SOC-14 5K
Custom unions, trade pacts, tax agreements, economic associations.
Increase the size of the commentary for each planetary entry.
Increase the size of the commentary for each planetary entry.
Not a all. Your point is a good one. Rob's original point was that of the 25 defined base codes from the Traveller Map data, 12 are used for some form of Naval Base. And we should be able to pull apart the "Naval Base" aspect and the who controls it (Imperial, Vargr, Aslan, Droyne, K'kree, Hiver, etc). But how fine do we want to slice definitions before the overlap causes confusions is a good question to ask. One is you end up with a base code of "AENST", and is that really necessary.Hope I didn’t come off as argumentative, just trying to get on the same page as it were. Like I said, I like where this is going but I do think there’s overlap that could probably be refined a bit to make each category more distinctive.
Then what's the point of a class T Trade Station?
But how fine do we want to slice definitions before the overlap causes confusions is a good question to ask.
That's what the initial starport code in the UWP is to indicate. It's part of what the Imperium's trade first approach has wrought, and infected most of the rest of charted space. If we're really going to mix things up I would make the following changes:
I would argue no: The Corsair base may or may not be military depending on how you interpret the description. The Scout base, Way station, and Exploration Station are established and run by an arm of the government but not for strictly military purposes. Depending on the uses for the Clan/Tlaukhu base it may fall closer to the Corsair base in actual practice, or a combined navy/military base. So adding a Trade station and a research station into the mix doesn't sound like too much of a stretch.The “base” codes are typically — almost exclusively — military, aren’t they, with the Hiver exception.
1000 is an outpost.I think a big part of this will be setting a minimum size to be considered a "base". I would set at pop 4 (1,000) or pop 5 (10,000) sophonts residing on/at the base with the accompanying infrastructure as a minimum base size.
Take the "tooth-to-tail" ratio into account.Unless the primary means of employment, or industry, is servicing the base.
Yes, IMO, but the term *also* translates as "Herd", and they don't build bases at that political level. Much like the map level of the Imperium, all Bases are "Two Thousand Worlds" bases.Do K'kree have some sort of sub-herd interstellar organizational leaning?
Clan base = Scout base (space support focus) and/or Military Base (ground support focus)Depending on the uses for the Clan/Tlaukhu base it may fall closer to the Corsair base in actual practice, or a combined navy/military base.
Client bases = Scout base (space support focus) and/or Military base (ground support focus)Where political designations might be useful in K'kree space is in their client states, where the state may have bases but the Two Thousand Worlds *also* have bases.