Const. Class: based upon measurements of the SFTM by FJ, 167001kL or so... just shy of 12KTd. But note also: it's a bit too small...
Nacelles: 153.619x (13.2 to 17.3) approx 28563kL or 2040Td each.
Saucer: 127.1x29m using some conic chunks and approximations, 46158 kL, or 3297 Td
Sec. Hull: approx 56017kL or 4001 Td
Neck: 2700kL or 193Td
Struts 43m x2.5m x13 approx 2500kL or 178Td Each
How did you get these numbers? When I try, I get results that are quite different. The only measurements I can see are:
Length Overall: 288.6m
Breadth Overall: 127.1m
Height Overall: 72.6
Primary Diameter: 127.1
Secondary Length: 103.6
Secondary Max Diameter: 24.1
Nacelle Length: 153.6
Nacelle Diameter: 17.3
So, for the Nacelle, I get ((17.3/2)^2)*pi*153.6 = 36105.49m^3 = 2578 dton
For the saucer, assuming an average height of 15m, I get
((127.1/2)^2)*pi*15 = 190314.66m^3 = 13594 dton.
Even if I drop it to an average height of 10m, I still get 9063 dton.
For the rear hull, assuming an average diameter of 22m, I get
((22/2)^2)*pi*103.6 = 39381.75m^3 = 2813 dton
For the bounding cylinder, I get:
((34.1/2)^2)*pi*103.6 = 94614.65m^3 = 6758 dton.
OK, for the secondary hull, we are close (I just don't know what average diameter you used). But, for the primary hull, I have a *way* bigger number, but I don't know why.