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Robot Data Format


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
I'm using a shorthand when designing robots, a shorthand that's not yet complete, but effective. This format lets me record most of the features of a given robot design using a line of (graph) paper -- in landscape.

The record is field-position-based, and uses letter codes of course. An example:

[SIZE=1][SIZE=2] [FONT=Arial]Cargo Handler, PD=2, V+RF, HE+s1=19, 3L+T=27, -, -, -, -, L=30, -, -, L7742, FP=20, 120[/FONT][/SIZE]
Field 1: name
Field 2: brain
Field 3: senses (very compressed, and needs to be expanded into fuller sense strings)
Field 4: body structure (skeleton and muscles)
Field 5: limb group 1 (arms)
Field 6: limb group 2 (arms)
Field 7: limb groups 3 and 4 (legs) (probably need to break this into two groups)
Field 8: antennae etc
Field 9: enhancements - a string of single-letter codes
Field 10: connectors - a string of single-letter codes
Field 11: skin - a string of single-letter codes
Field 12: additions - a string of single-letter codes
Field 13: UPP (minus SOC)
Field 14: power
Field 15: size, in liters (72 = human)

A field may end with a volume, which is noted by an equals sign and the volume in liters ("units"). This helps me check my numbers.

Cost will be calculable, once I account for full sense data.

The above example translates into this pseudo-YAML record:

Cargo Handler, Size 120, UPP L7742R
- Brain: Positronic D=2
- Senses: V+RF
- Body: Heavy Exoskeleton, Strong=19
- Limbs: Arms 1(3Large+Tentacles=27), Arms 2(None) Legs(None) -
- Enhancements: 
- Connectors: Lift Baseplate=30
- Skin: -
- Additions: 
- Power: Fusion+=20
...and, could be programmatically expanded into a text description, although the actual FUNCTION and details about the robot perhaps cannot be "coded" into a record, so much as written.
The above example translates into this pseudo-YAML record:


*** What is YAML? ***

I love most of the Traveller notation / short hand / codes / abbreviations / etc., but there is so much of it that it creates quite a barrier for newcomers to get into Traveller. I find that when I run con games of Traveller and newcomers have a hard time keeping an interest in Traveller past my game.

My best guess is:

In a con game, I suggest keeping the codes in the background where they (mostly) belong. If you use published worlds / vehicles / robots / whatever, translate them into human-readable descriptions and add flavour text.
Hyphen's right, and you're both right about not exposing people to unnecessary and confusing code. But, this is COTI, so.

Anyway, this particular format is not official Traveller of any stripe. It is my own shorthand for when I'm designing robots.

Here's what happened. I sat down with a list of robot concepts I wanted to create, and wanted to actually sit down with pencil and paper to do it. I had graph paper -- so much the better.

Rather than spend extra time actually writing words down, I devised a table for all the elements of robot design, and gave each column some number of squares. Then I assigned letter codes to the components so that, for example, instead of writing "Positronic G+DD", I write "PDD". And, instead of writing "Ballistic Tracking System", I'd jot down "M". I'd scrawl the volume required inside each field, so I could total up the volume and figure out what size robot I needed and determine the UPP accordingly.

At the end of the process I had one line per robot design: 19 lines written down, 19 robots. Elegant and efficient.

That's what I'm describing.

Only afterwards did I decide to write a little parser that would re-expand each line into an actual description. Now I'm working on creating a paragraph of actual *text*.
In other words, the current output isn't "there" yet, but it's getting there.

When the program churns on my data, it comes out readable, but there's still work to be done:

Cargo Handler, Size 120, UPP L7742R KCr ???.
The Cargo Handler has a Positronic (1D) brain. Its body is a Strong Heavy Exoskeleton with 3 Large Arms with Tentacles, and has no skin. It is powered by Fusion+, and is connected to a Lift Baseplate.

Remote Guard, Size 60, UPP 48882R, Shock, KCr ???.
The Remote Guard has a Electronic (2D) brain. Its body is a Light Exterior Shell with 3 XSmall Arms with Tentacles, and has no skin. It is powered by 7-Day PowerCell, and is connected to a Lift Baseplate. Additions: Networking.

Belter, Size 84, UPP F8884R, Hot Env, Cold Env, Rad, Vacc, KCr ???.
The Belter has a Positronic (2D) brain. Its body is a Strong Heavy Exoskeleton with 3 Large Arms with Heavy-Duty maniplators, and has no skin. It is powered by Fusion+, and is connected to a ZeroG Baseplate. Additions: Beacon Tracking, Networking, Radio Transceiver.

LS Mtc, Size 60, UPP F8844R, Rad, Vacc, Waterproof, Anti-Corrosion, KCr ???.
The LS Mtc has a Electronic (1D) brain. Its body is a Strong Heavy Exterior Shell with 2 Standard Legs and 2 Large Arms with Hands, and has no skin. It is powered by Broadcast Power.

Attack, Size 96, UPP FE884R, Rad, Waterproof, KCr ???.
The Attack has a Semi-Organic (1D) brain. Its body is a Strong VAgile Heavy Exoskeleton with 2 Large Arms with Ped Options, 2 Large Legs and 2 Standard Arms with Ped Options, and has self-healing biological skin. It is powered by Anaerobic Nutrient and Canister. Additions: Satellite Tracking, Networking.

Guardian, Size 72, UPP 88884R, Vacc, Shock, KCr ???.
The Guardian has a Positronic (2D) brain. Its body is a Exterior Shell with 2 SSmall+R, and has no skin. It is powered by 7-Day PowerCell, and is connected to a Lift Baseplate. Additions: Networking, Radio Transceiver.

Infantry, Size 84, UPP 8C886R, Hot Env, Cold Env, Rad, Vacc, Pressure, Waterproof, Anti-Corrosion, KCr ???.
The Infantry has a Organic (2D) brain. Its body is a Bony Interior Skeleton with 2 Standard Legs, Small Antennae and 2 Large Arms with Hands, and has basic metallic skin2. It is powered by Anaerobic Nutrient and Canister. Additions: Satellite Tracking, Radio Transceiver.

Sentinel, Size 132 , UPP SCC44R, Rad, Vacc, KCr ???.
The Sentinel has a Positronic (1D) brain. Its body is a Stronger Heavy Exoskeleton with 6 Large Arms with Tentacles, and has no skin. It is powered by Fusion+, and is connected to a Lift Baseplate. Additions: Floodlight, Networking.

Recon, Size 72, UPP 48C82R, Waterproof, Anti-Corrosion, KCr ???.
The Recon has a Semi-Organic (2D) brain. Its body is a Agile Flexible Interior Skeleton with 4 Small Legs and 3S Arms with Dextrous Graspers, and has basic metallic skin+H. It is powered by Anaerobic Nutrient and Canister. Additions: Satellite Tracking, Networking.

Advisor, Size 48, UPP 48484R KCr ???.
The Advisor has a Organic (2D) brain. Its body is a Light Bony Interior Skeleton with 2 Small Legs and 2S Arms with Hands, and has pseudo-bio skin. It is powered by Nutrient and Air Canister. Additions: Networking.

Repair, Size 84, UPP F8846R, Hot Env, Cold Env, Rad, Vacc, Pressure, Waterproof, Anti-Corrosion, KCr ???.
The Repair has a Electronic (1D) brain. Its body is a Strong Heavy Flexible Interior Skeleton with 2 Standard Arms with Heavy-Duty maniplators, 3 Large Legs and 1 Standard Arms with Fine Detail control, and has no skin. It is powered by 1-Day HD PowerCell.

Service, Size 60, UPP 88482R KCr ???.
The Service has a Organic (2D) brain. Its body is a Bony Interior Skeleton with 2 Standard Legs and 2 Standard Arms with Hands, and has pseudo-bio skin. It is powered by Nutrient and Air Canister.

Doctor, Size 72, UPP 4C886R, Hot Env, Cold Env, Rad, KCr ???.
The Doctor has a Semi-Organic (2D) brain. Its body is a Flexible Interior Skeleton with S Arms with Fine Detail control, 3 Small Legs and 2 Standard Arms with Hands, and has pseudo-bio skin. It is powered by Anaerobic Nutrient and Canister. Additions: Networking.

Bearer, Size 72, UPP 88842R, Hot Env, Cold Env, Rad, Vacc, Waterproof, Anti-Corrosion, KCr ???.
The Bearer has a Electronic (1D) brain. Its body is a Exoskeleton with Standard Arms with Tentacles, and has no skin. It is powered by 7-Day PowerCell, and is connected to a Lift Baseplate.

Clerk, Size 48, UPP 48444R KCr ???.
The Clerk has a Semi-Organic (1D) brain. Its body is a Light Bony Interior Skeleton with 2 Small Legs and 2S Arms with Hands, and has pseudo-bio skin. It is powered by Broadcast Power. Additions: Networking.

Driver, Size 60, UPP 84846R, Rad, Vacc, KCr ???.
The Driver has a Semi-Organic (1D) brain. Its body is a Light Exoskeleton with 2 Standard Legs and 3 Standard Arms with Hands, and has no skin. It is powered by 1-Day PowerCell. Additions: Ballistic Tracking, Beacon Tracking, Networking, Radio Transceiver.

Flyer, Size 60, UPP 48846R, Rad, Vacc, KCr ???.
The Flyer has a Semi-Organic (1D) brain. Its body is a Light Exoskeleton with 2 Standard Legs and 3 Standard Arms with Hands, and has no skin. It is powered by 1-Day PowerCell. Additions: Ballistic Tracking, Beacon Tracking, Networking, Radio Transceiver.

Researcher, Size 72, UPP 88886R, Hot Env, Cold Env, Rad, Vacc, Pressure, Waterproof, Anti-Corrosion, KCr ???.
The Researcher has a Organic (2D) brain. Its body is a Fluid Interior with 2 Standard Arms with Hands, 2 Standard Legs and 2 Standard Arms with Fine Detail control, and has pseudo-bio skin. It is powered by 1-Day PowerCell. Additions: Networking, Radio Transceiver.

Forensic, Size 48, UPP 48486R, Rad, Waterproof, KCr ???.
The Forensic has a Semi-Organic (2D) brain. Its body is a Light Flexible Interior Skeleton with Standard Arms with Hands, 2 SSmall Legs and Standard Arms with Fine Detail control, and has pseudo-bio skin. It is powered by 1-Day PowerCell. Additions: Networking, Radio Transceiver.

Security Drone, Size 96, UPP CC844R, Rad, Vacc, Waterproof, KCr ???.
The Security Drone has a Electronic (1D) brain. Its body is a Heavy Exterior Shell with 2 Large Arms with Heavy-Duty maniplators, and has basic metallic skin. It is powered by Fusion+, and is connected to a Lift Baseplate. Additions: Satellite Tracking, Networking.
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