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Ship Design Competition - Poll

Best Ship Design: Overall

  • AT Pollard: Minicraft

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AT Pollard: Modular Trader

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AT Pollard: Stingray Class Runabout

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


SOC-14 1K
Please cast your results for the Ship Design Competition Poll here.

To see the entries again, please go to 'The Fleet' Section and look for the 'Deckplan Challenge' Thread. HERE

You will need to scroll down until you see: ENTRY No.1.

Results only available after 2 weeks.

Thank you

Too late! But you were brave enough to do the first entry. I'm suprised more people didn't do designs based on stats alone.

Stat only designs allow the reader to dream up the shape of the ship in their own minds...uh...does that make you feel any better?

...and besides, Brom's space chopper is in there!

In this case open format is really open format.

Not a bad idea in itself. It might be an idea to turn it into a continous competition, say in 2 or 3 month blocks.

flykiller, you had the cohones to post first and get the ball rolling. Without that it may have ammounted to so much less.

I gotta admit, the quality was very high. Ed M's yacht, and most of the submissions by atpollard are very pretty indeed.
I'd like to see that. A couple of people were trying to make the deadline but just didn't have time in the end.

The nice thing about the competition is that it makes you look at that half finished design on the shelf and gives you an incentive to finish it.

I wish I could vote for all of the submitters. Excellent work gentlemen, and you can bet all of these will be making some form of appearance in my games.

Special mention goes to the Liberty ship for being workaday and yet implementing a good design metric for Traveller merchant shipping. Special mention also to the minicraft... they do have some rules legitemacy, but more importantly they remind me of ST 'shuttlepods' which seem like handy utility vehicles. I would say they could probably be armed with something like a doormounted minigun or something - nothing anti-ship really, but an additional defense for AP use while grounded or inserting into an LZ.

Excellent work from all! Andrew's work almost needs its own category of 'best game movies' or something like that.

I'm giving each of you a standing ovation!
Hi !

Really astonishing awfully professional work submitters !
Luckily I missed the deadline. Guess I would feel bad now

Em, You meant "Tschüss!" Liam ?
Well, I dunno, Mert ... isn't "shoot" one of those things they say im Wilden Westen? ;)

Originally posted by ravs:
...and besides, Brom's space chopper is in there!
I'm away for a week sunning myself on a tropical beach - erm, 'surveying' a tropical beach, that's what I meant to say - and people get me into a plagiary law suit. Now I'll have to do a Traveller version. :rolleyes:

And no, I didn't vote for the Space Chopper, tempting as it was.
I think that today might be your last chance to vote against my starship designs. :D

So Hurry!
The results are now available for viewing!

Results are:

1. Best overall design: Liberty Ship - AT Pollard
2. Best design (artistic Impression): Yacht - Ed M
3. Best design (technical merit): Liberty Ship - AT Pollard
4. Most original design: Minicraft - AT Pollard

Congratulations to the winners! Thank you all for entering!
