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Rock (K-CP11 Touring Ship), ported from AD06


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
(Ported from AD06: Expedition to Zhodane)

Touring Ship K-CP11 Rock MCr63.6

Touring Ship (Type K): Using a 300-ton nickel-iron asteroid as the hull, the asteroid ship is a minimal configuration ship intended as an economical transportation system between stars, and is ideal for the the wanderer, the researcher, the casual traveller, and the clandestine observer. It mounts drives capable of jump-1, maneuver-1, and power plant-1. A fuel purification plant is installed on the drive deck. There is fuel tankage for 96 tons, sufficient for three consecutive jumps of jump-1 and for running the power plant and maneuver drive for two months. Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/2. Five staterooms provide quarters for the crew and non-commercial passengers. One triple turret mounts one beam laser and two missile racks. The ship has one custom-designed 25-ton ship's boat which serves as a refueling shuttle and allows access to world surfaces. There is cargo space for 11 tons; in addition, 4.5 tons of cargo can be routinely carried aboard the ship's boat.

The asteroid ship requires up to five crew: pilot, astrogator, engineer, medic, and gunner. The pilot also operates the ship's boat.

The boat well is a transverse shaft cut through the nickel-iron of the planetoid itself; it holds the ship's boat firmly in place with heavy bolts when the ship is in motion. Shutters above and below close off the length of the shaft and conceal its presence. With the boat in place, entry is impossible because the craft seals the shaft.

Crew Comfort +4

   Tons     Component                                MCr    Notes
-------     -----------------------------------    -----    --------------------
    300     Planetoid Hull, lifters, 3 a/l free        3    P, lifters, 3 a/l free
   -1.5     No Landers                                 0
     60     AV=120. 6 Kinetic FeN                      0
     90     Jump Fuel (3  parsecs)                     0    3 parsec jump, at 30t per parsec
      6     Plant Fuel (2 months)                      0    2 months
      3     Maneuver Drive-1 (B)                       6    1 G
     15     Jump Drive-1 (B)                          15    J 1
      7     PowerPlant-1 (B)                           7    P 1
      1     Fuel Purifier                              1
      1     Fuel Transfer Pumps                        1
      0     AR Surf Basic (C,R,S)                      6    TL 9
      1     Vd T3 Hybrid L-M-M                         2
      2     Computer Model/2                           5
      2     Clinic                                     1
      2     2x Life Support Luxury                     2    #2 4 high passengers
      2     2x Life Support Adaptable                  2    #2 4 sophonts
     12     Spacious Bridge                          0.6    1cc 4op 1ws
     30     5x Officer Suite                           2    #5 fresher + safe
     16     4x Crew Commons                            0    #4
     11     Cargo Hold Basic                           0
     25     Ship's Boat (2G)                         8.5    m1 C
     12     Hull Niche                               1.5    Half Vehicle Volume
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So, what do you think is the bounty for an asteroid hunter out pointing out things like handy 300 ton asteroids suitable for ship building?
From the description, it appears to be a kind of touring ship. Expedition possibly, or Beagle maybe, but looks like the actual purpose is wandering, so that sounds like a K.
Sorry, I tried to hold it in, but apparently failed:

Hull Niche is a way of carrying a vehicle externally, presumably nestled in a niche in the hull. The Hull Niche is deducted from the ship, the vehicle itself is an external pod (of at my guess the other half of the vehicle is external as a pod).

You should not deduct both the vehicle and the Hull Niche from the the available space in the hull, but only the Hull Niche. The vehicle (or my guess the other half of the vehicle) is external and affects drive performance.

In a presumably vain attempt to appeal to irrelevant authority, Agorsky (or at least his app) agrees with me (except he adds the entire vehicle externally).

As far as I can see you have built a ship with a 300 Dt hull that is about 25 undertonnage, but with a pod hanging out so drive performance is calculated on 312.5 Dt (or perhaps 325 Dt). The drives support up to 400 Dt, so no problem, but will use slightly more fuel.

I get:
TL-12  F-CP11                        Ergo 2   Comfort 9    Demand 0        Agility -1
       Freighter                     Total:        22,5        55,2        Stability -1
SYSTEM                                    #       DTON         COST    
Hull                                              300                  
Config: Planetiod                                               1,5    
Structure: FeNi                AV=120 ( 1200 vs Blast, 1200 vs Pen, 13200 vs Heat/Beam, 1200 vs Pres, 0 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )    
Coating: Reflec                AV=  0 ( 1200 vs Heat/Beam  )    
Armour Std Anti-Kinetic                   1                          AV=20 ( 200 vs Blast, 200 vs Pen, 2000 vs H/B, 0 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )    
Armour Std Anti-Kinetic                   1        12                AV=20 ( 200 vs Blast, 200 vs Pen, 2000 vs H/B, 0 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )    
Armour Std Anti-Kinetic                   1        12                AV=20 ( 200 vs Blast, 200 vs Pen, 2000 vs H/B, 0 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )    
Armour Std Anti-Kinetic                   1        12                AV=20 ( 200 vs Blast, 200 vs Pen, 2000 vs H/B, 0 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )    
Armour Std Anti-Kinetic                   1        12                AV=20 ( 200 vs Blast, 200 vs Pen, 2000 vs H/B, 0 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )    
Armour Std Anti-Kinetic                   1        12                AV=20 ( 200 vs Blast, 200 vs Pen, 2000 vs H/B, 0 vs Rad, 0 vs EMP )    
Landing Skids Tarmac                                                    
Lifters Installed                                               1,5    
External Craft                         12,5                       
Drop Tanks (95% fuel)                     0                                 22,5  Hull
Total Drive Capacity                  312,5                                 22,5  Over/undertonnage: Agility +1
Jump Field: Jump Bubble                                                    D=319 m, Flash 7
J Drive B      J-1, 200 EP                1        15          15      
M Drive B      1 G, 200 EP                1         3           6      
P Plant B      P 1, 200 EP                1         7           7      
Fuel, Jump   J-3                                   93,8                
Fuel, Power  8 weeks                                6,3                
Transfer Pump                             1         1           1      
Purifier                                  1         1           1      
Console, Control C+S=12                   1         2           0,2      
Console, Operati C+S=12                   5        10           0,5      
Computer m/2                              1         2           5      
Vd  Commu-8 +8A+2 PA(Elec)                1                              
Vd  Radar-9 +9A+2 PA(Elec)                1                                ACS S=2
D  Porth-5 +5A-- P(Phot)                  1                                ACS S=1
Crew:                                     9                            
Luxury Stateroom (1) for 1                5        30           2      
Common Areas                             16        16                  
Life Support:                                                          
Clinic                                    1         2           1      
Life Support, Luxury 40%                  2         2           2          60 person-days
Life Support, Adaptable 0%                2         2           2          60 person-days
Standard Air Lock                         3                            
Cargo                                              11                  
Vd T3 SLM -12 +12 H:1 Def+1               1         1           2      
 Vd T1 Sand-12 +10 H:1 Def+1              1                            
 AR T1 Miss-12 +10 H:M                    1                            
 AR T1 Miss-12 +10 H:M                    1                            
Carried Craft                                                          
Niche Gig 25 Dt                           1        12,5         7,5

With 46 Dt crew accommodation for 5 people, Comfort is a bit more than +4, but +9 by my calculation.

P.S. The Hull Niche is half of the vehicle volume or 12.5 Dt. The rules don't say said round down inconvenient fractions...

P.P.S: If you want an internal vehicle you are better off with a Hangar, consuming less space. It would also fit the original.

P.P.P.S: No backsies on the non-existing landing feet, they are not optional, and the planetoid doesn't have any anyway. Lifters may be deleted, but only reduce the cost, not tonnage.
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