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MGT Only: Scout/Courier by GSbAG (MgT2 ß)

Originally submitted by GSbAG as a new standard scout/courier, but it was declined because of cost. Despite using civilian grade hull and drives, the design committee could not resist including lots of equipment they thought would be useful in a frontier environment, driving up the cost. Designed to TL12 standard as a reasonable compromise between ease of maintenance and automation availability.

It is now available to the civilian market for discerning customers who require the famed GSbAG quality. The living quarters is fully customisable in the "Individual" program.

An 8 dT module with access to the living quarters and an exterior hatch allows mission specific equipment. The default module contains two standard staterooms, but e.g. libraries, workshops, medical bays, laboratories, and docking spaces can be included.

Significantly upgraded sensors, computers, and automation compared to the old Type S. Since it is expected that a very small crew is going to operate the ship the bridge is cramped, but a separate sensor operator compartment with two workstations allows an expert to get the most out of the sensors.

Robust drives with emergency power system and solar panels to conserve fuel while stationary. Fully streamlined with fuel scoops and purifiers (10 dT / 24 h)

100 dT, J-2, M-2, available in quantity with a base price of MCr 50.
Computer: m/15 and a m/10fib backup, with Virtual Crew, Intellect, Jump Control, Fire Control, Evade, and an extensive library of expert software to aid the crew with reconnoissance, contact and maintenance.
All crew positions can be automated, potentially with full voice control.
Military sensors with Extension Net and Improved signal processing (DM+2). Additional Life Scanner and Probe Drones to survey planets or game reserves. Mineral Detection Suite optional.
A single turret with quad pulse lasers as default, any standard turret can be used, but with a maximum power of 20.
4 staterooms ( plus possibly 2 more in module )
2 low berths for medical emergencies. A TL14 autodoc can be substituted at additional cost.
11 dT cargo space with foldable acceleration benches for 44 passengers and 11 dT collapsible fuel bladders.
TL 12          Hull 36                                        55,6    
                            Desired  ∆TL  Rat    #    dTon    Cost      Power
Hull                                                   100               20
Config         Streamlined       2         2                   5,1    
Hull strength  Light             1         1                
Armour         Crystaliron       4         4           5,0     1,0    
Repair Drones                    1               1     1,0     0,2    
JumpD       Budget               2   -0    2     1    10,0    11,3       26,0    EnergyIneff
ManœuvreD   Budget               2   -0    2     1     2,0     3,0       26,0    EnergyIneff
PowerP      Standard                             1     4,0     4,0       60,0
    Emergency Power              1               1     0,4     0,4    
Solar Panels                     1               1     0,5     0,1    
Drop Tank Collar    100 dT       1         1     1     0,4     0,2    
Fuel, Jump                       2         2     1    20,0        
Fuel, Power                      4         4     1     1,0        
Fuel Purification             48 h      48 h     1     0,5     0,0    
Bridge, Small                    1               1     6,0     0,3    
    Holographic                  1               1             0,1    
Comp           m/15              3        15     1             2,0    
Backup Comp    m/10fib           2        10     1             0,2    
Sensor Workstation               2               2     2,0     1,0    
Sensors            Military      2         2     1     2,0     4,1        2,0
Extension Net                    1         1     1     1,0     1,0    
Signal Processing  Improved      1         1     1     1,0     4,0        1,0
Life Scanner                     1               1     1,0     2,0    
Probe Drones       5 drones      1               1     1,0     0,5    
Module                           8                     8,0        
Staterooms                                       4    16,0     2,0    
Low Berths                       2         2     2     1,0     0,1        1,0
Armoury (Ship's Locker)          1               1     1,0     0,3    
Cargo                                                 11,0        
Accel Bench       44 seats      11                             0,1    
Collapsible Fuel Tank           11                     0,1     0,0    
External Cargo Mount           100                             0,1    
Jump Net                       100               1     1,0     0,3    
Tow Cable                        1               1     1,0     0,0    
UNREP                            1               1     1,0     0,5        1,0
Quad Pulse Laser, Budget         1   -0  TL9     1     1,2     5,0       18,0    IncreasedSize
Software                                                       6,8    
Intellect/1             10       1         1     1             1
Jump Control/2          10       2         2     1             0,2    
Evade/2                 15       2         2     1             2    
Fire Control/1           5       1         1     1             2    
Virtual Crew/0           5       1               1             1    
Intellect                                                      0,002    
Expert Astrogation                                             0,010    
Expert Navigation                                              0,010    
Expert Engineer(Power)                                         0,010    
Expert Engineer(Life Support)                                  0,010    
Expert Engineer(Man)                                           0,010    
Expert Engineer(Jump)                                          0,010    
Expert Mechanic                                                0,010    
Expert Elec(Sensor)                                            0,010    
Expert Elec(Comm)                                              0,010    
Expert Elec(Remote)                                            0,010    
Expert Elec(Comp)                                              0,010    
Expert Medic                                                   0,010    
Expert Admin                                                   0,010    
Expert Advocate                                                0,010    
Expert Diplomat                                                0,010    
Expert Investigate                                             0,010    
Expert Language    20                                          0,200    
Expert Recon                                                   0,010    
Expert Science    18                                           0,180    
Expert Steward                                                 0,010    
Expert Survival                                                0,010    
Expert Tactics(Military)                                       0,010    
Expert Tactics(Naval)                                          0,010    
Expert Vacc Suit                                               0,010    
Crew                 7                        
    Command          1                        
    Bridge           3                        
        Pilot              1                    
        Astrogator         1                    
        Sensor & EW        1                     
    Engineer         1                        
        Engineer           0                    
        Maintenance        0,1                    
    Service          1                        
        Admin              0,05                    
        Medic              0,03375                    
        Steward            0                    
    Gunner           1                        
    Troops           0
With a flexible, heavy duty towing system it can carry up to 100 dT in drop tanks, external cargo, and/or towed craft while maintaining J-1, M-1 performance.

Can resupply other craft with up to 20 dT fuel and/or supplies per hour, so can act as a mobile base for small craft operations.