SOC-14 1K
Yes it is, but that general style is how I have pictured Solomani craft for years. Like the Zdhits class Destroyer Escort kept showing up for the Zhodani and its general style carries over to other Zhodani ship pictures. The Vargr fins/teeth, as well as K'kree Flying Saucers and Aslan's smooth curved shapes all show a similar style within their own ships, yet there is little to differentiate Standard Imperial designs from this collection of Solomani ships. Granted they both had a similar base to start from, but, IMHO, there should definitely be some divergence especially since the Navy was defined differently a decent period before the Rim war broke out. I guess it surprised me more than I expected. And I do believe that the Endeavor deserves a place in that collection.It's an odd shape.