Thanks! I really appreciate that. It makes spending the time to post these things worth it. I have a Kuklakan and a Sandgrab coming up next from Victoria's tales of hair-raising adventure, I'll try to get them done to the board's standards in a day or two. The first is an aquatic beast with an interesting lifecycle and the latter, a monster that turned the tables on its would-be exploiters and ate a colony. Both are player-tested and player-...I dunno if 'approved' is the right word but they did have fun during all the screaming and gunfire.
As an old Dungeon Master, I will say that having fun 'midst all the screaming and gunfire that it is player-approved.
From what I've read, it's my opinion that it is alive; it is gengineered; and it is cyber-enhanced.
*gleefully steals*