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Scout/Courier population (p. 46)

That's a pretty bold statement, considering the amount of trade the Imperium probably conducts and the fact that the commercial uses of a Type S are sharply limited. "One of the most common" I might believe. In absolute terms, "the most commonly seen ship in Charted Space," though? Doesn't pass a common sense check -- what are they all doing, then? who pays for it? -- unless the t20 universe is vastly different from previous versions.

I am not a T20 developer but I think they mean most common SINGLE SHIP CLASS. Yeah merchants probably out number Type S's by 1000 to 1. But they are Type A's, A2's etc etc. And I would also believe that a lot of worlds would produce type S's for there own use not just the IISS. They are cheap and the designs are free! And parts would be easy to get from any scout base. So why would you build another type of ship! And considering the new design type S, maybe type S's don't all look the same but have the same standard. Or maybe its just a SNARFU.
Scout couriers would of course be seen everywhere throughout the Imperium. The Scout Service needs to maintain tabs on all worlds, and find out just how true the reports filed by the different regions reporting officials actually are. So an old Type S could be anywhere.
Originally posted by vegascat:
Scout couriers would of course be seen everywhere throughout the Imperium. The Scout Service needs to maintain tabs on all worlds, and find out just how true the reports filed by the different regions reporting officials actually are. So an old Type S could be anywhere.
Not to mention all those variants like the Seeker.
Scout couriers, by virtue of their various missions (mail and courier duty, expoloration, charting, search and rescue, and detached duty) are constantly *moving*. The scout you see today might just be the same one you saw three months ago way back up the main. Then again, it might just be a different one. Add to the fact that there are so darned many of them, and that they all look the same... and you have a very commonly seen ship.