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Sanity in Traveller


Peer of the Realm
There are certain things in the Traveller universe that have been known to cause insanity. The one that comes to mind immediately is a misjump. My model for the sanity system is the d20 Call of Cthulhu game but I use my own version of it.

The essence of my sanity system is that a character has a Sanity score, expressed as a percentage which can go down or can increase as time and events progress. Characters are required to make occasional d100 checks verses their Current Sanity. The failure of a Sanity Check can cause the character to develop one or more mental illnesses/behavioral aberrations or to simply lose points from their Current Sanity. There are three scores that need to be recorded to use this system: Starting Sanity, Current Sanity, and Maximum Sanity.

A character’s Starting Sanity score is equal to their wisdom score times five. A referee should probably set a lower limit to Starting Sanity appropriate for their game which might be significantly more than wisdom times 5 depending on how grueling the game is for the characters and how often they will have to make Sanity checks. I suggest a lower limit of 60. If by some chance the character’s Starting Sanity score is greater than their Maximum Sanity score then the Starting Sanity is reduced to match it.

A character’s Current Sanity score is equal to their Stating Sanity score at character creation but is modified as the game progresses.

A character’s Maximum Sanity score is equal to 99 minus the total number of terms of service a character has had. Think of the Maximum Sanity score as the absolute top potential of sanity that a character could, but probably never will, reach.

Sanity Loss
Characters can lose points from their Current Sanity score through any event that has potentially significant emotional impact. The referee can set a number of sanity points to be lost when a certain event occurs or when characters fail a Sanity Check. A typical number of sanity points to lose might be 1d6 points.

Typical Events That Produce Sanity Loss:
One jump: 2 sanity points
Misjumps: automatically reduce sanity by the number of parsecs misjumped plus 1d6
Being knocked unconscious in combat: 2 sanity points
Being exposed to open space without a vacc suit: 2 sanity points

Situations That Might Require a Successful Sanity Check to Prevent Sanity Loss:
Meeting a very unusual or strange alien species
Exposure to noxious chemicals or atmospheres
Being held hostage
Supernatural or Unexplainable Events

Jump Sanity Loss
Being in jump space stuck on ship can be quite boring. It can also lead to conflict among the passengers and crew. This is reflected by a 2 point sanity loss for each jump. If a character buys 100 credits of “entertainment materials” before a jump they can reduce this loss to 1 point per jump. Entertainment materials can be bought at any planet of TL 6 or greater or any class B or A starport.

Insanity/Behavioral Aberrations
When a character loses a number of sanity points equal to or exceeding his wisdom score in one week then the character has to make an immediate Sanity Check using any loss greater than the wisdom score as a positive modifier to the DC If the character fails this check then he or she develops a mental disorder or behavioral aberration assigned by the referee. So, let’s assuming a character has a wisdom score of 10, a Current Sanity of 50, and has lost 12 sanity points in the last week. At this point we would allow the character to make a Sanity Check verses his Current Sanity + (lost points – wisdom) = 52. Full-blown insanity such as schizophrenia is probably not appropriate for characters to develop in a game unless they have a really low Current Sanity but interesting quirks and behavioral aberrations can add some flavor and unpredictability to the scene. Use your imagination.

Restoring Sanity/Preventing Loss
IMTU I allow sanity points lost from regular jumps to be regained at the rate 1 point per 2 days a character is off the ship they made the jump on.

New Skills:
Psychotherapy (specify race) – the character who takes this skill has some formal training in dealing with emotional states of a specific sophont race. A successful use of the psychotherapy skill by one character on another will improve the Current Sanity score by the total skill modifier divided by 4 with a minimum of 1 point regained. The person providing the skill must be in contact with the patient for a minimum of 5 hours. This 5 hours can be spread out over different days but the roll is not made until complete. Characters can take this skill multiple times but must find training for the specific race and must chose a different race each time. This is an intelligence based skill. The DC for this skills is 15. This skill can not increase Current Sanity beyond the Starting Sanity.

Yoga – the character is skilled in meditation and balancing the personality. Every week the character can make a Yoga check ( base 10 DC + number of sanity points gained in the last week) to reduce sanity loss on a jump by 1 or to increase Current Sanity by 1 point. This skill can not increase Current Sanity beyond the Starting Sanity.

New Feat:
Emotional Resiliency: the character with this feat automatically reduces all sanity loss by 1 point including only 1 point per jump and the character gets a +5 bonus on all sanity checks.
Interesting, Nightshade.
How do you determine how severe an 'aberration' should be? At what level of current sanity does a person become a gibbering wreck? At what level is the descent into insanity irreversible? What is the purpose of the maximum sanity - do people increase sanity beyond the starting level?

I'm running a campaign right now in which characters are doubting their own sanity. I might be able to cherry-pick some of these ideas. At least one of my players is a Citizen, though.
Good questions. For normal purposes I consider a sanity of 30 or less to be a permanent form of serious insanity with no or little chance of recovery. The way I've been doing it if people increase their wisdom score then they increase their starting sanity score. I think of the starting sanity score as an upper limit to sanity restoration. Having a maximum sanity score indicates that there is always a chance to fail a sanity check roll.

As to how serious an insanity or behavioral aberration, I use the current sanity score as a indicator of how serious a problem develops. If a character fails a sanity check when their current sanity score is say a 75 then perhaps they develop a nervous tick. If their score is around 65 when they fail a check they might start seeing things out of the corner of their eye every few hours. They might begin to startle easy. If their current sanity is about 55 they develop a minor mental illness that has game results that are obvious. The character might develop a full blown mental illness or behavioral problem. At a current sanity of 45 the character starts to lose touch with some part of reality and begins the slow slide into some type of debilitating insanity.

When I say behavioral aberration what I mean is something that is not culturally accurate for them or their environment. Perhaps instead of using the fresher whenever they need to maybe they save up their, uh, byproducts in a large container and dispose of them once a day.

But anytime a character experiences something that is unexpected or unbelievable that can be a reason for them to doubt their sanity. You could do a lot with that. Also, I am considering making the sanity checks privately so the players don't know if their characters are sane or not. :)
How would you rate this?

A K'Kree Scout (yes, there are such things) who was crew on a small (for K'Kree) combat scout.

It was attacked, and he was the sole survivor. It took a couple of weeks for him to repair the jump drive (madly ;) making sanity checks the whole time), then it mis-jumped the wrong way.

He ended up in Human space... and was so glad to see anyone else (and his sense of smell was so screwed up by being unable to jettison the bodies of his fellow crew because he needed them for company), that he accepted them as equals.

He then sold the "wreck", and managed to get a "heavyworlder-spec" (9' ceilings & 50% wider passages) 300T merchant converted for his use (in partnership with a solitary Droyne*).

He later hired a couple of passengers as "security crew"... an Aslan and another feline-like sophont, who had their own 30t fighter.

His paranoia over possibly being in a crippled ship again over-rode the fact they were carnivores, since they could defend him so well.

He is quite aware that "something isn't right with me", and is determined never to "go home", as he knows what his people would do with him.

*That's another "sanity story".
When I say behavioral aberration what I mean is something that is not culturally accurate for them or their environment. Perhaps instead of using the fresher whenever they need to maybe they save up their, uh, byproducts in a large container and dispose of them once a day.


Thanks Nightshade, I might just make use of that. Right now, they're doing a cabin by cabin search of their ship for a werewolf. :devil:
Blackbat242 that sounds like a really messed up K'Kree. And as anyone in health related businesses know people that aren't mentally healthy seem to attract others that aren't mentally healthy. So, it wouldn't surprise me if a wacked out K'Kree teamed up with a wacked out Droyne. Both these guys have low sanities, probably in the 30s.

Icosahedron, they're searching for a werewolf, eh? hehe, you gotta tell us how this turns out. :)
How true... Droyne are supposed to "turn themselves off" (suicide) when their caste says they have "used up their usefulness and need to make room for younger, more productive Droyne".

He was a Worker/technician who refused to do so, and fled to a human world when his caste tried to kill him anyway.

He is now a "caste-less Droyne"... which is a Droyne definition of "insane".

Two lunies running around space... gathering more lunies along the way... the Aslan was a total misfit in Aslan society... but was a highly-regarded fighter pilot in the Solomani Navy, rising to command of a fighter squadron.

The other crew members weren't much better, either.

You know what they say... "birds of a feather flock together". :p