Hi All,
I am going to be starting a new Traveller campaign this weekend, and I recollect reading a adventure a year or so ago that I would like to run, but for the life of me I can't remember where I found it. It could be a published adventure (from any edition of Traveller, I have them all) or a fanzine adventure (Signs & Portents, Freelance Traveller, etc.).
I am appealing to the collective memory of Travellers fans to see if you can help me dredge up this fading distant memory.
The clues to its identity are these:
1) There is a mine/cave wherein there is a creature which exits its lair to terrorize/eat the local townsfolk. (I am certain of this fact)
2) The planet on which this adventure is set is a backward planet (somewhat sure of this fact)
3) There may have been two creatures; a mother and her cub (not so sure)
4) The monster what accidentally awakened from its hibernation due to actions of the local populace (maybe???)
Any or all hints would be appreciated. TIA.
I am going to be starting a new Traveller campaign this weekend, and I recollect reading a adventure a year or so ago that I would like to run, but for the life of me I can't remember where I found it. It could be a published adventure (from any edition of Traveller, I have them all) or a fanzine adventure (Signs & Portents, Freelance Traveller, etc.).
I am appealing to the collective memory of Travellers fans to see if you can help me dredge up this fading distant memory.
The clues to its identity are these:
1) There is a mine/cave wherein there is a creature which exits its lair to terrorize/eat the local townsfolk. (I am certain of this fact)
2) The planet on which this adventure is set is a backward planet (somewhat sure of this fact)
3) There may have been two creatures; a mother and her cub (not so sure)
4) The monster what accidentally awakened from its hibernation due to actions of the local populace (maybe???)
Any or all hints would be appreciated. TIA.