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Shipbook: Mirador by John Lees

Terra/Sol Games is pleased to announce the release of Shipbook: Mirador by John Lees.

Shipbook: Mirador details a 1000 ton Traveller compatible Starship. The ship is well detailed as a luxury passenger liner operated by Excelsior Tours (The Lady May and the Silver Spirit) and as a lab ship (The Rosalind Franklin) owned by the eccentric explorer Talia Mason.

The economics of owning a Mirador class ship are explored as well as plot hooks and NPCs. Come explore further into the Twilight Sector Setting in the Mirador.
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On my first read-through, there's not too much about this that's truly Twilight Sector dependent, and I really like the re-purposing of "lab space" to be kitchens, etc. in the design.
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On further reading, the ship itself would work in ANY Traveller setting, and is frankly one of the best ship write-ups I've seen. (Funny side note - the two 5 man escape pods on the "Honeymoon deck" named "The Heartbreakers", because one couple is going to have to split up in case of an emergency.) Everything has been thought out, from the placement of the food stores relative to the galley (a food laboratory - this *is* a luxury space liner, after all), the "Robo-Stewards" (complete with stats and a few pictures), discussions of how the different zones of the ship are used, etc. I'd definitely put this up against the best of the CT ship writeups (Safari Ship, Azhanti High Lightning).

The "Excelsior Tours" info and various character/crew writeups are more setting specific, as is the flight plan (in TS a J-3 drive can make one parsec in 1/3 the time) of their ships, but it's not so different that it would cause too many problems in any MgT campaign.

As a nice extra, there is an Exploration variant covered that would make a useful (and posh) setting for some "into the unknown" type gaming, with players acting as crew, customers (probably funded by a patron for a specific exploration destination) or partner/owners.