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MGT Only: Ship design spreadsheet?


Some time back, likely prior to the last system corruption here, there was a thread regarding MgT ship design software. I can't find it, however. In it, someone mentioned that they used a (Excel?) spreadsheet, and either posted a loink to it, or PMd it to me. I've lost the contact details for this person, and would like to follow up on it.

The spreadsheet followed the first MgT2e High Guard rules, not subsequent updates.

Anyone know who developed the sheet?

Ta muchly in advance :)

OK, neither seem like the one I've been using. ISTR it was an Excel sheet, but it then went through both LibreOffice, and then to Google Sheets, where I've been using it on and off ever since. I cannot remember when I got it, or who supplied it.

I want to be able to properly attribute the sheet, for when I finalise the design I'm working on; so, to see if anyone recognises the sheet itself, here's what I'm working on now, the Gentry-Class 100 ton Type SI Mod K Scout Intruder. I've added the deck plans aid block on the bottom of the main sheet, but that's the only real change aside from the working data.

Google Sheets Link (View only, editing disabled)

Anyone recognise who developed the sheet, please?
I like the Deck Plan squares table at the bottom, that cool.
Thanks. It really only locates the info in one place, rather than all across the sheet, though, so nothing terribly difficult there 😉

Be nice to know who wrote the sheet in the first place, mind,so I can properly credit the creator of it 👍
OK, success of a kind, although ending in something of a brick wall.

I found what I believer to be the original source. It was on Reddit, but the contributor was "[u/[deleted]", as at roughly six years ago. A little detective work and I found a newer version, 1.9, and a google sheets version by someone called Kieran Hartnett. No user name or nickname seemed evident.

Anyone know him?