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Quick NIL Profile


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
I like to use profile strings in filenames for worlds, characters, and starships. It gives me a quick glance at the contents, and sometimes that's all I need. It also gives me the power of grep and other file management tools. In other words, I use the UPP and UWP as organizational tools.

I've recently started doing this for "aliens" as well. Here's how I do it.

1. Symmetry. Most sophonts will be bilateral, but that’s a good thing: it gives you an idea about how stilted our universe is, and maybe we ought to give more weight to the other types.

B: Bilateral (see Limb Groups for how to denote vertical and horizontal orientations)
R: Radial
A: Asymmetry

2. Limb Groups. "Group" means similar characteristics. Up to four groupings; no specifics on how they’re grouped. Usually I'll gather as many limbs as possible into one group, but it depends on how I'm feeling at the moment. For example, the Shriekers have three pairs of legs; I could call that one Leg Group, or not, depending.

The first two limb groups assume manipulators... so Shriekers ("LLLL") have two Leg groups with manipulators, and two that are just locomotive. Or, if only one Leg pair has manipulators, I could use "LNLL".

As you no doubt already can tell, this system is somewhat free in interpretation. The theory is that ANY level of organization is better than none.

A: Arms (these always end in manipulators of some kind)
L: Legs (legs in the first or second slots mean the sophont has a horizontal axis, like a Virushi, rather than vertical, like a Human.)
W: Wings
N: No limb group in this slot.

3 & 4. Characteristics. These are the most fiddly. They come in two groups.

The first group is the letter codes for the characteristics themselves — for example, Human has SDEIES (Str - Dex - End - Int - Edu - Soc). Vargr, however, have SDEIEC (Str - Dex - End - Int - Edu - Cha) and Bwap have SAVIES (Str - Agl - Vig - Int - Edu - Soc).

The second group is the number of dice rolled for each characteristic, in order.

This is, by definition, fiddly and high-detail. I struggled over its utility, but I have grown to like it.

5. Size. Fairly vague on purpose. I use “T-Shirt Sizes” for comparative creature size:

Small (S): under 66 kilograms.
Medium (M): 66 through 100 kilograms.
Large (L): 101 through 120 kilograms.
X-Large (X): 121 through 150 kilograms.
XX-Large (XX): More than 150 kilograms.

Remember, mass is average.

6. Name. Finally, I end it with the name of the sophont.
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A-ANLN-SDEITS-323222-M Eber
A-TNLN-SDEIEK-313112-M Klaxun
B-AALL-SDEIES-432222-L Amindii
B-AANN-SDEITS-121222-S Ylii
B-ALLL-SDSIEK-322222-L Kursae
B-ALLN-SASIEK-333222-X Ebokin
B-ALLN-SDEIIC-532222-XX Virushi
B-ANLL-SDEIEK-523222-XX K'kree
B-ANLN-SAVIES-142222-S Bwap
B-ANLN-SDEIES-121222-S Little Guys
B-ANLN-SDEIES-222222-M Human
B-ANLN-SDSIES-222222-M Aslan
B-ANLN-SDVIEC-223222-M Vargr
B-ANLN-SDVITC-223222-M Horned Cetian
B-LLLL-SDEITK-423222-L Shrieker
B-LLLL-SDSITK-322222-L Chamax
B-LNLN-SDSITS-322222-L Yorbund Lizard
B-WALN-SAEIEK-122222-S Droyne
B-WLLN-SAEIES-222222-S Ael Yael
R-LNNN-SDEIEK-222222-L Hiver (bulky)
R-LNNN-SGSITS-222222-M Llellewyloly
R-TNNN-SGEIIS-132322-S Denizen Liaison

Thoughts. The purpose generally is for file and directory organization; at a glance I can know what the NIL is like, compare with others in the file system. Including the characteristics in the string actually provides a QA function: I can see them all in line, and consider whether or not the characteristic determination still seems correct.

I can also, by using this string, generate characters of any alien race and take them through career resolution. The only exception is caste determination and any consequences of that, and any species specific stuff.
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