If anyone out there has React experience, I'd love your opinions and suggestions.
I'm learning React at work, and I think one way to help me learn React is to design a Traveller shipyard program with it.
My idea is to do it sort of like an enhanced spreadsheet, so I could use a datagrid to display the ship's components. A pool of basic components will let the user add components to the ship, and custom editors allow modifications.
The problem is that I don't (yet) know the React way of doing this. What I do know is how to logically organize components:
For example, the single-page app would have a datagrid taking up most of the real estate, with a toolbar on the top (or bottom) that has a few important controls. For example, a pick list lets the user add a new component to the datagrid.
The datagrid itself displays data common to every component -- for example, volume, cost, and a description.
Every ship component has its own class, and its own editor for that class.
The event model seems straightforward.
I don't need Redux.
I'm learning React at work, and I think one way to help me learn React is to design a Traveller shipyard program with it.
My idea is to do it sort of like an enhanced spreadsheet, so I could use a datagrid to display the ship's components. A pool of basic components will let the user add components to the ship, and custom editors allow modifications.
The problem is that I don't (yet) know the React way of doing this. What I do know is how to logically organize components:
For example, the single-page app would have a datagrid taking up most of the real estate, with a toolbar on the top (or bottom) that has a few important controls. For example, a pick list lets the user add a new component to the datagrid.
The datagrid itself displays data common to every component -- for example, volume, cost, and a description.
Every ship component has its own class, and its own editor for that class.
The event model seems straightforward.
I don't need Redux.