I started my newest Traveller "Firefly-esque"* campaign tonight. After the initial get-everyone-together phase of the session, the PCs settled into await repairs on their recently acquired scout ship.
One character has a Ship's Boat, so he asked about getting jobs using it during the wait time. I came up with a phrase "Riding the Gas" for having to do something with one of the two gas giants in the system. But then I could not come up with what that meant, so I asked for ideas from the players. One suggested that it has something to do with some chemical make up of the atmosphere causing some euphoric effect, so I went with that for the time being. But, later I realized I did not really like that idea.
Then it hit me: planking a gas giant. Possible?
Since it involved an underworld agent ("Tejon"), it had to be something not exactly legal, or illegal. Perhaps those caught get fined, and any pilots who assist have their licenses revoked. That brought up another question.
Has there been any rules on spacecraft pilot certification and licensing, in general and for the OTU? How much does a pilot license cost? Does a pilot have to renew it every year?
* set up "The Cluster" in Ley sector, using the Interstellar Trade Cluster world info from Gateway to Destiny, to the year 820. So this means that the worlds were fairly recently annexed into the Imperium ("Joining Day" still causes bar brawls
) and the Psionic Suppression Policy :file_22: is ongoing. The worlds were mostly settled by Terrans from the western hemisphere, so English and Spanish are the mixed dialects, informally known as Spanglic.
One character has a Ship's Boat, so he asked about getting jobs using it during the wait time. I came up with a phrase "Riding the Gas" for having to do something with one of the two gas giants in the system. But then I could not come up with what that meant, so I asked for ideas from the players. One suggested that it has something to do with some chemical make up of the atmosphere causing some euphoric effect, so I went with that for the time being. But, later I realized I did not really like that idea.
Then it hit me: planking a gas giant. Possible?
Since it involved an underworld agent ("Tejon"), it had to be something not exactly legal, or illegal. Perhaps those caught get fined, and any pilots who assist have their licenses revoked. That brought up another question.
Has there been any rules on spacecraft pilot certification and licensing, in general and for the OTU? How much does a pilot license cost? Does a pilot have to renew it every year?
* set up "The Cluster" in Ley sector, using the Interstellar Trade Cluster world info from Gateway to Destiny, to the year 820. So this means that the worlds were fairly recently annexed into the Imperium ("Joining Day" still causes bar brawls