB2.81, p7)
Revenue sources:
  • Interplanetary Charters (12+ hours): Cr1 per hour per ton of ship (Cr400 per hour), minimum 12 hours (Cr4800) without external loading (external loads add Cr1 per hour per ton) (LBB2.81, p9)
  • Interstellar Charters (2 weeks): Cr9000 per high passage berth, Cr900 per low passage berth, Cr900 per ton of cargo (LBB2.81, p9)
  • Passenger Revenue: Cr10,000 per high passenger, Cr8000 per middle passenger, Cr1000 per low passenger
  • Interstellar Cargo Transport: Cr1000 per ton to declared destination (LBB2.81, p8-9)
  • Mail Delivery: Cr5,000 revenue per ton on delivery (Cr25,000 max) (LBB2.81, p9)
  • Imperial subsidies reduce gross revenue receipts by 50% for passengers, cargo and mail (LBB2.81, p7)


  • Patrol Corvette Deck Plan.png
    Patrol Corvette Deck Plan.png
    1.3 MB · Views: 26
So I did a more detailed deck plan revision for the my baseline TL=10 LT Patrol Corvette (that I'm quite proud of redesigning) using snippets from Starship Geomorphs 2.0 clipped and "artfully arranged" in Preview to make a more usable interior. This draft version will replace the previous one above (and honestly, looks a whole lot better).

Overall dimensions
  • 58 deck squares (87m) longitudinal length
  • 48 deck squares (72m) wingspan from wingtip to wingtip
  • 4 decks (12m) total height, not including landing gear (modular cutter modules, being round are 6m diameter or 2 decks in height, so the aft hangar of the upper deck is actually taller than only a single deck, while the forward area for the LSP Armored Fighter A is only a single deck 3m high).
Incidentally, I figure the lower portion of the enormous winglets on the wingtips fold somehow (hinged at the wingtip) to allow for VTOL on terrestrial surfaces (and so the landing gear doesn't need to be "up on stilts" to reach the hull). Kind of like the Imperial Shuttle featured a few times in Star Wars with its movable wings.


If the lower winglets do hinge to fold, they probably have a 90º fold to move the lower winglets either under under the wings for landings ... or ... swing them 180º to point upwards alongside the shorter upper winglets for ground clearance.

For reference, here is the FASA book artwork that inspired this effort.


Deck plan images attached for the TL=10 LT Patrol Corvette.


  • Patrol Corvette Main Deck.png
    Patrol Corvette Main Deck.png
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  • Patrol Corvette Upper:Lower Decks.png
    Patrol Corvette Upper:Lower Decks.png
    216 KB · Views: 23
  • Patrol Corvette Main:Upper:Lower Overlay.png
    Patrol Corvette Main:Upper:Lower Overlay.png
    497.1 KB · Views: 17
I mentioned this on the Fixing the Type T thread, but if you're folding the lower half of the wingtip fins under for landing -- and I think it's almost self-evident that they must -- the top halves should also lay flat on the wing for Jump (minimizes jump bubble size).
I mentioned this on the Fixing the Type T thread, but if you're folding the lower half of the wingtip fins under for landing -- and I think it's almost self-evident that they must -- the top halves should also lay flat on the wing for Jump (minimizes jump bubble size).
Unfortunately, the art we have only features the Type-T "cruising on impulse drives" beyond atmosphere.