Hi, I'm new here to pick up more info on Traveller ship designing, and saw the Campaign Cartographer question.
I write SF, my series, published by DAW has the 7th bookout on Jan 7th adn I use a mix of Classic Traveller and Gurps Traveller to design the ships cos waaay back in book 2 my editor told me to do that. I used pencil and paper, then stumbled over CC2.
It is fantastic, AND they are even now working on an SF Add On, never mind just a symbol set! As well as that, they just revamped the basic CC2 into CC2 Pro and it has a Universal updater for all the add ons you own. You need Dungeon Designer too as it is for all Interiors.
I got ProFantasy interested in contacting Marc Miller about then making some arrangement with him to use The Naval Architects Manual in the SF Add On which I was lucky enough to buy on e-bay. Keep your fingers crossed because given the standard and ease of mapping ships already, it is going to be fantastic! Not that you can't do a great job now, but with more SF based symbols for engine rooms and such...
Go to the Download secion of
www.profantasy.com and look for one called the Couana, it's a space ship I designed with the help of Andre Ellem and is up on their site. I mention it cos obviously I remeber it. <grin> There's many more there and most of the designers are also Traveller people.
There are lots of symbols you can use for space ships if you download a few Deck Plans from their Download area cos those up there are allowing you to use the symbols embedded in their drawings. Read any text files or Disclaimers of course cos not everyone wants you to use their laboriously designed symbolss.
If you want more info on this, mail me.
Currently I have a forum board up asking for help planning a mission for the next novel using Traveller style set up n ships, and mapping in CC2 the city they have to retake. If interested in planning to retake one imperial city on an underpopulated higher tech world than the good guys, without destroying said city, (TL 12-14 I think..)please visit us and at least read what we have there. There are quite a few CC2/Traveller folk there already as I said. Feel free to post as well if you wish. Not just that, in the General forum you can ask them about their deck plans and experiences as CC2 users, plus get plans from them.
My forum is at,
It's at