The plasma field - not read enough about it, but we need some handwavium to stop all that hard radiation out there, don't we
Ah but the catch is - what kind of radiation?

You have charged particles (cosmic rays), neutron (atomics), and EM and all have different ways of being stopped.
Charged particle radiation (around GG's, solar winds, etc) can be stopped by plasma, magnetic fields and materials. However...if you stop the charged particle too quickly (hitting hull plating or a super strong field) you get bremsstrahlung (braking radiation). The faster you stop it the harder the EM radiation it releases - so if your ships hull his hit by a proton beam, the protons wont penetrate the hull but everything inside will get blasted by gamma and X-rays. So the best way to protect against charged particles is to slow them down or deflect them _slowly_.
Conversely neutrons and hard EM radiation can only be stopped by dense materials, the denser the better. But dense materials means a lot of bremsstrahlung with charged particles. So your would want to stop the charged particles first and then the EM/neutrons.
But again there is a trade off - charged particle moving along a magnetic field emit synchotron radiation - giving the same sort of effect as the auroae on Earth. So if your ship enters a charged particle field with a strong magnetic shield, the ship would light up like a christmas tree and any EM sensors/comms would be swamped with static.
Another interesting effect of magnetic fields can be seen with Io and Jupiter. Io brushes along Jupiters magnetic field as it orbits, building up a super electric charge which it 'earths' by arcing to Jupiter. So if your ship flies between a close moon and a GG expect to get hit by a multi-gigawatt lightning bolt (oops).
On Edit: See's Whipsnades post and decides to start whistling....