This is how we used to play it.
Just as a surgon need medical 3 (or greater) and a dex of 8(or greater) we used to run it that if the surgon had robotics 3(or greater) as well, then they could start doing custom cybernetic implants (either fitting them or building them!). They would need robotics 1 at least to fit 'off the shelf' implants, or at Robotics 2 could build and fit an unsophisticated replacement limb. But while off the shelfs are cheep[er], never were more than a basic functional prosthetic replacement, and never be as good as the original meat
An off the shelf implant would never look totaly real and depending on its tech level and the success/skill of the surgon would confer a -1 or -2 to dex and strenght tasks involving that limb. A best possible roll by the surgon would confer no dex penalty.
A custom job could look totaly realistic and would by default, on a successful fitting confer no penalty on either strenght or dex. Custom fits would enable the successful instalation of any more than 1 gadget
Realistic looking prosthetics/cybernetics, IE those not noticable without a medical scan or other scanning equipment were TL 13 or greater, TL 12 (Imperial standard/average tech) it was possible but not easy to spot a prosthetic with the naked eye, TL 11 and lower, it became progressively easier to spot the prosthetic with the naked eye.
Notes on Gadgets
Arms of TL12 often have the option of a singular gadget being fitted but the limb would look like a synthetic replacement, TL13 could have two, but then again could not passed off as a real looking limb (but could with only 1 gadget), TL 14 could have 2 and look real, or 3 and not look like a real arm, etc...
The usual standard fitting was the equivelent of one of todays mobile phones/Palm top organisers.
Enhances to strenght or dex would count as 1 gadget for each point of enhancement
Legs could have 'storage space' as a gadget which confered a .5liter capacity (the size of a small bottle of mineral water).
Experiance's with gravitics below TL 15 proved impossible, and at TL 15 there was still no room for a stabiliser (end result was yes, you can fly, control? errr... We are working on that!) Yes this was a GM device.
The fitting of weapons was tricky, and PCs always want to. Needlers/slither fireres were the only projectile weapon that could be fitted without ruining the realisim of an arm. Energy weapons needing a foci lens at least (want an inbuilt beam weapon, that will need a focus crystal in the middle of your palm? People will notice it!) and other calibers creating a noticable protusion. (again a GM device)
Touch contact shockers could be fitted (eg like the rape alarm/stun guns of today).
Note we worked with this before we got the robotics book!
Feel free to pick apart