Some years back (as I posted on these boards no less) I had some people try to "deprogram me" of gaming and classic "Star Trek". One of them even posted here about trying to create a Traveller game with the HERO rule system.
Yes, the idea of "god" was introduced. And my personal life was intruded into on the deepest and most personal level.
I filed complaints with the State of California, and so did my extended family. And, eventually I had to contact the California Department of Justice their antics got so bad. They are now firmly on the radar of the local, state, and even federal law enforcement. And if they're reading this, then they know who they are.
I hope they spend all kinds of money and make the biggest spectacle for all of sci-fi / fantasy fans and the general public to see just who they really are, and what they're all about.
"hands for spell casting"? Huh? Throwing dice through blood? Give. Me. A. Break.