Kevin C. Livingston
I suppose from the lack of any news that T20 is dead? Its a sad thought if so. Its such a great system that I would hate to see it go.
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I suppose from the lack of any news that T20 is dead?
Hmmmm.... I sure hope it's not dead.... my gaming group have recently been talking about getting into Traveller again... we have a real hotch-botch of stuff, from LBB's through Mega, and TNE.... (and also, unfortunately, we have some poor unfortunates who have never played Traveller)....
Down in Oz it's not that easy to get much stuff, so we just basically design our own..... I was sorta thinking the T20 might be the way to go.......
Besides, it's a shame to see any RPG system bite the dust (laments back to the good old 'Boot Hill' days......)
And if it is the Solomani Ships TA, which was announced as "just putting it together" January 31, 2008, it will be the first TA/EA since June 2005 which were supposed to be put out monthly.I don't see anything offensive in it. There hasn't been a product in ages and no previews of anything big coming up. To gamers used to a more prolific output, it looks quite dead.
Even if something is coming up, it'll be the first thing since, what? revelation station?
I don't see how thinking this means it is effectively dead is unreasonable or offensive.
I like T20 more than MGT and would be glad to see something though.
I wouldn't know, I have never been impressed with GURPS, so I only have a couple of products.When was the last GURPS Traveller book published?
We'd all like more, but life just doesn't work that way.
I don't see the Endeavor class there. Too bad, it is a fun ship. I also don't see anything that resembles that Architectural style.Traveller's Aide 9: Fighting Ships of the Solomani Confederation
I can't give you a date yet.