My problem is that I mentally convert Traveller dTons into wet ship gross tons or measurement tons. Gross tons is a measurement of internal ship volume in terms of 100 cubic feet blocks. Measurement tons is a measure of cargo carrying volume at the rate of 40 cubic feet per ton.
If you use the standard rounding of a Traveller dTon is equal to 500 cubic feet (the actual cubic footage is 494.4 cubic feet is you use a 14 cubic meter Traveller dTon or 476.8 cubic feet if you use the more accurate 13.5 cubic meter Traveller dTon), and compare those to a World War 2 Liberty ship, you get some interesting results. The Liberty was equal to about 7200 Gross tons or 11,500 Measurement tons, and was rated at a dead weight carrying capacity of 10,800 long tons. That was a total of fuel, stores, and cargo, with 8,000 tons being cargo and 2800 tons being fuel and stores if loaded for maximum range.
Based on Traveller dTons, a Liberty would be a 1440 dTon sized hull, and have a cargo volume of 920 dTons. A 5,000 dTon Traveller hull would be about 3.5 times the size of a Liberty. That is not a small ship. It you simply used the same proportions, the 5,000 dTon hull could carry, potentially, 28,000 tons of cargo.
How much cargo is going to be shipped over interstellar distances that can justify ships larger than a 5000 dTon hull? Especially when you consider that there is a minimum carrying cost of 1,000 Imperial Credits per dTon, although it makes much more sense to charge for cargo in terms of either mass or volume.