Would someone please explain how to use the Scope, Bulky and Very Bulky characteristics from the CSC ? I have what appears to be a first version Core Rules book and a CSC. Some weapons in the CSC have the Scope characteristic (not covered in my Core Rulebook).
Some also have the Bulky or Very Bulky characteristic, e.g. shotgun, RAM GL and TL13 PGMP are each Bulky, while the TL12 PGMP is Very Bulky - this seems different from the weight/overburdened handicap in the Core Rules book.
Some also have the Bulky or Very Bulky characteristic, e.g. shotgun, RAM GL and TL13 PGMP are each Bulky, while the TL12 PGMP is Very Bulky - this seems different from the weight/overburdened handicap in the Core Rules book.