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Running SoTA during Fifth Frontier War.


Hi people!

I finished my Droyne campaign and ran an inside-out variety of some classic published adventures so my players are now quite familiar with two alien races, Vargr and Droyne. I intended to run Mongoose's Secrets of the Ancients campaign next... but it seems I am in need of some advice.

I've long since established a few NPCs that take part in SoTA (namely, Vlen Backett, who the players know quite well as an eccentric traveller with some mystique about him). But it is mid-1107 on the game clock. And SoTA is obviously set pre-5FW (for example, a lot of the scenery at Beck's World in chapter 3 relies on that).

I could probably refit it into a postwar setting without too much hassle, but what about setting it during the war? It's either that, or I'll launch a different campaign to deal with the war first. I definitely don't want to fast-forward past such a huge milestone of the Marches' history just so I can finally run SoTA!

EDIT: Actually, the more I think about it, the more comfortable I'm with the idea of breezing past 1107-08. Don't want to leave a complete gap in my TU's timeline as experienced by the players, but I can just devote one or two six-hour sessions to a series of space battles interspersed with historical interludes. Then I'll have them back with their characters, but at Regina and in 1109, with a few new toys and less mortgage on their old Type-A2. (They were at Rhylanor at the end of today's adventure.)
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