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[Shipyard] List of Zhodani ship designs


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award


Up for Grabs

Zhodani - C-VS42 Vlezhdatl
Zhodani - C-VS44 Dodielchiatl Council Cruiser
Zhodani - E-DU64 Zhdits
Zhodani - G-FU24 Shivva
Zhodani - M-HU14 Chtabl-class Liner
Zhodani - S-AS22 Ninz
Zhodani - S-BS24 Qliaf
Zhodani - V-FS44 Sesavetl

Potentially Helpful Notes

Vlezhdatl. This ship is a short-range “artillery piece” – a cruiser with high battle endurance, sometimes carried in squadrons by a tender to a destination and then deployed. The design focuses on heavy armor and weaponry; it has a Jump-2 drive for short hops.

Dodielchatl. Commanded by a man named Vlezpridliashav, the Echtovr Dazhia is a 2,000 ton Zhodani Dodielchiatl-class Cruiser (aka Council Cruiser: a Cruiser owned by the Supreme Council (Qlomdlabr) of the Zhodani Consulate).

It is fitted with the Fliebr L-480T2 jump drive, the 5x47T2u Kadlitinj generator maneuver drive, and the Tobrjde T24+q power plant, giving performance of Jump-4 and 4G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 1,240 tons supports 3 weeks of operations and two jumps totalling up to 6 parsecs. On the bridge is a computer Model/5phot.

There are 24 staterooms and 8 emergency low berths. The ship has eight barbettes containing a mix of offensive and defensive emplacements. There are three ship's vehicles: one GCarrier in a hull niche, one 40-ton pinnace, and one Ninz-class Scout; the craft fit into streamlined brackets on the outer hull. Cargo capacity is 53 tons, plus 5 tons on the scout.

The Cruiser requires a crew of 7: pilot, astrogator, four engineers, and medic. It typically operates with a crew of 14, which adds a sensor tech, 4 gunners, and 2 scout crewmen. These also act as a security force, and are capable of operating the GCarrier and Pinnace. The ship can carry passengers in empty staterooms (up to 10 in the ship and 5 more in the scout).

Zhdits. It is fitted with the Tliv type H4-hx jump drive, the RTBN Model M.65 maneuver drive, and the Frietev PL PP78 power plant, giving performance of Jump-4 and 6G acceleration.

Shivva. A Shivva-class ship tasked with picket duty in and around District 268. It sports the Chiata M/4 jump drive, the Biafrchtev mF/2 maneuver drive, and the Tobrjde M4+i power plant, giving performance of Jump-4 and 2G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 224 tons supports 2 weeks of maneuver in addition to one jump-4. It has a fuel purifier, but no fuel scoops, relying on a 50 ton fuel shuttle to scoop fuel for it (requiring eight skimming runs at a gas giant). The ship carries 11 other craft: a 50 ton fuel shuttle, and ten small fighters.

The Jadsva requires 18 crew: an Astrogator, 11 pilots in 8 staterooms, 2 engineers, 3 gunners in 2 staterooms, and 1 medic. There are no passenger staterooms, and no low berths. The astrogator is also a Psionic Adept with Remote Mentation ability, who in addition to normal astrogation duties serves as a Commcaster between the ten fighter pilots.

This class of patrol frigate is an ubiquitous Zhodani Navy design most frequently encountered of the types deployed on and beyond the Consulate frontier districts. The class is often deployed well beyond Zhodani borders.

Sample names (-va = light, thus Shivva = moonlight): Alekrva, Brnava, Doruva, Jadsva, Jirtodva, Loyhva, Mielrva, Shivva, Uturva.

Chtabl. Using an 800-ton hull, the Zhodani liner Chtabl is a passenger vessel used primarily along the main routes of the Consulate. It sports the Tliadl Engines 4xR jump drive, the Pliets-Shtiaqr 19.D maneuver drive, and the Lians Mk4734-R power plant, giving performance of Jump-4 and 1G acceleration. Fuel tankage for 283 tons supports 2 weeks' normal operations plus one jump-4. Installed on the bridge is an advanced Model/4 computer, with an S2 semi-organic brain. The ship does not carry any weaponry, but two hardpoints contain empty, deployable T1 turrets to serve as emergency lifepods. There is one ship's vehicle, a 40 ton slow pinnace. Cargo capacity is 115 tons. The ship is not streamlined.

The Zhodani liner requires a crew of 10: astrogator, pilot, 4 engineers, 3 stewards, and 1 medic. The pilot operates the pinnace. The ship can carry 36 passengers, up to 24 of them in high passage. The ship can also carry up to 34 passengers in low berths.

Ninz. Using a 100-ton streamlined hull, the Ninz-class Scout is an exploratory vessel, primarily intended to be operated in times of war. It is used extensively for patrols, and it has an armored hull to prolong its life in battle. The Stezdechta sports the Chiata A/2 jump drive, the Biafrchtev mA/2 maneuver drive, and the Bonzhtlensh Chezzhdiakl A power plant, and is capable of Jump-2 and 2G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 23 tons supports 3 weeks of operations and one jump-2. On the bridge is a computer Model/4. There are 7 passenger staterooms and no low berths. The ship has a double turret installed, bearing beam lasers. There is one ship's vehicle: an air/raft. Cargo capacity is 5 tons.

The Zhodani scout requires a crew of one: pilot/astrogator/engineer. The ship can carry up to 12 additional personnel at double occupancy, depending on function and other requirements.

Qliaf. Using a 200-ton hull, the Qliaf courier is a private vessel used by government officials for travel and diplomatic purposes. It sports the Shozatinj type 54 jump drive, the Chiata Impulse B2 maneuver drive, and the Df-4 Diafrpa power plant, and is capable of Jump-4 and 2G acceleration. Fuel tankage for 83 tons supports 2 weeks of standard operations and one jump-4. Installed on the bridge is an advanced Model/5 fib computer, with a semi-organic brain-3. There are 9 staterooms and no low berths. The ship has one deployable, hybrid triple turret, which serves as en emergency lifepod. There is one ship's vehicle: a TL14 gravitic speeder. Cargo capacity is 16 tons. The ship is streamlined.

The Zhodani courier requires a crew of four: pilot/astrogator, engineer, medic and gunner. A qualified crewman operates the speeder. The ship can carry four passengers – the owner and his retinue – and an optional steward or fifth passenger.

Sesavetl. The Sesavetl-class corvette is faster than the Shivva, with a bit less armor and fewer smallcraft but slightly better weapons.

Currently assigned to the Egyrn subsector of the Trojan Reach, the Brenzliezhdiafl was the 200th unit produced. It is equipped with the Tsopr Systems M12-4u jump drive, the Biafrchtev mM/4 maneuver drive, and the Frietev PL QQ52 power plant, and is capable of Jump-4 and 5G acceleration. Fuel tankage of 260 tons supports one jump-4 and 2 weeks of normal operations. On the bridge is a Model/5 computer.

It has 24 tons of cargo space.

The corvette carries 5 fighters of the same configuration as those carried by the Shivva-class frigate.