Which is exactly what I need to compute if I am going to work out how Lemish was conquered during the Rebellion. How many/what kind ships did Lemish have, and how many did the Vargr have in the invasion.
FYI, You can download fan magazines from the 80s,90. Some are in the wiki and others are on fan websites. I would suggest Tiffany Star. TS was an MT centric mag of 32 issues. It discusses player view of the Rebellion, Corridor, etc.
It predates my involvement in public activities, but i believe Don was a resource at the time.
Anyhow, TS covered fleet losses and some economics utilizing TCS in early issues. If you redo this the right way (RUs) its a huge project covering 6 sectors and thousands of stars. So, don't do that. Focus on the invasion of Plunge and the sector data as it pertains to Lemish.
I disagree with MT on the course of the Corridor invasion, but it's canon and I'm not.