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Role of sexes in the Imperial and Solomani services

Blue Ghost

SOC-14 5K
Can someone answer me a couple of questions?

What gender issues (if any) exist in the Imperial Armed services (Army, Navy, Marines, Scouts, etc.)? And what gener issues (again, if any) exist in the Solomani/Terran services?

Thanks much in advance.
Gender has never been an issue in Traveller:

Original GDW and FASA adventures had female soldiers/marines. T20 follows that (look at the pics).

The front cover of the original GDW Solomani module had an armed female Solsec agent. So no issue there either!
Among the Solomani, men and women fight side-by-side to confuse the enemy while they're trying to figure out who's more manly. . .
I always figured complete egalitarianism, a la the movie-version of Starship Troopers.

Though I do wonder how Alsan react to female human warriors, outside of combat of course. In combat, I'm sure they're fair game.
Originally posted by lord irial:
I always figured complete egalitarianism, a la the movie-version of Starship Troopers.

Though I do wonder how Alsan react to female human warriors, outside of combat of course. In combat, I'm sure they're fair game.
The survivors decide what's fair. ;)
Originally posted by lord irial:
I always figured complete egalitarianism, a la the movie-version of Starship Troopers.

Though I do wonder how Alsan react to female human warriors, outside of combat of course. In combat, I'm sure they're fair game.
It's at least as confusing for Aslan to deal with male technicians. That's one of the main reasons for the Tolerence skill; to reflect the ability to deal wth humans by their functional rather than actual genders. A male tech is treated as female, a female warrior is treated as male.
For the Aslan, I think it would depend on what they percieve. Afterall, they are not really looking at the sex of the individual they are fighting, unlike say the K'Kree but the gender. So, if a female has the ability, she becomes male. Now, in conservative Aslan society, these are taboos not to be breeched but are done so all the time through minor violations, in accordance with honor - the heart of the Aslan Code of Ethics.

In Imperial and Solomani circles, it would be absolute equality between the sexes, but their home planets may disagree or agree. So, as far as the Confederation is concerned, merit is more important than biology.
What the man said - an alien female performing a job reserved for males in Alsan society would be "functionally male". I've heard from female colleagues of something a bit similar in a conservative asian circles as regards foreign women in management positions. I'd imagine the Aslan react in much the same way.

Transgression can be fun though ;) I had a lot of fun years ago playing in Hard Times as a female Aslan outcast 2nd Engineer / ship's psychopath. Even the other crew members were scared of her.
Originally posted by Blue Ghost:
Can someone answer me a couple of questions?

What gender issues (if any) exist in the Imperial Armed services (Army, Navy, Marines, Scouts, etc.)? And what gener issues (again, if any) exist in the Solomani/Terran services?

Thanks much in advance.
I'm an equal oppertunity destroyer, if a man or woman shoots at me, I destroy them equally.

It also don't matter to me, as long as they can get the job done. So that usually means what skills they have.

Female humans in Traveller are usually pretty tough and can defend themselves if attacked. So I'd say that the equal oppertunity employment program must have worked?

Only problem is, who takes care of the kids if both parents are employed in the Space Marines? Grandma and Grandpa?
Wouldn't the Imperial Military make one of the parents stay out of combat, like the U.S. military does?
I should think that the military would provided maternity/paternity leave until the child could be placed into "The Imperial School for Daughters (Sons) of Officers in the Army (navy etc)".

This is what the British Empire did with its expat children.

Also I presume that all pregnancies would be in vitro all the way through.

I see agreement with the Admiral here. I have utilized the invitro storage while members of the miliatry were in fleet/ or away from home bases. In the case of death of parents, the child is raised on the Serviceperson(s) Imperial SGLI benefits, and their education is assured till they are of service age.
Also, aboard ship, implants are used to keep the personnel from child bearing (adults being adults, well...ye can regulate it all ye like, but if ye must be truthful, then you have to keep the service person in non motherly mode.)

The Aslan gender perception is true among Hierate clans. less so in Imperial Aslan, in varying degrees.
Greetings, Dystopia Fans!

Great Margaret's Whiskers!
No wonder the Imperium teeters on the brink of Darkness! When would such a child be taught how to be a human? In between grenade practice and squat thrusts? Does the person have any free will or personal choice, or is he/she/it just raised to not know any better? Sounds as if there are some mighty creepy things afoot in the service, what? Brown Bess is a fine mistress in a foxhole, but I question how loving a mother she is...


M'Lord Baron I must correct a misaprehension these schools are not pre-Academy prep schools but perfectly normal schools designed to cope with two absent parents.

A thousand pardons, Vice-Admiral, I am drawn to differ with Lord Devlin as it is scads of fun, what? I got the Impression that it was an Orwellian sort of Children of the State sort of situation... Embryonic Orphans raised by the "Wire Monkey" of the military. Prep school makes perfect sense.

(hands Vice Admiral snifter of Ruieian Brandy)


What about aliens that don't have two sexes? In some species the female might be the larger and the stronger. Some species might resort to hermaphritic reproduction. In some species the order of society might resemble a beehive with a Queen and a bunch of drones. Egg-laying creatures are apt to have more equality among the sexes that live bearing ones. Rules for dealing with sex issues don't necessarily carry over to nonhumans.
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran:
A thousand pardons, Vice-Admiral, I am drawn to differ with Lord Devlin as it is scads of fun, what? I got the Impression that it was an Orwellian sort of Children of the State sort of situation... Embryonic Orphans raised by the "Wire Monkey" of the military. Prep school makes perfect sense.
There you go again! :D Assuming!

(hands Vice Admiral snifter of Ruieian Brandy)


Holds out his brandy glass too..
Originally posted by Tom Kalbfus:
What about aliens that don't have two sexes? In some species the female might be the larger and the stronger. Some species might resort to hermaphritic reproduction. In some species the order of society might resemble a beehive with a Queen and a bunch of drones. Egg-laying creatures are apt to have more equality among the sexes that live bearing ones. Rules for dealing with sex issues don't necessarily carry over to nonhumans.
Becomes less of an issue Tom. The Droyne for example. Only those of the Sport caste might be found in imperial service serving away from the Oytrip community(ies). the rest will be serving their homeworlds/ areas.
As the Sport caste is technically a mule without the other two needed for the egg laying processes...its a moot point, for Droyne.

Now, in the case of Llynarians(sp?) (massilia/Shiwonee/Llyn) only the warrior caste serves as ships marines aboard geonee imperial ships...the remaining two, workers/ etc remain underground on their homeworld..

Hope that explains some what...YMMV