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[Silhouette/Traveller] Glimmerdrift Reaches (993IY) Interest Check


SOC-14 1K
Tl;dr Elevator Pitch

Rim War Era/Glimmerdrift Reaches Traveller campaign using DP9’s Silhouette mechanics except for ship combat. I made a Silhouette hack of MT’s Expanded Character Generation and it seems to work well. The rules mesh well with Merchant Prince mechanics, and other Mongoose mechanics. Campaign will be dangerous, would be open to try troupe play (multiple characters per player) depending on campaign. Main goal of PC’s is to survive, thrive and make a difference either for their patron or their bank accounts. Scenario ideas revolve around pirates/privateers, piracy/anti-piracy, grey ops and so on. Play on Roll20/Google Hangouts OR PbP(Rpol.net). Details follow…

DING! Third floor, women’s cosmetics and men’s shoes.


Glimmerdrift Reaches
All of these ideas take place in the Glimmerdrift Reaches during the Rim War. In this version, the Rim War is going badly for the Imperium and has not seen the momentum slowed (as per canon). The primary effect of this is that Imperial resources are dwindling in outlying areas, Solomani involvement in the sector is increasing, piracy is sky-rocketing and the various powers that be are all jockeying for influence in the sector.

The Solomani are stepping up their activities in order to weaken the Imperium and supporting/undermining local polities as part of this goal. Commerce-raiding, flag-showing operations and other activities are being undertaken by naval units. Far more frequent is the use of privateers and pirates to undercut the region’s stability. If the Solomani can gain basing in the Glimmerdrift, they will be well-poised to flank the Imperium.

The Imperium is drained of ships and manpower but struggling to respond to these moves. With the lack of resources, the issuance of letters of marque and other means to strike back against the Solomani have been the primary response. Their client states are suffering, trade between Delphi and the rest of Gateway Domain is flagging, and they can’t seem to stop the decline in relations amongst the Glimmerdrift polities and systems. Espionage is taking off, black bag ops are weakening their influence and networks… it really sucks to be the Imperium right now.

Both powers are engaged in power-games and diplomacy among the independent systems and weak multi-system polities of the sector. These sector polities see opportunity amidst the chaos and draw support from one or both powers. Some planets have declared for one power over another while most ready themselves for the coming storm and play the factions off against each other.

The Grand Duchy of Stoner continues its isolating posture but is positioning itself to commercially dominate the Alpha Quadrant. The Federation of Heron, a federation in name only, has long been the source of piracy in the sector and this has only increased. The Farreach Margravate is weakened and failing in the oncoming threat of the Loyal Nineworlds Republic. Both powers skirt the edges of open warfare and once the shooting starts, it is likely the Margravate will not survive. The Glimmerdrift Trade Consortium is struggling against the rise in piracy and their commercial dominance in the Alpha and Beta quadrants.

And in the cracks, some systems see an opportunity… a chance for empire.

All campaigns will have a ship. I have the entire line of 0-hour ship products. They are non-Traveller but beautiful deck plans. The ships will be chosen from this line unless someone is dying to use black and white graphline deckplans. The range of available ships is dependent on the type of campaign but it will be your choice.

Basic Ship Images here:


Troupe Play
Most of the ideas below can also involve Troupe Play. This is where the players can have more than one Character on the ship. There will be general rules limiting a player to one character per scene as much as allowed. This will also assist us in covering for less players interested in this kind of game. How this is done is up to the players… a command team character and line team character or combat and non-combat? Your call.

Silhouette Mechanics
This will use DP9’s Silhouette (Heavy Gear/Jovian Chronicles) for all mechanics except spacecraft warfare. This includes attributes, skills, perks/flaws. Smaller fighter combat may be used in either system. The conversion is fairly obvious as skill levels are similar and the attributes use +/-. It’s a d6 system with a dice pool with attributes providing modifiers. The vehicle/tactical combat system is really good and will make military/combat expeditions more interesting and coherent.

Mongoose Spacecraft/Space Combat
Since this is the easiest and has the most ship templates available, we’ll use Mongoose for ship combat. In addition, all ships will be statted using Mongoose with a little jimmying here and there.

Megatraveller/Silhouette Expanded Character Generation
The expanded generation tables for MT have been hacked to work for this game. I’ve done a number of test chargen and it seems to work fairly well. They’re a little underpowered for Silhouette but the ability to improve skills and pick up new ones should remedy that.
AVAILABLE: Pre-Career, Army, Marines, Navy, Scouts, Merchant Prince, Agent, Bounty Hunter,
EXPECTED AVAILABILITY: Privateer/Corsair, Journalist, Noble, Criminal, Scientist (ie. I’m working on ‘em!)

I’m merging Silhouette and Traveller equipment. It’ll work… trust me. Basically, if you want something off the Traveller equipment list, I’ll find equivalent stats/benefits in Silhouette or make them up. Ditto in reverse. Battledress is easily built as exo-suits in Silhouette and I’m open to allowing larger models (gears) if people want.

Game Preferences
PbP is the easiest for me. The pace is something I can handle well. I do have Roll20 but that would require more prep and sessions may have to be every/other week which always bogs things down. But we do move a lot faster…

I’m in CST. I am willing to discuss.
These pitches are all variations on each other. None of them focus on mercantile activity or the classic “Travelling” campaign. I prefer games with a bit more action and focus than just “Travelling” because its usually more profitable to stay away from danger! And that’s no fun.

I’ve been pretty inspired by reading the Pirates of the Drinax campaign. So that definitely colors all of these ideas. It may seem there is a focus for all of them is on hunting down people/ships, shooting them/it, and taking the stuff. There is. But the Drinax campaign also has elements of diplomacy, fostering goodwill, playing factions off against each other… there’s a lot more to it than just shooting and taking.

This is essentially the Pirates of the Drinax campaign except placed in the Glimmerdrift Reaches. The Group will be privateers/pirates in the service of an ambitious local polity. Their goal will be to disrupt trade amongst their hostile neighbors, hamper Imperial/Solomani efforts to improve their patrons bargaining position, and engender goodwill where possible amongst neighboring systems. Their patron seeks an empire… all he has is the Group to deliver it to him.

Focus: Pirates of the Drinax campaign… in a nutshell
Character Types: Any but military/naval/scout being most common and useful
Crew Size:6-25, troupe play
Ship Range:200-800 tons
Available Ships: Mourning Wolf Light Patrol/Fighter Escort (Wolves of Albion), Shadow Wolf Covert Recon (Wolves of Albion), Cygnus Long-Range Recon, several others.

Just plain pirates. This campaign and the one preceding it are very similar and interchangeable. Except this one has a bit more villainous bent to it… maybe they are freelance scum or supported by Ral Ranta to weaken the entire sector. We can discuss but “bad guy” campaigns can go wrong fast due to one person always being worse than the others… caveat emptor.

Focus: Piracy, Smuggling, Bad Guys
Character Types: Any, military or criminal helpful
Crew Size: 6-25
Ship Range:200-800 tons
Available Ships: Hmm… we’ll have to see since you’re scum.

The Imperium needs help! The Group has been given a Letter of Marque and a ship. Their mission to patrol the Glimmerdrift, show the Imperial flag, foster goodwill amongst the systems, hunt down pirates and safeguard shipping, and… strike back against the Solomani. While the leash is long, the group will be called on for various espionage and “diplomatic” ops. They could be reactivated Scouts or just called back to duty by the Archduke from their retirement. Or they could just be offered the job because the Imperium has scraped the bottom of the barrel out here in the Reaches…

A variation of this could be called “Stalking Horse” where the group pretends to be freelance pirate-hunters to avoid notice by the Solomani. Or they pretend to be pirates to infiltrate and destroy them.

Focus: Pirate-hunting, commerce-raiding, foreign relations
Character Types: Any, military helpful
Crew Size: 6-25
Ship Range:200-800 tons
Available Ships: Mourning Wolf Light Patrol/Fighter Escort (Wolves of Albion), Shadow Wolf Covert Recon (Wolves of Albion), Cygnus Long-Range Recon, Drake/Horizon Patrol-Carrier, Talon, variations of Scout and Naval vessels

The rise in lawlessness has resulted in a need for extra-judicial action. Taking contracts from independent systems, local powers and even the Imperium at times, the crew specializes in bounty-hunting, extraction, and staying afloat financially.

Essentially, it’s close to the classic Traveller campaign but the focus is on bounty-hunting and freelance pirate-hunting. The ship will have minimal cargo space for mercantile activities but it is possible.

Focus: Bounty Hunting, Ship Tracing, Merc Ops (small scale), Mercantile Activity
Character Types: Any
Crew Size: Small (2-6)
Ship Range:100-400 tons
Available Ships: Kintaro Yacht, Talon, Gryphon, Renegade, Exeter, Chiron, Scout Ship, Marava, and other standard Traveller types


This would be the closest to your standard Traveller game. I think most “aimless merchant-adventurer” games flounder so we would need to discuss a campaign arc and objectives. If we did do this, the group would likely have a Type S.

Focus: “Jobs”
Character Types: Any
Crew Size: Depends on ship type. Preferably small.
Ship Range:100-300 tons
Available Ships: Scarab Bulk Trader, Renegade General Purpose, Gryphon/Phoenix Armed Trader, Lakota Armed Courier, Exeter Free Trader, Jo Lynn Free Trader, Wayfarer/Shadowhawk Scout (S-type), Chiron, Scout Ship, Marava, and other standard Traveller types

Thoughts and Discussion?
I’m open to discussions on all of the above ideas and adjusting them to fit the players needs.

Game Preferences
PbP is the easiest for me. The pace is something I can handle well. I do have Roll20 but that would require more prep and sessions may have to be every/other week which always bogs things down. But we do move a lot faster…

I’m in CST. I am willing to discuss.
I've put a ton of non-canon stuff based off of the often very sparse canon stuff on the Glimmerdrift and adjacent areas on the wiki for use if it helps.

I could do a Ral Rantan character.