This is the latest in my ongoing (and unofficial) series of ships for T20. The focus is on ships that are likely to be used or encountered in adventures. All ships are designed using High Guard Shipyard software. (Please note, this ship is *deliberately* suboptimised)
Ship: Java Sea
Class: Seas
Type: Frigate
Architect: Andrew Moffatt-Vallance
Tech Level: 13
FF-63345F2-340000-40004-0 MCr 498.016 600 Tons
Bat Bear 2 1 1 Crew: 16
Bat 2 1 1 TL: 13
Cargo: 70.000 Fuel: 210.000 EP: 30.000 Agility: 3 Pulse Lasers
Craft: 2 x 20T Ships Boats
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Architects Fee: MCr 4.980 Cost in Quantity: MCr 398.413
Detailed Description
600.000 tons standard, 8,400.000 cubic meters, Cylinder Configeration
Pilot, Navigator, 5 Engineers, Medic, 4 Gunners, 4 Flight Crew
Jump-3, 4G Manuever, Power plant-5, 30.000 EP, Agility 3
Bridge, Model/6fib Computer
6 Hardpoints
2 Triple Missile Turrets in 1 Battery (Factor-4), 2 Triple Pulse Laser Turrets in 1 Battery (Factor-4)
2 Triple Sandcaster Turrets in 2 Batteries (Factor-4), Armoured Hull (Factor-3)
2 20.000 ton Ships Boatss (Crew of 2)
210.000 Tons Fuel (3 parsecs jump and 30 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant
9.0 Staterooms, 70.000 Tons Cargo
MCr 502.996 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 4.980), MCr 398.413 in Quantity
99 Weeks Singly, 79 Weeks in Quantity
Command of a small escort has never been a much sought after posting. Yet these unglamourous ships have probably done more to hold the Imperium together and seen more action than all of the Imperial Navy's other vessels combined. It is also true that most senior naval commanders began their careers on such vessels.
Capable of dealing with all but the largest of pirates, the Seas is typical of this type of small escort. Designed around a simple armoured cylinder hull (with it's decks arranged at right angles to the axis of thrust) and armed with a standard mix of lasers, missiles and sandcasters, the class represents a cost effective solution to requirements of peacetime patrol and law enforcement. The classes jump 3 performance prevents it from maintaining pace with the battle fleet, but is nonetheless more than adequate for routine patrol and keeping station with merchant convoys.
The class features rather cramped accommodations, only the commander and first officer having seperate staterooms, while the two remaining officers share a single dual occupancy stateroom, and the remaining crew are accommodated in three large bunkroooms (treat each as two combined staterooms). Despite this, most of these ships are able to maintain good crew morale.
Ship: Java Sea
Class: Seas
Type: Frigate
Architect: Andrew Moffatt-Vallance
Tech Level: 13
FF-63345F2-340000-40004-0 MCr 498.016 600 Tons
Bat Bear 2 1 1 Crew: 16
Bat 2 1 1 TL: 13
Cargo: 70.000 Fuel: 210.000 EP: 30.000 Agility: 3 Pulse Lasers
Craft: 2 x 20T Ships Boats
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Architects Fee: MCr 4.980 Cost in Quantity: MCr 398.413
Detailed Description
600.000 tons standard, 8,400.000 cubic meters, Cylinder Configeration
Pilot, Navigator, 5 Engineers, Medic, 4 Gunners, 4 Flight Crew
Jump-3, 4G Manuever, Power plant-5, 30.000 EP, Agility 3
Bridge, Model/6fib Computer
6 Hardpoints
2 Triple Missile Turrets in 1 Battery (Factor-4), 2 Triple Pulse Laser Turrets in 1 Battery (Factor-4)
2 Triple Sandcaster Turrets in 2 Batteries (Factor-4), Armoured Hull (Factor-3)
2 20.000 ton Ships Boatss (Crew of 2)
210.000 Tons Fuel (3 parsecs jump and 30 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant
9.0 Staterooms, 70.000 Tons Cargo
MCr 502.996 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 4.980), MCr 398.413 in Quantity
99 Weeks Singly, 79 Weeks in Quantity
Command of a small escort has never been a much sought after posting. Yet these unglamourous ships have probably done more to hold the Imperium together and seen more action than all of the Imperial Navy's other vessels combined. It is also true that most senior naval commanders began their careers on such vessels.
Capable of dealing with all but the largest of pirates, the Seas is typical of this type of small escort. Designed around a simple armoured cylinder hull (with it's decks arranged at right angles to the axis of thrust) and armed with a standard mix of lasers, missiles and sandcasters, the class represents a cost effective solution to requirements of peacetime patrol and law enforcement. The classes jump 3 performance prevents it from maintaining pace with the battle fleet, but is nonetheless more than adequate for routine patrol and keeping station with merchant convoys.
The class features rather cramped accommodations, only the commander and first officer having seperate staterooms, while the two remaining officers share a single dual occupancy stateroom, and the remaining crew are accommodated in three large bunkroooms (treat each as two combined staterooms). Despite this, most of these ships are able to maintain good crew morale.