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Ship's Emergency Equipment


SOC-14 1K
Cr7000 x #1 GP vacc suit per crewman: suit, gloves, boots and standard helmet
Cr3000 x #1 Portable Life Support System per vacc suit
Cr20 x #1 Magnetic grips per vacc suit
Cr2 x #1 Vacc suit patch kit, 5 patches, on suit belt
Cr15,250 x 31 Body pressure suit with vacuum-belt and 1 air charge for 1 passenger-space crewman (steward or medic) per shift
Cr150 x #2 Ship's Personal Rescue Enclosures* (Rescue Ball) per stateroom, plus 1 per occupant in lounge areas, plus 1 per occupant not provided a body pressure suit or vacc suit on the bridge and in engineering spaces.
Cr150 x #1 Snub revolver per bridge/engineering crewman, stored in gun locker at bridge/engineering duty station, plus 1 Snub revolver per other crewman stored in gun locker in Ship's Locker.
Cr200 x #1 box 50 tranq & 10 gas rounds, 1 box 60 HESC rounds per revolver stored with the revolver in the gun locker
Cr? x #1 spacecraft-rated portable fire extinguisher classed for combustible solids, combustible fluids, and electrical fires, clearly identified, will be wall-mounted: 1) on both sides of bulkhead exits, or on the interior side where the exit leads to the ship exterior or to an airlock; 2) beside an interior exit to a lift; 3) on the interior wall above and below a hatch; 4) on an interior bulkhead wall adjacent to each vertical cargo bay door, and on a interior bulkhead wall or utility column adjacent to each horizontal cargo bay door; and 5) in interior hallways at 25 meter intervals from the nearest extinguisher. One additional extinguisher will be wall-mounted: 1) in common/lounge or other public areas, per 135 square meters (30 dTon) of floor space; 2) on the ship's bridge per 135 square meters (30 dTon) of crew space; 3) in each laundry room per 45 square meters (10 dTon) of floor space; and 4) in the ship's engine room per 22.5 square meters (5 dTon) of crew space. One spacecraft-rated portable fire extinguisher classed for kitchen grease fires will be kept in each kitchen/galley space per 45 square meters (10 dTon) of floor space.
Cr20001 Electronic Tool Set, stored in engineering section
Cr10001 Mechanical Tool Set, stored in engineering section
Cr15001 Metalwork Tool Set, stored in engineering section
Cr10001 Medical kit, stored in sickbay
Cr200 x #1 dose of Fast drug per occupant, stored in sickbay Medical Kit
Cr1001 Tranq spray, stored in sickbay Medical Kit, using a dose-controlled nonlethal agent
Cr1000 x #1 Emergency air lock in each section
Cr150 x #Wall patches in each section
Cr?15 liters bottled water per occupant, 15 day supply, to be used in event of failure or contamination of water system.
Cr300 x #15-day supply of canned or preserved ready to eat foods, to be used in event of power failure or other failure of the ship's galley.
Cr300 x #1 Survival Kit per occupant, to be stored in lockers on boats, air/rafts or other carried vehicles to the rated capacity of the craft/vehicle if a craft/vehicle is carried, excess to be stored in the ship's locker
Cr250 x #Oxygen candles sufficient to maintain all occupants for a minimum of 15 days when used in designated refuges
Cr50 x #CO2 scrubbers sufficient to maintain all occupants for a minimum of 15 days when used in designated refuges
Cr19351 Atmospheric Reentry Kit (JTAS11) per crewman
The ship's locker shall include at minimum:
1Ship's Personal Rescue Enclosure (SPRE): are standard Rescue Balls with the following modifications: an umbilical port and detachable umbilicus connected to the ship's life support (to provide fresh air flow in event of an extended stay in the SPRE), and a 1-liter "airlock" pocket with zip closures built into the SPRE (to allow items to be passed from outside to the occupant inside with minimal loss of air. When not activated, the SPRE is stored in a wall-mounted box that pops away as the unit is activated and inflates. The unit is automatically activated by a significant drop in pressure.

2TL7 Oxygen candle: a 6 liter, 10 kg. chemical O2 generator designed to release 2600 liters of oxygen over 1 hour, sufficient to raise the O2 level in a 3 meter by 4.5 meter room by 10%, providing oxygen for 20 people for 6 hours. O2 candles should be used by trained crew and only at the recommended intervals since overuse by inexperienced individuals can lead to oxygen toxicity injury or extreme fire hazard. 60 units (0.36 kiloliters) are required per 20 occupants or fraction thereof, sufficient for 15 days. (Note: under normal circumstances, O2 levels for 20 persons in a 3 meter by 4.5 meter room would reach dangerous levels - i .e. unconsciousness - in 6 to 8 hours.)

3TL7 CO2 scrubber: A 30cm by 30 cm by 18 cm (16 liter) self-powered chemical CO2 removal unit containing 7.5 liters of soda lime and a battery powered fan. The unit will run for 24 hours once started and can be stopped and restarted. The unit is rated to keep a 3 meter by 4.5 meter room occupied by 20 people free from excess CO2 for up to 3 hours. (Consumption rate drops gradually, requiring an additional unit to be activated at about 4 hour intervals to maintain levels below 2%). 125 units (2 kiloliters) are required per 20 occupants or fraction thereof, sufficient for 15 days. (Note: under normal circumstances, CO2 levels for 20 persons in a 3 meter by 4.5 meter room would reach dangerous levels - i .e. unconsciousness - in 4 to 5 hours.)
http://ch.minearc.com.au/files/minearc/uploads/2012 CASPA (web)_2.pdf

The ship will maintain one crewman on the bridge and one crewman in engineering in vacc suit at all times; the vacc suit may be worn without gloves, helm or PLSS, but those items will be kept within reach of the crewman. The requirement may also be met by crewman wearing a body pressure suit. In either case, the suit will be equipped to take air from the ship's environmental systems via a detachable umbilical, and sufficient umbilicals will be available on the bridge and in engineering to serve all on-duty personnel. Exception: when there are not sufficient crew for a full three watches on bridge and engineering, the ship may keep one crewman in vacc suit on in either the bridge or engineering.

The ship will maintain one crewman in the passenger section in a body pressure suit at all times; the suit may be worn without gloves or helm, but those items will be kept on the crewman's person. When there are not sufficient crew for a full three watches in the passenger section, one off-duty awake crewman will be required to be in a body pressure suit.

In addition, the ship will have:
  • Internally illuminated exit signs powered from ship's standard and emergency power but with independent battery backup, posted over each bulkhead exit.
  • Emergency flood lights adjacent to the emergency exit signs, set to illuminate the room adjacent to the bulkhead exit, powered from ship's emergency power, activating on failure of ship's standard power.
  • Emergency illumination LED strips along the bottom edge of each wall, powered from ship's emergency power but with independent battery back-up, activating on failure of ship's standard power, providing sufficient emergency light to illuminate the corridor for passage. Strips will be configured to display arrows pointing to the nearest exit.
  • Atmosphere testers, powered from ship's standard and emergency power but with independent battery backup, wall-mounted near the bulkhead exit with a repeater display on the other side of the bulkhead, in each major compartment. A built-in sonic alarm, visible strobe and recorded voice warning will trigger in the event of atmospheric hazard including excess CO2, excess or drop in O2 levels beyond safe range (18% - 24% at 1 atmosphere), presence of smoke indicating fire, presence of other noxious chemical, or drop in atmospheric pressure of 15% or greater.
  • Heat-activated halon gas fire extinguisher systems.
  • Failsafe mechanical pressure indicators at each bulkhead exit, to indicate the presence or absence of pressure on the other side in event of failure of the atmosphere testing unit.
  • Iris hatches with access to ship's main and emergency power, and with independent battery backup, designed so that they will close automatically on trigger of a safety alarm by the atmosphere tester or by activation of the halon fire control system, and so that they will not open when there is a pressure differential greater than 0.5 atmospheres on the opposite side. Where manual hatches are used in place of iris hatches, they will be equipped with default mechanical spring closures; they may be equipped with an electromagnetic device to remain open during normal use, but the electromagnetic device will be designed to deactivate in the event of the atmosphere tester triggers a safety alarm, the fire control system is activated, or the ship's main power fails.
  • Emergency air masks in prominently marked boxes in each stateroom, corridor, and sufficient for all occupants of the lounge or other occupied room, with a 5-minute air charge cylinder, in event of activation of the halon system.

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The ship will have an independent emergency power grid delivering power from emergency power sources to the ship's emergency systems. The emergency systems will consist of:
  1. the ship's communications system,
  2. the ship's transponder,
  3. the ship's air lock,
  4. the ship's boat/vehicle hatch,
  5. the ship's iris valve doors,
  6. the ship's fire control system,
  7. the ship's bulkhead exit signs and emergency flood lights,
  8. the ship's emergency LED corridor lighting,
  9. the ship's low berths including emergency low berths,
  10. basic life support for the bridge, drive room, and designated refuge areas (generally the crew lounges and passenger lounges).

Ship's emergency power sources will consisting of:
  1. one 135 Kw fusion microplant (TL15, 90 liter, Cr18,000), located on the bridge, with a 15-day (300-liter) integral fuel supply and access to the main fuel tanks, per 20 occupants or fraction thereof;
  2. hull-mounted solar cells in quantity and arrangement sufficient to independently power emergency systems from the orbit of a habitable world; and
  3. battery back-up power sufficient to power the same for 15 days.

The ship's designated sick bay will have one 1500 Kw fusion miniplant (TL15, 500 liter, Cr100,000), with a 15-day (1620-liter) integral fuel supply and access to the main fuel tanks, located in the sick bay, per 2 dT allocated for sickbay to provide dedicated emergency power to the sickbay's gravitics, life support and powered equipment.

The ship's low berths and emergency low berths will be powered on an independent circuit from radioisotope power generators located in the drive room. The generators shall have a rated life of 4 years new and shall be recharged annually at the ship's annual maintenance. Ship's low berths and emergency low berths will have access to main and emergency power in case of damage to or destruction of the RPG power circuit.
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1 Tranq spray, stored in sickbay Medical Kit, using a dose-controlled nonlethal agent

Probably not enough if there is a real emergency on board.

15 liters bottled water per occupant, 15 day supply, to be used in event of failure or contamination of water system.

Nowhere near enough over a 15 day period.

1Ship's Personal Rescue Enclosure (SPRE): are standard Rescue Balls with the following modifications: an umbilical port and detachable umbilicus connected to the ship's life support (to provide fresh air flow in event of an extended stay in the SPRE), and a 1-liter "airlock" pocket with zip closures built into the SPRE (to allow items to be passed from outside to the occupant inside with minimal loss of air. When not activated, the SPRE is stored in a wall-mounted box that pops away as the unit is activated and inflates. The unit is automatically activated by a significant drop in pressure.

Do you really want 2m diameter balls just popping open, blocking access and generally in the way at crises moments? Also, I'd assume they don't function if the ship, or parts thereof, are deliberately depressurized?
Carlobriand said:
When not activated, the SPRE is stored in a wall-mounted box that pops away as the unit is activated and inflates. The unit is automatically activated by a significant drop in pressure.

That isn't how the Rescue Ball is described as working. It does not inflate until the user has sat down on one half and pulled the other half closed over himself/herself.

Picture it; how would the user get into an already-inflated Rescue Ball without losing all of the air?

Maybe they auto-deploy on loss of cabin pressure to be available to user, but do not actually inflate until a user is enclosed?

Do you really want 2m diameter balls just popping open, blocking access and generally in the way at crises moments? Also, I'd assume they don't function if the ship, or parts thereof, are deliberately depressurized?

Agreed, and that is not how Rescue Balls function.

Even if we go with the boxes auto-popping to expose Rescue Balls for use, I agree this would not happen in deliberate depressurizations using ship's life support pumps (although would still work is someone "deliberately" shot a hole in the hull ;) ). Way too much hassle to reset all the auto-boxes every time the ship might depressurize quarters to kill vermin, etc.
Most survival lists recommend 3 liters (or about 1 gallon) of drinking water per person per day.

A still person in a humid and cool environment can get by on 1L per day for a week or so. A survival bubble is quite likely to be such an environment.
A still person in a humid and cool environment can get by on 1L per day for a week or so. A survival bubble is quite likely to be such an environment.

During WW2 the German Africa Corps were very frequently down to ONE canteen of water a day, often in the form of coffee, or a lemon drink. This for several days at a time.

It should be noted that fully one third, at any given time, suffered from jaundice and dehydration.

Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you should.

If Carlo is adding all that other, "maybe we'll need it one day" stuff, surely we can have a little more water.
During WW2 the German Africa Corps were very frequently down to ONE canteen of water a day, often in the form of coffee, or a lemon drink. This for several days at a time.

It should be noted that fully one third, at any given time, suffered from jaundice and dehydration.

Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you should.

If Carlo is adding all that other, "maybe we'll need it one day" stuff, surely we can have a little more water.

And they were active in a hot, dry environment with unsuitable clothing. Maximum water loss.
And they were active in a hot, dry environment with unsuitable clothing. Maximum water loss.

You could sit at your computer and drink a liter of water a day but I doubt you'd WANT too. My point is, with all that other crap, isn't there room for a COMFORTABLE amount of water per person?

Besides, are they really just going to sit on their collective arses, or will they be working to fix a few things?

No one functions well, mentally or physically, when hydration is an issue. Even on a 20dt lifeboat, let alone a 100dt scout, there is bound to be room for a couple of hundred liters of water.
In Mediterranean climate, and to avoid kidney problems (the ones probably more dependent form water intake), urologists reccomend, for a healthy person (some illness wither raise or lower those numbers), about 1.5-2 liters of water (liquids) a day.

Of course, people can live with less than that (about half a litter a day will keep you alive, even on the long run, in this climate), but at increased risk of helath problems like urinary infections, kidney stones, etc...
I like it, but skipping the water issue.
This would be in the ship fresh off the pad, so does the Ship's Locker get inspected and how often and by whom?

Suggestion - as part of Annual Maintenance and by the SPA (or local equivalent)

Other bureaucratic ideas are bubbling around in my head :devil:

Water issue could be dealt with as different amounts varying on a world by world basis. :devil:
Where do you poop. I'm thinking of that cruise liner disaster where the poop deck was an appropriate term. In an emergency in a confined space one better have a way to take care of their waste or things will get nasty quite fast.

Regarding water needs, there are a lot of "experts" that simply quote what they have read and heard from other "experts". 1 liter, 2 liter, 8 glasses, 16 glasses of water...

The typical person need not drink a drop of "water"!:eek:

The more obvious - drinking other liquids.

However, many people could live without drinking at all!:eek:

The water content in many peoples solid food consumption can be a liter or more of water.

Drinking 2 liters in one day can increase ones metabolism and increase energy expenditure. Is this something you would want in a survival situation when food and nutrients are in short supply?

Anyways, for emergency/survival planning, I'd not worry too much about stockpiling large amounts of water.
1) Recycle water. I'm not talking about recycling moisture from your breath and every drop of sweat. A emergency/survivalist fresher could treat, recycle, and dispose of bodily waste. Don't know about your version of Traveller or YTU, but this is something that could be practical.
2) Stock long shelf life "food" that has nutrients and water content. What flavor is your protein paste?
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Regarding water needs, there are a lot of "experts" that simply quote what they have read and heard from other "experts". 1 liter, 2 liter, 8 glasses, 16 glasses of water...

And probably all those experts are right... in their appropiate climates.

The typical person need not drink a drop of "water"!:eek:

The more obvious - drinking other liquids.

That's why I said water (liquids)...

However, many people could live without drinking at all!:eek:

The water content in many peoples solid food consumption can be a liter or more of water.

Drinking 2 liters in one day can increase ones metabolism and increase energy expenditure. Is this something you would want in a survival situation when food and nutrients are in short supply?

You're right, as long as you have Access to fresh food (mostly vegetables (fruits and groceries), as those are the foods with more water content.

And that is exactly what I expect to be scarce in ships where cargo space is at premium and that call on port every 2 weeks (and sometimes in ports where those fresh foods are also scarce to the point to be a luxury).

Anyways, for emergency/survival planning, I'd not worry too much about stockpiling large amounts of water.
1) Recycle water. I'm not talking about recycling moisture from your breath and every drop of sweat. A emergency/survivalist fresher could treat, recycle, and dispose of bodily waste. Don't know about your version of Traveller or YTU, but this is something that could be practical.
2) Stock long shelf life "food" that has nutrients and water content. What flavor is your protein paste?

1) recicle water: that's what I expect in a starship, and, yes, up to the last moisture of your breath and the last drop of your sweat...as long as the life support works properly, and the emergency kits are just for when this is not the case.

2) stocking long shelf life food: most of this food is not precisely with high wáter content, most of it being precisely dehidrated (as is the most safe way to preserve it and the ones that take less space and weight to store).

Of course some canned (or similar preserved) food has a decent (or even high) water content and long shelf life, but those are inefficient from the POV of space or weight, and any loss of seal makes them easy to root, something that doesn't happen in dehidrated food.
That's one really detailed list!

I'm assuming the ship is inspected with all that in mind during the annual maintenance cycle? Or whenever you need to bedevil the players with bureaucratic red tape?

I much prefer the "stocking with credits" method. Your players set aside a lump sum of money for their locker and then can pull whatever common sense articles they need out of said locker by docking the cost of the items against the chunk of money they set aside.

Once they buy a specific item, a fusion still for example, it's noted as being in the locker until they specifically say they've ditched it. Other items, like the vacc suits you mentioned or ammunition for personal weapon as opposed to weapons belonging to the ship, have to be specifically purchased and couldn't be pulled out of thin air.

Of course, just what amounts to common sense articles will lead to discussions between the GM and players! :rofl:
Yes, it's a detailed list; I was a state regulator in a former life - pretty recently actually. There were things like the Marooned blurb, bits from Starship Operator's Manual and the Survival Margins bit about recovering pre-Fall players from the low berths of derelict ships that implied some basic safety equipment was already in place, and there was the occasional debate about what to do if you find yourself misjumped into deep space. I approached this from two angles: 1) what would a multi-thousands-year-old spacefaring culture feel was important enough to mandate to maximize survival and foster commerce and passenger traffic in space, and 2) what would I as gamemaster want to put aboard as a tool to keep the players and their passengers alive and to add color in an emergency, without spending a fortune or giving them tools that they could leverage into too big an advantage in game play. The guy is the proud owner of a 37 million credit ship that he's making Cr154,000 monthly payments on; his passengers are paying Cr10,000 for the privilege of going from point A to point B. Everybody profits if we spend a few thousand credits, once, to make the trip safer.

Some of this was answering questions: why haven't they mandated ELBs on all ships? Answer: there are cheaper alternatives that work just as well for the duration of the typical emergency.

For the record, the water quantity was drawn from Marooned: "In addition to food, each person requires water to sustain life. One liter per day is required in all but desert terrain." The figure is debatable - as the testimony here has shown - but I believe it is adequate for inactive individuals in an enclosed room-temperature environment, especially since the emergency food is not dehydrated and should offer some hydration value as well. I am of course open to suggestion; it's not like the water is taking up much space.

The Tranq Spray, from IE, is a 4-dose spray. I included it as a means of dealing with individual panicky passengers, the guy who goes psychotic, that kind of thing. Once subdued the subject can be restrained until he/she regains composure, or if necessary they can be kept restrained and sedated for the duration of the trip. In an emergency involving multiple passengers, the crew would resort to snub pistols with tranq rounds.

The SPRE's are in staterooms and lounges, not corridors. One presumes they will be situated to not block movement. A proper regulatory set would have codified that, but I was feeling lazy. :D As I've never seen a ship carry enough vacc suits for passengers - that's a big investment even for the low tech ones, there's no guarantee the passenger has the skill to don one independently, and there aren't enough crew in the typical merchantman to help all the passengers into one in an emergency - the SPREs are my principal answer to the question of how to protect the passenger when you need to deliberately depressurize the compartment (as the rules suggest you do if engaged in combat).

As to the question of the SPRE self-inflating: recall that it is connected by umbilicus to the ship's environment system. Inflation makes it available and apparent to the person in the room. That situation presents the guy with the same challenge he faces with a regular rescue ball: specifically, that it starts as a little cylinder and once it opens out, he's gotta figure a way in without losing too much of that air. In the case of the SPRE, he has help: the umbilicus will replace lost air. What I did not want was a situation of alarms going off and untrained passengers losing precious seconds trying to figure out what to do while in a panic. Here, it's obvious: go get in that ball! I'd considered having it deploy if the halon system triggers, as a potential escape from flame, but then I figured the halon system ought to be adequate to smother a fire quickly enough that suffocation was a bigger threat than burns.

And, yes, you do not want the things going off if you're going to intentionally depressurize a compartment while no one is in there. I rather assume one would go around putting them in stand-by mode for that. Such a mode would show on the ship's fire/environment alarm control panel as a flashing red light for that zone, alerting you that you'd need to go in and reset the thing. Umm - how much detail would you like on this system?

Inspection's an interesting point. Some of this stuff can be sold for a quick profit, leaving you without it when you need it most - as appears to have happened in Marooned. I'd say at the very least inspection at the annual maintenance, and then maybe random inspection at the discretion of the port authority (i.e. game master) when you hit port, just to keep players on their toes and give the port authority an excuse to come aboard and poke their nose around.

As to the high tech fusion microplants: I make them standard equipment because they are cheap, at least compared to the price of a ship, and they don't provide enough power to make a game-breaking difference - other than keeping the player alive if he finds himself adrift without main power. The typical merchantman that emerges from jump into trouble can power life support off these things for almost 3 years with the fuel left after jump; that's time for a signal to get from deep space to a nearby star and for rescue to find them (or at least recover the ship and the bank's investment, for anyone not in low berths - I considered having enough food and water for such a situation, but my other rule was to do it invisibly, without taking tonnage from the ship, and that much food takes up perceptible space). I don't see a need to stint on safety if the plants can be imported in at a reasonable price. They can't be maintained locally, but they're about the size of a large suitcase: come maintenance time, they pull the old one, put in a new one, ship the old one to Rhylanor for reconditioning, and the bill for shipping becomes part of your maintenance charge.

Of course, non-Imperial worlds may choose to adopt different strategies rather than import high-tech equipment. You can get a reasonably sized microplant as low as TL12; those are about the size of a water heater, but they cost almost 3 times as much as the TL15 version. I figure a shipbuilder would cut whatever costs he can to make a little more profit (and my list assumed Imperial regs), and something that small is pretty easy to build in large quantities and ship around on the interstellar equivalent of FedEx. If the tech level balks you, go with the TL12 "water heater" as the norm unless the world is higher tech.

No, I did not include provisions for waste; I forgot, to be honest. They're in space. I figure buckets, some plastic wastebasket liners, and the airlock, we're good. On the other hand, they may not be using plastic wastebasket liners on a far future ship - might have waste disposal chutes taking it for incineration. I could add a requirement for a portable toilet and some plastic liners.

{add: I did seriously debate the one in sick bay. That one's pricey - but I figured it's sick bay, we can go the extra step.}
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During WW2 the German Africa Corps were very frequently down to ONE canteen of water a day, often in the form of coffee, or a lemon drink. This for several days at a time.

It should be noted that fully one third, at any given time, suffered from jaundice and dehydration.

Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you should.

If Carlo is adding all that other, "maybe we'll need it one day" stuff, surely we can have a little more water.

The following quote comes from Tactical and Technical Trends No. 16, January 14, 1943, published by the Military Intelligence Service of the US War Department, and as an official US government document is in the public domain.

The following report gives one example of the problem of supply of troops operating in the desert. A German tank battalion, leaving Tripoli for El Agheila in 1941, took the following water supplies for three days' march:


Headquarters Company For Engine Cooling 122* For Washing Purposes 150
5th Company (light) For Engine Cooling 111 For Washing Purposes 100
6th Company (light) For Engine Cooling 114 For Washing Purposes 100
8th Company (medium) For Engine Cooling 93 For Washing Purposes 100
Total For Engine Cooling 440 For Washing Purposes 450

*A11 figures refer to the number of containers carried by the particular unit; each container held about 5 gallons.

The above containers were distributed throughout the battalion as follows: one container per car; two containers per truck, half-track, armored car and light tank; three containers per medium tank.

This quantity of water represented only one-third of the total amount that had to be taken. The remainder was carried in a special water column, and provided about 2 gallons of water per man for the three-day period. The distribution among vehicles was in proportion to the number of personnel carried.

Each company carried 130 containers with water for cooking. These containers were carried on the supply trucks which accompanied the field kitchens.

The total amount of water carried by the battalion was as follows:
Cooling 5,100 gallons, Washing 2,250 gallons, Cooking and Drinking 4,465 gallons. Total 11,815 gallons

A comparison of the amounts per man per day between the British and Germans is as follows: the Germans allow 2/3 of a gallon for washing, 1 1/3 for cooking and drinking; the British allow 1 gallon for washing, and 1 for cooking and drinking.

Note, the British gallon was the Imperial gallon, equal to 1.2 US gallons, or 4.5 liters.
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IMTU, I would have different ratings or package contents in rescue lockers depending on where such were located.

Lockers near engineering sections would contain such things as hazardous environmental suits rated for prolonged exposure to chemical-radiation, such operating well beyond the atypical 'generic' vac suit found in a passenger-crew compartment's inventory.

Also more comprehensive tools for making major repairs to the vessels' vital systems would be present, perhaps even a small store of components needed in those tasks.

Said lockers would be more supplied for damage control and geared to crew rated for such operations.

Near airlocks or other points of egress would be rescue lockers stocked for 'abandon ship' scenarios, such would also be installed in any life-boats or 'hardened' areas of the ship designated as rescue shelters.

Just my opinion but a 'generic' rescue locker is not a bad idea but it's location aboard a starship as well as it's intended purpose would define it's inventory overall.
IMTU, I would have different ratings or package contents in rescue lockers depending on where such were located.

Lockers near engineering sections would contain such things as hazardous environmental suits rated for prolonged exposure to chemical-radiation, such operating well beyond the atypical 'generic' vac suit found in a passenger-crew compartment's inventory.

Also more comprehensive tools for making major repairs to the vessels' vital systems would be present, perhaps even a small store of components needed in those tasks.

Said lockers would be more supplied for damage control and geared to crew rated for such operations.

Near airlocks or other points of egress would be rescue lockers stocked for 'abandon ship' scenarios, such would also be installed in any life-boats or 'hardened' areas of the ship designated as rescue shelters.

Just my opinion but a 'generic' rescue locker is not a bad idea but it's location aboard a starship as well as it's intended purpose would define it's inventory overall.

Interesting points. The game doesn't define what "comprehensive tools" are available, so I'm obliged to accept that whatever they need is either in one of the toolkits or is standard shipboard equipment. Similarly, whether there's a need for hazardous environment suits depends on how you see the drives functioning - might be interesting to require them and then throw a situation at the player where he's actually using the thing: "Your maneuver drive is leaking superheated plasma into the drive room!"

I'd neglected small craft:

Cr150 x #2 Ship's Personal Rescue Enclosures* (Rescue Ball) per cabin/stateroom if so equipped
Cr2000If conducting deep space travel, 1 Electronic Tool Set
Cr1000If conducting deep space travel, 1 Mechanical Tool Set
Cr1500If conducting deep space travel, 1 Metalwork Tool Set
Cr10001 Medical kit
Cr200 x #1 dose of Fast drug per occupant, stored in Medical Kit
Cr1001 Tranq spray, stored in Medical Kit, using a dose-controlled nonlethal agent
Cr150Wall patches
Cr300 x #1 Survival Kit per occupant
Cr250 x #Oxygen candles sufficient to maintain all occupants for a minimum of 15 days
Cr50 x #CO2 scrubbers sufficient to maintain all occupants for a minimum of 15 days
Cr19351 Atmospheric Reentry Kit (JTAS11) per crewman
The small craft shall include at minimum:
1Ship's Personal Rescue Enclosure (SPRE): are standard Rescue Balls with the following modifications: an umbilical port and detachable umbilicus connected to the ship's life support (to provide fresh air flow in event of an extended stay in the SPRE), and a 1-liter "airlock" pocket with zip closures built into the SPRE (to allow items to be passed from outside to the occupant inside with minimal loss of air. When not activated, the SPRE is stored in a wall-mounted box that pops away as the unit is activated and inflates. The unit is automatically activated by a significant drop in pressure.

2TL7 Oxygen candle: a 6 liter, 10 kg. chemical O2 generator designed to release 2600 liters of oxygen over 1 hour, sufficient to raise the O2 level in a 3 meter by 4.5 meter room by 10%, providing oxygen for 20 people for 6 hours. O2 candles should be used by trained crew and only at the recommended intervals since overuse by inexperienced individuals can lead to oxygen toxicity injury or extreme fire hazard. 60 units (0.36 kiloliters) are required per 20 occupants or fraction thereof, sufficient for 15 days. (Note: under normal circumstances, O2 levels for 20 persons in a 3 meter by 4.5 meter room would reach dangerous levels - i .e. unconsciousness - in 6 to 8 hours.)

3TL7 CO2 scrubber: A 30cm by 30 cm by 18 cm (16 liter) self-powered chemical CO2 removal unit containing 7.5 liters of soda lime and a battery powered fan. The unit will run for 24 hours once started and can be stopped and restarted. The unit is rated to keep a 3 meter by 4.5 meter room occupied by 20 people free from excess CO2 for up to 3 hours. (Consumption rate drops gradually, requiring an additional unit to be activated at about 4 hour intervals to maintain levels below 2%). 125 units (2 kiloliters) are required per 20 occupants or fraction thereof, sufficient for 15 days. (Note: under normal circumstances, CO2 levels for 20 persons in a 3 meter by 4.5 meter room would reach dangerous levels - i .e. unconsciousness - in 4 to 5 hours.)
http://ch.minearc.com.au/files/minearc/uploads/2012 CASPA (web)_2.pdf

All couches will be equipped with emergency full body enclosures built into the couch such that they may be pulled out from the couch edge and zipped closed to fully enclose the seat's occupant and provide protection against vacuum. The couch emergency enclosures will deliver air from the boat's environmental system.

The boat will maintain all crewmen in vacc suit at all times; the vacc suit may be worn without gloves, helm or PLSS, but those items will be kept within reach of the crewman. The requirement may also be met by a crewman wearing a body pressure suit. In either case, the suit will be equipped to take air from the boat's environmental systems via a detachable umbilical, and sufficient umbilicals will be available to serve all crew. If the boat contains a cabin or stateroom used by the crew, off-duty crew using the cabin/stateroom do not need to be in vacc suits.

In addition, the boat will have:
  • Internally illuminated exit signs powered from the boat's standard and emergency power but with independent battery backup, posted over each bulkhead exit.
  • Emergency flood lights adjacent to the emergency exit signs, set to illuminate the area adjacent to the bulkhead exit, powered from ship's emergency power, activating on failure of ship's standard power.
  • Emergency illumination LED strips along the bottom edge of each wall, powered from ship's emergency power but with independent battery back-up, activating on failure of ship's standard power, providing sufficient emergency light to illuminate the corridor for passage. Strips will be configured to display arrows pointing to the nearest exit.
  • Atmosphere testers, powered from ship's standard and emergency power but with independent battery backup, wall-mounted near the bulkhead exit with a repeater display on the other side of the bulkhead, in each major compartment. A built-in sonic alarm, visible strobe and recorded voice warning will trigger in the event of atmospheric hazard including excess CO2, excess or drop in O2 levels beyond safe range (18% - 24% at 1 atmosphere), presence of smoke indicating fire, presence of other noxious chemical, or drop in atmospheric pressure of 15% or greater.
  • Heat-activated halon gas fire extinguisher systems.
  • Failsafe mechanical pressure indicators at each bulkhead exit, to indicate the presence or absence of pressure on the other side in event of failure of the atmosphere testing unit.
  • Iris hatches with access to ship's main and emergency power, and with independent battery backup, designed so that they will close automatically on trigger of a safety alarm by the atmosphere tester or by activation of the halon fire control system, and so that they will not open when there is a pressure differential greater than 0.5 atmospheres on the opposite side. Where manual hatches are used in place of iris hatches, they will be equipped with default mechanical spring closures; they may be equipped with an electromagnetic device to remain open during normal use, but the electromagnetic device will be designed to deactivate in the event of the atmosphere tester triggers a safety alarm, the fire control system is activated, or the ship's main power fails.
  • Emergency air masks in prominently marked boxes at each passenger seat or in each cabin/stateroom if so equipped, with a 5-minute air charge cylinder, in event of activation of the halon system.

The boat will have an independent emergency power grid delivering power from emergency power sources to the boat's emergency systems. The emergency systems will consist of:
  1. the boat's communications system,
  2. the boat's transponder,
  3. the boat's air lock,
  4. the boat's iris valve doors,
  5. the boat's fire control system,
  6. the boat's bulkhead exit signs and emergency flood lights,
  7. the boat's emergency LED corridor lighting,
  8. the boat's low berths including emergency low berths,
  9. basic life support for the bridge, drive room, and passenger areas.

The boat's emergency power sources will consisting of:
  1. one 135 Kw fusion microplant (TL15, 90 liter, Cr18,000), located on the bridge, with a 15-day (300-liter) integral fuel supply and access to the main fuel tanks, per 20 occupants or fraction thereof;
  2. hull-mounted solar cells in quantity and arrangement sufficient to independently power emergency systems from the orbit of a habitable world; and
  3. battery back-up power sufficient to power the same for 15 days.

The boat's low berths and emergency low berths, if so equipped, will be powered on an independent circuit from radioisotope power generators located in the drive section. The generators shall have a rated life of 4 years new and shall be recharged annually at the boat's annual maintenance. The boat's low berths and emergency low berths will have access to main and emergency power in case of damage to or destruction of the RPG power circuit.